BC Sweet Tooth, couple questions


Well-Known Member
I have 6 BC Sweet Tooth seeds on the way, but I have a few questions first.
I've tried researching this plant everywhere but not many people have grown it so hang with me for a bit.

First let me explain my situation: I'm home for the summer from now until early August, which is when my grow needs to be COMPLETE.
Problem: I have to go out of town for work for 2 weeks from June 7th-June 22nd.

This plant they say has a 6 week flowering period, short!
I'm going to LST these as I'm limited on space. Here's what I am unsure of.
If I flower before I leave for camp, if I have any males will they already pollenate by the time I return?
OR If I continue to veg while I'm at camp, they will be monsters and the new growth will not be LSTed.
Don't have to time to flower and revert back...
Don't have the space to take cuttings and flower those...

See the pickle I'm in?
What to do what to do...

Pleeeeease help me out, thank you so much for your time.



Well-Known Member
I grow BC sweet god, its fast. You got a problem.
You can"t let it seed out, my two cents let them veg,is there anybody that can switch the timer when your gone.When are you going to plant them?


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a couple times throughout the week where my partner will be able to check in my house.
I guess I could have him switch to 12/12 about half way through.
I'm not sure he knows how to LST though...
I'm planting them whenever we get the seeds : Express order from BC Bud Depot placed May 2nd... getting a little impatient :-D
Thank you for responding, I really need some advice with this.



Well-Known Member
it took my seedlings about 4 weeks to veg and show preflowers, after that they flower very fast, and the males are faster.


Well-Known Member
Been growing from clones for a year now.
don't trip when you see how small the seeds are, they grow great.


Well-Known Member
you can leave questions in my journal after you get your seeds, not many BCBD growers around, after all my sweet god is half sweet tooth.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, I'm expecting some beans mon-wed, looks like we are going to start seeds at the same time.

BCBD gave me good service, I wouldn't worry yet,good packaging, inside the cells of a small piece of coragated plastic,in a small padded envelope.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man will do for sure, hopefully my beans come in monday :(
Thanks a lot for your help



Well-Known Member
Hey, Duece, not yet man ??
They do come for Holland so maybe their just lagging, let me know.
I'll ask around.


Well-Known Member
hey Duece. u should get the seeds as soon a possible and germinate them and veg for 2 weeks and throw into flower and they will be done before the end of summer holidays, after they start flowering they show sex in 7-14 days get rid of males and u can go work, who will water them and what kind of set up u got going? hope it goes well for ya
maybe buy some seeds in a shop in case the others dont come..

peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info man.
It's actually kind of null right now because the seeds haven't come haha..
Might be just saving up for next season :)
I have bagseed as of now, so I'll work with what I have
