
That's one hell of a thread. I have just finished reading it and there is a lot of HATE going on in here. Not saying there doesn't need to be, Just sayin.
That said, I still wonder, has anyone here actually grown one of these SUPERSTRAINS or not.
Just wondering, There is a big buzz around here about them(no pun intended).
Never used BC, Have grown (supposed) BC seeds and they grew fine. Not better then anyone else, Not worse.
The cost give's one pause, when sending that kind of money out into the interweb you have to be concerned.
I hear they are very strong, and the website SAY'S alot. I have never had any problems with what I grow now.
Although I feel these beans need a better lookin at if the claims are true.

Off point. Are there any other good seed banks that peeps on this site will vouch for?
I will say had good luck with www.marijuana-seeds.nl
My .002
ive just ordered 10 jedi 41% on sale at £188 +£6.50 shippin posted the £200 cash in the post yesterday so time will tell if they arrive:leaf:lol
wow people get mean in these review forums
I had to laugh at the earlier request for 'proof'
Like, download someone else's pictures and pretend that they are your own?
Invite you over to see her/his plants?
It is hard to prove anything, especially on the internet.

so yorue saying 2000 is too much?

do you know how to clone a plant?

lets put it this way...

lets say 7 out of 10 seeds are females and germinate...

you have a plant that produces 1400g per square meter.

So lets go on the low side and say that a cubic meter is 4 plants at full size... (even tho its less than 4)

So, 4 plants give you 1400g.

28 grams in an ounce. An ounce of that sells for MINIMUM 300, but that stuff will actually bring 500+ an ounce to the ones who have tried it...

how many times does 28 go into 1400?

The answer is 50. how many times does 16 go into 50 (16 ounces in a pound)

answer is 3 and some change.

so 3 lbs off 4 plants... and if a lb is worth 4,000... thats 12,000 dollars... off four plants.

Now lets compare to white widdow... makes 750gm per cubic meter...

its about half... 4 plants might get you 1.5 lbs.

Not as good quality, but lets say it brings the same money, at 4g a lb. So thats 6,000 dollars off four plants.

Now... who here can see investment potential in paying 2000... 1 TIME... and off of 4 plants... trippling your return?

thats not counting the other 6 seeds still in the bag...

thats not counting the INFINITE clones you can make off of these 4 plants.

Please... dont buy the seeds... make fun of the seedbank who has the hottest strains out right now...

but dont be surprised when a thread is started that makes fun of all the people who are too stupid to look ahead 3 months and see that 6000 in additional profits is going to be made if they grow only 4 out of the 10 seeds.

Ya homie if you buy a whole ounce in dubs and its chronic weed and they charge you like 25$ for a 1.6 dub its 500 an ounce, here there like 200 maybe a little more, and obviously all that about 45% is bullshit or else this shit would be everywhere, im pretty sure this company plans on ripping everyone off once and never getting return customers.
I got my elephant purple and New white widdow shipped today... from the EVIL BAD SCAM SEED BANK... that doenst have tons of satisfied customers. (except me of course)

if you guys would actually read, or place and order with them, youd see that they REQUEST that you NOT post up good thigns about them on the internet.. they want you to just tell your friends by word of mouth.

Again, your loss. If you had any idea how fast their plants grow compared to your regular strains, youd kick yourself fo ever talking bad about them. But you wont because you live in a delusional bubble of ignornace :)
They tell people not to tell others because they dont want everyone knowing there a rip off
ive just ordered 10 jedi 41% on sale at £188 +£6.50 shippin posted the £200 cash in the post yesterday so time will tell if they arrive:leaf:lol
today 7 days after sendin £200 cash in the post to bc seeds i loged in to there site n they have recieved the cash n shiped the goods
now its a waiting game for them to arrive if they arrive that will b solid proof its not a scam but im sure the % of thc is bullshit time will tell wen ive grown them to their full potential:mrgreen:
I know personally some one who has used their serivce several times.... they have always got their beans and more.... the issue I have and will continue to have is their THC claims. A little bit of science would be nice....
I'm not sure how I feel about going out and buying the 2000$ seeds, but I did go out and buy BC Sweet Tooth (on sale for 65$) and my sister got lavender (90$ not on sale). I am currently growing the BC Sweet Tooth. As this was my first time ordering seeds I was really scared but them sent them and cuz I'm in Canada it only took 2 weeks from the time I sent my cash. I'm not ruling out buying the expensive seeds bit I'd have to talk to someone that has grown them, and not be poor. LOL
Ya sherri take a picture of one of these plants that is ready to harvest and only 3 weeks flowering, and show that nearly half the weight of a bud is in the trichomes, and then show us that 1400g/m3 and however many pounds per light and people will be more likely to believe you, but you really dont have any good reason for people to believe you this company is legit because you refuse to show a picture or even give a link to one of these many other satisfied growers who are growing it.

