BC SEEDS- Compiling information

The point isn't to discredit BC Seeds by means of interpretation, but to challenge their so called "genetics" through scientific inquiry. I appreciate the fact that many of you in the community point out the scams that are really out there and my gut feeling is BC Seeds is no different. However, until the community of growers out there puts these genes to the test side by side with the proven winners and compared fairly, we're merely flapping our gums.

I have only positive intentions for this mission, and I really would like the rest of you to have them the same. My gene selection isn't limited to BC Seeds by any means, I've also got the proven winners, my favorite being subcool's Querkle, and a Trainwreck x Kush. But that's a personal preference. I also have the fan favorites, og, grand daddy purps, jack herere, headband kush, purple kush, the list goes on. So to come and tell me I should simply search somewhere else is a waste of your time.

So for those of you out there who have bought these seeds, or know someone who has, please get the REAL scoop because without qualified growers who have the genetics, it's all bullocks anyhow.

I trimmed up some of the infinity yesterday and should hopefully have some snapshots up by weeks end.

stay human

Ummm, where's the pics???
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M)
marijuanaseed.us (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [email protected] [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)


I bought Jedi Death Star from BC Seeds last Jan. for medical purposes. I pruchased 10 seeds and recieved 20 and 20 Hawiian Snow freebees. 18 JDS germed. The grow was stressed. Came away with 7 distinct female pheno mothers. We are revueing the phenos for their medicinal charteristics. Lab testing is being scheduled.

I believe that JDS has some very good medicinal uses. 1 pheno (Blue #4) has strong pain relief and muscle relaxing qualities with very little high (high CBN low THC). B#4 buds also have beautiful lavender/blue colors. Tricombs have lavender hue to them.

I believe genetics and the skills of the farmer are what is nessarry to bring the plant to Full Expression. BC Seeds certainly got the genetics right with JDS, the best investment ever made for seeds. My only regret is not getting Infinite Euphoria, I believe this stain may be the soultion for PTSD, lord knows our soldiers could use the help.

I'm interested in your progress.

Peace to All

Dirt Farmer
not this shit again, i know someone around here who has some stuff called gods buds but dont know where it came from but its straight kill

I bought Jedi Death Star from BC Seeds last Jan. for medical purposes. I pruchased 10 seeds and recieved 20 and 20 Hawiian Snow freebees. 18 JDS germed. The grow was stressed. Came away with 7 distinct female pheno mothers. We are revueing the phenos for their medicinal charteristics. Lab testing is being scheduled.

I believe that JDS has some very good medicinal uses. 1 pheno (Blue #4) has strong pain relief and muscle relaxing qualities with very little high (high CBN low THC). B#4 buds also have beautiful lavender/blue colors. Tricombs have lavender hue to them.

I believe genetics and the skills of the farmer are what is nessarry to bring the plant to Full Expression. BC Seeds certainly got the genetics right with JDS, the best investment ever made for seeds. My only regret is not getting Infinite Euphoria, I believe this stain may be the soultion for PTSD, lord knows our soldiers could use the help.

I'm interested in your progress.

Peace to All

Dirt Farmer

Is it just me or do all those that promote BCSeeds sound kinda the same? Kind of child-like or slow-adult like, using language that is beyond their abilities. There is a definite pattern.
been awhile, i moved and in the process lost internet access for some time. But I do have... news if that's what it's to be considered. The friend of mine who grew the Infinity left some to continue on it's own after its initial harvest. I'm happy to say it turned out WAY nicer than what he harvested to begin with, so in theory, it should be a late harvester, outdoor. I left my camera in NY so the pics won't get a chance to be posted until the 20th or so upon my return. I do have pictures of the Oracle, and Infinity grown at said friends house I'll post in the journal today.

Dirt Farmer,

Glad to hear you've found success with the genetics they sent, Infinite Euphoria is accessible on my end however they're still all seeds waiting in line to be germ'd. We ordered in 3 waves (trying to nab as many freebies as possible) where the first was Blue Elephant Outdoor, 10 seeds 30 white kush freebies. Then Euphoria Rapido Fantastico, and the Jedi Death Star. With those two we received no free seeds, and instead of JDS we received Infinite Euphoria. Kind of bugged me that they weren't what we requested but then again this was prior to our knowledge leading us to believe they could be a scam.
But you can't go crying you didn't get your way, in the end we got seeds and that's really all that matters, picking the best is my job and reluctance doesn't help so full steam ahead!
Have you any pictures?? - I'm really interested in growing jedi, storm trooper or death star.

Trying harder to keep this updated,
I got Galaxy God Bud seeds from BC seeds a year ago before the site was closed due the owner (Mark Emery) being arrested for selling seeds.

Mine is bluish green and very strong genetics.

I crossed it with some old school NL#5 and am growing them now.

Her's some pics of BC Galaxy God bud that I have grown and continue to grow
from clones.God Bud-53DAYSm3810d.jpgGod Bud-53DAYSm3810a.jpgMy God Bud buds11.jpgMy God Bud buds08.jpgGod Bud-53DAYSm3810e.jpgMy God Bud buds10.jpgGod Bud-53DAYSm3810b.jpgMy God Bud buds09.jpgMy God Bud buds14.jpgMy God Bud buds12.jpgGod Bud-53DAYSm3810c.jpg
Is it just me or do all those that promote BCSeeds sound kinda the same? Kind of child-like or slow-adult like, using language that is beyond their abilities. There is a definite pattern.

All with very low post counts...

and never any pictures, always an excuse.
You guys are getting bc seeds, and bc bud depot confused. BC bud depot sells the god bud seeds, and they are legit. I have grown Sweet god (sweet tooth x god bud) and it was wonderful. they also sell regular seeds, which I prefer over fems.
those pics of galaxy god bud have a few nanners and looks to have been seeded a little, but they're pretty.