
I know this is my first post but there is no denying this....

peakseeds.com .....a known and blatant rip-off of peakseedsbc.com

...all have the same mailing address. Would you consider this an honest way to do business?

im honestly glad there are so many people out there who hate bcseeds...

it makes the prices lower for me.

Ive made 2 orders with them, and made a complaint about the first order, and they more than made it right on the second order.

Glad that there are so many haters out there who have no clue what they are talking about and live life in fear that every one is out to get them.

...A bunch of ignorant pussies

and meanwhile, the rest of us are ordering with them and getting more and more free seeds each order because thats how their company rolls if you come back to them.

Keep the nagative propoganda going guys, you are doing great :dunce:

Supply and demand are a wonderful thing...

thanks to you there are more and more sales where i buy good reputible strains for 60 bucks, and still get another 30 seeds for free.

Glad youre scared to do business with them, lol

what a bunch of morons:wall:
I'm neither a moron or a pussy, I just refuse to do business with a company that out and out lies about its products.
im honestly glad there are so many people out there who hate bcseeds...

it makes the prices lower for me.

Ive made 2 orders with them, and made a complaint about the first order, and they more than made it right on the second order.

Glad that there are so many haters out there who have no clue what they are talking about and live life in fear that every one is out to get them.

...A bunch of ignorant pussies

and meanwhile, the rest of us are ordering with them and getting more and more free seeds each order because thats how their company rolls if you come back to them.

Keep the nagative propoganda going guys, you are doing great :dunce:

Supply and demand are a wonderful thing...

thanks to you there are more and more sales where i buy good reputible strains for 60 bucks, and still get another 30 seeds for free.

Glad youre scared to do business with them, lol

what a bunch of morons:wall:
whats a hater sherry,im assuming you have some intelligence,you know words like propaganda but cant spell it,you know what reputable is but cant spell that either,theirs 15 clicks in a clue sherry and you aint got a click if you think someone is a pussy for not getting ripped off.But i hope your 3000 dollar strains get you to were you want to go,and let me make a wild guess here, you like your fellow compatriot on here are buying a home off their chronic,sorry i spit my coffee laughing at my own joke,sorry.i think the only people buying homes off their products are the wack jobs who peddle these fabricated strains,is that you,naw cant be.or are you.
and sherryberry,your damn right im scared to do business with a site that has the same mailing address as 3 known ripoff seed sites.but not the scared you think,not were i wouldn't cherish a face to face visit at one of their outlet shops ,but the fright you feel when you get ripped off and have no way to avenge it like a man,because some hit and run back door bandit just robbed you blind,and you know their still lurking in the shadows ready to rob again and quick to scurry back to the shadows like a cockroach.Yes these types of thieves scare me,their saving grace is that they lurk behind a computer never to show their faces,so you understand that sherrybery.
Please if You have experienced an order from BC Seeds can you tell me how long it takes to get your beans

i ordered with them for the first time January the forth when do you think i will get my package

how long does it usually take to get to our US of A

thank you for patients and experience
Please if You have experienced an order from BC Seeds can you tell me how long it takes to get your beans

i ordered with them for the first time January the forth when do you think i will get my package

how long does it usually take to get to our US of A

thank you for patients and experience

Order from somewhere else before you waste more time.
ill help you out bro...

i have ordered from them twice, and unlike these guys who think they have crystal balls...

i spent just over 300 dollars on each order, and recieved 65 seeds on my first order, and 94 seeds on my second order because...

"the scam web site"

sent me more of one of the strains because i complained that it gave me males.

Anyhow... to your question of how long does it take?

if you log onto their site, and go to your account, it will show if the sale is still pending, or if it has been shipped.

If you pay the extra 15 bucks or whatever it is for the better shipping to the US,

then once their little screen says your order has been shipped, you have nothing to worry about because

... the scam web site...

guarantees your order.... or they will ship you more.

but like i said, thats only if you use their priority shipping.

anyway... it usually takes about 3-4 weeks it seems like, just depending on how long it takes them to get the money.

my last order took 2 weeks for them to get the money, and then 9 days to get back to me after they shipped it.

Hope this helps.