And why would a seed company refuse to answer someone asking legitimate questions about how they got their figures? all seems a little strange to me. Especially how you say its all about supply and demand for their prices yet they haven't done anything like tried to win a cup with there "worlds best bud" which would definitely increase the demand. So i guess that can only mean they aren't in the seed business for the money which makes me wonder how people so stupid not to want to make money off of something could make the worlds best marijuana?

Clarify all that for me, and show me a pic of a pound of bud so covered in trichs i can see green, and grown under one light after 3 weeks flowering and i might give it a try.
you really think that what they advertise about this strain is true? 45% thc? 1400g? 90% females? finsihed flowering BEFORE all other strains show sex?? a high that lasts 8 hours??? i see you put alot of time into your post but not too much thought. I like your math but fortunately I do just fine with my 50-100 dollar seeds, tyvm. Highly doubt youd get anyone around here to pay 500 an ounce regardless of how good the shit is.

I thought it was fairly self-evident that this website is full of shit. But, since you are obv so confident in it why dont you place an order, grow it out and we'll see in the end? I have yet to see anyone on RIU grow out bcseed's expensive strains with proof of it. im sure they have some decent genetics, but that $2,000 one, imho, is an obvious rip.

seems to me that if the strain were that good it would have been in some competitions, or maybe someone on the net would have a journal or smoke report of it.

you guys must be friends of the owner ;)

a men to that.

Im not paying $500 if its 95% thc....lol...its just not worth it to me.

$500 is a heavy price no matter the quality if you ask me...i can find some top notch for no more than $350 a zip...

only way you're seeing $500 from it is you street level nickel n dime it the whole way.
a men to that.

Im not paying $500 if its 95% thc....lol...its just not worth it to me.

$500 is a heavy price no matter the quality if you ask me...i can find some top notch for no more than $350 a zip...

only way you're seeing $500 from it is you street level nickel n dime it the whole way.

i just picked up the oracle and the upstate and the euphoria unlimted all half price and am very happy with them bcseeds also gave me 30 free galaxy seeds and 15 ak 47 seeds now i know i paid around 2200 but i dont have a problems paying that much when i get quality genetics almost all the same exact plants big ups to bc seeds......Also i use paradise seeds and greenhouse and dutch passion and they all have great genetics i just hope people see the light and that bcseeds.com does it right
i just picked up the oracle and the upstate and the euphoria unlimted all half price and am very happy with them bcseeds also gave me 30 free galaxy seeds and 15 ak 47 seeds now i know i paid around 2200 but i dont have a problems paying that much when i get quality genetics almost all the same exact plants big ups to bc seeds......Also i use paradise seeds and greenhouse and dutch passion and they all have great genetics i just hope people see the light and that bcseeds.com does it right

How do you know your getting quality genetics? I have still yet to hear from anybody who has grown out there high priced gear say its any better then anything else. All you people are being conned and we tell you your being conned and you still believe the con artist. These aren't fucking magic beans. You might as well be watering with holy water that way you can say your buds were blessed by godbongsmilie
the Oracle is already next in line on my roster of seeds. can't wait to start ordering from bcseeds.

here's a reminder for the..., ahem lower in-come growers..


this place knows their shit.
the Oracle is already next in line on my roster of seeds. can't wait to start ordering from bcseeds.

here's a reminder for the..., ahem lower in-come growers..


this place knows their shit.

