BC Producer: First Grow


My new drip system is failing. The little pump in the res doesn't have enough power to push the water al the way up and down. Almost lost another one this morning. The system is as finicky as an Italian sports car.

I'll change it over once again this weekend to something different.

I'm also concerned about the progression of my yellowing leaf issue.

PH is 5.6 to 6 and PPM is 590. Using calmag, sensi bloom and a little hygrozyme in bottled water.

Picture 4.jpg


Day 20

I flipped the water today and brought the nutes up to 900PPM in RO water. I'm hoping the plants were just underfed. After burning them the first week maybe I was trigger shy on the last batch. We'll see.

I also had to redo the irrigation: this time with drippers that are level.

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That's definitely enough light. A leak or something?
You know I started thinking about a light leak issue and quickly realized that there are giant holes in the back of the Producer that are meant for venting air. I didn't have any ducting on there so I did that today which should reduce the light leak. With that said the box is in it's own room that's already dark for the most part but maybe this was an issue.


I hooked up the CO2 on Sunday. Over the last couple days I noticed the plants have seemed to perk up. I also pumped up the nutes to 900PPM and I don't see any burn yet so maybe that helped too.



Here's a new video I shot a couple days ago. They're getting big! Some are about to touch the glass so I'll have to tie them down this weekend.



Day 28


Everyone said that these things run how and they're right. My water is at 81º and my air was at 89º yesterday and that's without the carbon filter. I messed around with with the ducts and got the air down to 81º. I bought some blue ice and dumped a couple of those in the tub this morning to see if I can get the water down at least 5º.


I don't know about you but these plants look weird to me. They're too thin. Am I wrong? They touched the glass this week so I tied them down. I had a little burn on one of the tops but it'll survive.

* Veg light is on just for the photos. Normally these are 12/12 under 2x 400 watt HPS blubs.


Will I ever get the nutes right? What's wrong with this leaf? I had a trouble getting clones so when I finally found someone I was just happy to get something. The problem is that something was a mix of multiple strains which I think is making it hard for me to adjust the nutes so everyone is happy at the same time. Next round I'll stick to one breed.

This weeks mix:
  • 10 gallons RO Water
  • 50 ML Calmag
  • 60 ML Hygrozyme
  • 80 ML Sensi Bloom Part A
  • 80 ML Sensi Bloom Part B
  • Result 730 PPM w/ 5.6 PH and running CO2

* Veg light is on just for the photos. Normally these are 12/12 under 2x 400 watt HPS blubs.

Final Shot

* Veg light is on just for the photos. Normally these are 12/12 under 2x 400 watt HPS blubs.

They are thin because of the light leaks you had from the loose ducting earlier in the thread. Or did that turn out not to be the problem? Is there any way to get that ceiling up or the pots down? Another idea might be to make a screen and start weaving them in it for a canopy. Look up some scrogging methods and ask around. Maybe one of the old guys on here can help with that.


They are thin because of the light leaks you had from the loose ducting earlier in the thread. Or did that turn out not to be the problem? Is there any way to get that ceiling up or the pots down? Another idea might be to make a screen and start weaving them in it for a canopy. Look up some scrogging methods and ask around. Maybe one of the old guys on here can help with that.
I'm not really sure how to test for light leaks because the box it too small to be inside and close the door! With that said, I think I chilled the leaks out. As far as the height restriction, the Producer is a metal box so there no way to increase the height.



I added a fan today to help (I hope) with the heat and maybe strengthen the plants.

P.S. Why does the uploader rotate my photo?



Well-Known Member
Hey bud I skimmed threw your thread a bit fast..
Was just really looking to see if anyone has tried to help you yet, and from what I read its more people chimming in saying get to soil then actually trying to help.

First I would like to comment on the way the plant grew. You got big stretchy thin plants because in the start you went right to 12/12 with undeveloped clones. also the amount of light you had when you first starting contributed to the extreme stretch, They will stretch regardless when you put em to 12.12, and without enought light, they stretch even more. Next time I will think you should give em a few weeks to veg. At least a week. That way the plant can grow out some vegetative growth to aid later on in flower (more leafs = more engery being able to produce) Also will give time for the roots to grow into the new media. From there I will like to comment on the PPM's you were running in the start....DONT TAKE THIS AS THE WORD OF GOD but when you start with clones it should be something like this
Say for the first week run around 200ppm's for the clones, Kick it up once you see them to start growing, maybe like 600....let me have fun in that, if your gonna do like a three week veg Ill get em up to 900 ppm's in the most aggressive veg stage. Ive even had my veg plants on 1200, but they were big enough to handle it and they loved it! Just remember to keep eyes open, Running more then one strain in the same hydro system can lead to problems too, One strain might not require the same nutrient levels that the other does, which can result to one thriving and one dying. Then when you start to flower you need to switch your bases up. Giving less veg and mroe flower nutrients. I wont get into details ,but you can learn alot about which nutrients are more needed in each stage of growth threw the forums, A must for any hydro gardener. Once you run flower nutes, and the plants can handle say 1200 ppm's , its not unheard of in the last few weeks to get plants on up to 2000 ppm and above, just learn to read the plants, and if at anytime they start to burn, flush em with some clearex and add water to your rez to lower the PPM's. I know im kinda throwing this at you all at once, Mostly just hitting the harder and more important topics.
Right now Its good to say your well on your way to growing sexy plants! Just had to adjust your systems and get in tune with it.

As for the bottom leafs yellowing, Its normal for the very lower leafs to yellow and die, Just the way of life...as for them bigger leafs getting rust and what not, Its a under / over feeding problem, and without being there when It happened i cant comment on it.. Oh and remember to watch your rez temps, if the water is too high or low in temps it will cause a lock out and the plants wont be able to absorb any nutrients. I had about 1,000,000 things i wanted to tell you when I started this post, but now i can think. and I wanna smoke,, So if you would like me to add to this or you have specific questions you need answered , send me a private message or reply to your thread, I subscribed to come back and check later this week, So im here to lend some advice if you ever need it.
If ya got 30 bucks to spend I reccomend getting edrosenthal's book, the marijuana growers handbook, You;ll never need this site again! LOL
Take care



Well-Known Member
you paid 2k for this box? it makes me want to make grow cabinet to sell! it came with the carbon filter and an inline fan that we dont see or just those 2 little computer fans^? don't give up, I dont know hydro, all I know is when you know, you know! good luck


Man... this is 5 weeks in to the grow and 70% of my plants have ZERO roots coming out the bottom. WTF?

This shows how one plant has roots all the way into the water—looking very healthy. But, right next to it, is a plant with no roots at all.

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Day 42

At this point I've given up on trying to sort out how to keep all the plants happy at once or worry about why 2/3 didn't root. I got off to a bad start with too many strains and some of those just didn't veg enough. I'll just coast the next couple weeks and pull the few ounces I have here and consider myself lucky for a first grow.

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It certainly looks as though you have learned a lot during this grow. Honestly though, you'll definitely enjoy the smoke you have. Those buds are looking good. It's unfortunate about your roots. How many more weeks do you anticipate?


It certainly looks as though you have learned a lot during this grow. Honestly though, you'll definitely enjoy the smoke you have. Those buds are looking good. It's unfortunate about your roots. How many more weeks do you anticipate?
Definitely learned a lot in the last 6 weeks! Looking forward to the second grow. In theory these will go another 2 weeks. I'll keep an eye on the trichomes. Maybe next week I'll drop the food and flush for the final week.


Nothing to really report this week. The plants look about the same and last week. This weekend I flipped the water. This time no food for the final week the flush. I think I'll cut 'em down next weekend!