Or maybe the other guys who know everything about everything... yet have no experience...

can tell you how foolish you are.

Full of insults towards us.. and they themselves are the fools.
as i surf around the forum, i find people RECENTLY complaining about bad experiences with

sensi seeds
and a couple of the other big guys...

people who have ORDERED from these companies.

And meanwhile...

the ONLY complaints on the forum, about bcseeds.com

is from guys... who have not ordered from them...

and you check around and see grow journals from guys growing their elephant, and rave about how they have the best chronic and super shit strains on the planet...

but i suppose those are just make believe plants, grown from make believe seeds, weighed on make believe scales, and photographed with make believe cameras.

so... do yourself a favor...

and listen to the experts in this thread..

who complain about a site...

that they have yet to use.

And if you do that, then ill assume you are about as smart as they are.

sorry about the spelling mistakes, guess im a dumbass because i type long messages in under 30 seconds and dont care if i spell right or wrong... if you can figure out what the word is... communication occurred, and thats the point of a forum isnt it.

If we need to type up formal documents, then i will waste time proof reading my stuff.

In the meantime, pretend you are smarter than me, in a little bubble of ignorance.

Ill try not to pop it.
shit, i didnt spell check any of that.

konw waht? bcsedes is a bad websiet

dotn litsen to me or anynoe else who has done busynass wiht tham... we cant spell

and dont listen to anyone who is complaining about all the other "great" seed companies out there either.

use thsoe companies anyway

Listen to the detectives who have time to check mailing addresses....

even tho...

bc seeds changes theirs every couple months,a nd when you order from them, they send you the most up to date one...

one that cant be checke on their site... that way cops cant look up the right address to intercept your mail

but im sure the guys on this thread knew that the one on their site is bogus and that they send you a different address once you order...

considering they refuse to order...

wait, this is making my brain hurt. so confused right now.

i give up, they win.

bc seeds sucks.

i have 160 seeds for under 700 bucks shipped...

i got ripped off, the other guys can tell you how in perfect spelling. This thread is a waste of time, im out.
Sherri I think you slipped and bumped your head. Cannabis coulture says don't order from these scam jobs so that is good enough for me and prolly all the other smarter folks. If your mentally challenged then at least you've got an excuse but sending your cash to these wackjobs is just plain retarted!!!! Take a couple mins and look at there bullshit strains.. Vampire bud WTF pickle bud WTF these dudes laugh there asses off everytime some lame duck sends them money..
ill help you out bro...

i have ordered from them twice, and unlike these guys who think they have crystal balls...

i spent just over 300 dollars on each order, and recieved 65 seeds on my first order, and 94 seeds on my second order because...

"the scam web site"

sent me more of one of the strains because i complained that it gave me males.

Anyhow... to your question of how long does it take?

if you log onto their site, and go to your account, it will show if the sale is still pending, or if it has been shipped.

If you pay the extra 15 bucks or whatever it is for the better shipping to the US,

then once their little screen says your order has been shipped, you have nothing to worry about because

... the scam web site...

guarantees your order.... or they will ship you more.

but like i said, thats only if you use their priority shipping.

anyway... it usually takes about 3-4 weeks it seems like, just depending on how long it takes them to get the money.

my last order took 2 weeks for them to get the money, and then 9 days to get back to me after they shipped it.

Hope this helps.

Or maybe the other guys who know everything about everything... yet have no experience...

can tell you how foolish you are.

Full of insults towards us.. and they themselves are the fools.
sherryberry you order any of the 3000 dollar strains lol.so what one hit and your good for the day the week the month,i mean tell me about these mind expanding 40% thc plants,do you believe they are that high sherryberry,and if bcseeds tells you you can get 4 pounds per light do you dig it,or does your radar go up,im just trying to get an idea of how street smart you really are.do you germinate their seeds in an empty rolex box,what do your friends do when you smoke them up with that vampire bud that comes from Transylvania,do you wake up with no blood,how about when you and your bros smoke IQ bud,do you build nuclear reactors in your back yards(im assuming you all bought houses off the freebies you grew from bcseeds) to power your grow lights,tell me sherryberry what its like to throw a shindig and smoke your guests out with the worlds best smoke,and yes bcseeds say it is the best smoke in the entire world,do you find that to be true sherryberry.One last thing sherryberry do you find that the claims bcseeds make are 100% accurate,please enlighten me,impart some of the wisdom you gained from smoking IQ bud,upon us fledglings,the ones you say haven't the experience you have.But you do an awful lot of name calling for a person who has probably smoked pounds of IQ bud,thus having greater intelligence then the rest of us,unless you had a very meager IQ to begin with,not sure.
sherryberry quote: this is making my brain hurt. so confused right now......sherryberry your head shouldn't hurt,bcseeds has a strain that takes away head hurts,you must of missed that one.but then again with all the manipulating bcseeds have done with cannabis genetics,maybe your having some kind of side affect.
first order i got elephant purple when it was on sale, and New white widdow, and 15 kali mist for free, along with 15 more new white widdow for free.

total purchase with shipping was 370.

got 60 some seeds

second order

elephant purple
fast AK
super shit
blue tooth
sweet tooth
30 of the fast ak's were free

I will say this, on both orders, their elephant, ALL of the seeds germed.

i just got a lot of males on the first order

Plants from the first order are huge, thick thick salks, new white widdow and elephant grow super fast... they passed other plants that i had already been growing for over a month prior.

the proof is in the pudding

you guys can talk shit all you want, which i know you want to, because NO ONE joins a forum, and makes their first post a bash of a seed company that they HAVE NOT USED...

unless that person has an alterior motive of some sort.

You guys are as see through as your desperation to get people to stop shopping at a company who has awesome genetics that whatever seedbank you represent is scared of.

If they suck, let us dumbasses get scammed....

ill let you know when that happens... im sure someone else on the forum might too.

oh, thats right, no one has yet.

bummer... guess we will jsut have to keep waiting wont we?
sherryberry im not trying to make your brain hurt more,lord only knows what all that elephant and pickle bud,then some vampire bud a bit of IQ bud has done to you,you must be totaled,but i can sympathize with you,sometimes im getting groceries and i see a quarter for an apple or 10 for 5 bucks,and danm if i dont buy 10 for five bucks,when i get home my son teases me about it,but i tell him i got the best apples money can buy,then he mutters something and leaves the room,it is probably a compliment but i have never asked.
i just listed the strains i ordered bro

how dumb are you? no i didnt smoke any of the strains you just mentioned, sorry.

anyone who has time to sit and argue about why a seed company is a scam...

and has not used that company before...

that person either has no life, or works for antoher seed company...

that simple.

I defend them because i have results.

you have a big bowl of air and you have time to argue based on what a magazine said, about ANOTHER COMPANY who you think has the same mailing address?

your life is a waste of time, and you mislead others with your ignorance
sherryberry you ever try the $3000 or the $4.995 strains,if so what you think of them,if not,why not.So purple elephant whats the thc on that?high 30,s im sure,ready in 45 days and yields what 3-4 pounds per light.sherryberry you know if jasper got an answer when he asked bcseeds why they have the same mailing adress as the scam site peakseeds not to be confused with the real peakseeds,have they said why it is listed as a scam site and why they play on a legitimate seed retailers name,do you find that ethical.
go sit in a grow room and breathe on plants that way you arent a complete waste of oxygen.

Whoever you are... the fact that you would argue about something that you only have hearsay information about, when I HAVE ORDERED FROM THEM and am telling you the site is not a scam...

and you want to argue?

people like yourself need to die... you are the reason wars start... you fight about things that have no relevance to you, and that you yourself have no accountibility to speak on.
i just listed the strains i ordered bro

how dumb are you? no i didnt smoke any of the strains you just mentioned, sorry.

anyone who has time to sit and argue about why a seed company is a scam...

and has not used that company before...

that person either has no life, or works for antoher seed company...

that simple.

I defend them because i have results.

you have a big bowl of air and you have time to argue based on what a magazine said, about ANOTHER COMPANY who you think has the same mailing address?

your life is a waste of time, and you mislead others with your ignorance
ok,lets say i am dumb,how much IQ bud would you recommend i need to smoke to become smart enough to spend $3000 on 10 seeds.