Or you just don't know your shit. What is this your 2nd or 3rd grow? :wall: You see a site that just out right lies and think thats where I should be getting my seeds from. Yeah you go buy your 3000$ pack of Oracle seeds. And be sure you let us know if you get 90% females and it finishes in a month with 2+ lbs of bud that have 45% THC :dunce::dunce::dunce:
Or you just don't know your shit. What is this your 2nd or 3rd grow? :wall: You see a site that just out right lies and think thats where I should be getting my seeds from. Yeah you go buy your 3000$ pack of Oracle seeds. And be sure you let us know if you get 90% females and it finishes in a month with 2+ lbs of bud that have 45% THC :dunce::dunce::dunce:

well i grew the elephant bud outside and got 13 lbs off 6 plants so i am sure you can get 2 lbs inside off oracle thats all im looking for

i have a 22'x23 foot room with 12 1000 watt hps lights 6800 cubic feet if you wanna know total volume i have room for 10 foot plants and have grown them inside with over 2 lbs on them im not a master but i know i can get yield off these seeds
You people are still defending these scam artists, here are some actual claims from their site, and they aren't all $1000 strains.

Price: 295.00CND
Product Description

Thank goodness for research and newly discovered Cannabinoids. Instead of you toking and getting the munchies, this uplifting, racy, speed like high will have you running around being productive and burning calories, and it suppresses your appetite for those who have just quit smoking and need some help with the oral fixation. So you can lose weight and get help to quit smoking, all in one.
The best results documented to date is from a customer who lost easily he claims, 30 lbs in just 15 days. He said he smoked about 1/16 of a gram per day to attain these results.

This strain s very powerful, so very little is needed. It grows very easily and clones even better. She finishes indoors in 60 days and outdoors by the 1st to mid October. She has a fruity exotic taste, and order is minimal for such a fine bouquet while lit.

Price: 195.00CND
Product Description
Cupid Bud - 10 Pack
Unlike our LOVE BUZZ BUD, Cupid Bud does not have the same physical traits, it's effects are more psychological, turning you into a more physically and mentally more attractive person to the person your trying to impress. It's more like a love potion, creating an attraction between two people that share this bud. Cupid Bud can most certainly help you look more attractive than your competition. Get the girl or guy you want with a little help from Cupid Bud, you'll make a huge impression by missing half Love Buzz Bud and Half Cupid Bud rolled in the same joint. We tried to breed a cross between Love Buzz and Cupid Bud, to try to get the effects of both, but it just isn't possible. Our customer's say that if you making a first impression, roll 75% Cupid and 25% Love Bud for best result in attracting the person you want and increasing your chances for some action that night. If your more concerned with just attracting and not getting any, then just roll 100% Cupid Bud, and adjust s desired on your next date. By the 4th date you should be using 25% Cupid Bud and 75% Love Bud.
Price: 995.00CND
Product Description
Indica Fifty THC

Indica 50% THC is a wonderful strain. We had to really lower the CBD and other Cannabinoids to crank up the THC levels, and this creates a buzz that is not like your typical Marijuana Strains.
Price: 195.00CND
Product Description
High IQ Bud - 10 Pack
High IQ Bud is our latest development in unchartered cannabinoids. There are hundreds of cannabinoids that have not yet been fully understood. We have tapped into a combination that increases ARTISTIC BRAIN Power, and now we have found the right combination to increase your LOGICAL brain power, increasing your IQ. Users of this strain claim to have a perception that their I.Q. increases by about 25% after toking on this strain. After further testing, we concluded that the below average IQ person increased their IQ by 22%, the average person increases their overall IQ by 20% and those with above average IQ increased theirs by 16%. Those considered to already be genius actually decreased their IQ by 8%.

We first noticed changes in the affects of cannabis and creativity when we created Fairy Land, which increases your visual and intuitive (artistic, right side) brain power. But we stumbled upon another set of unique cannabinoids that increase your verbal and analytical skills (logical, left side) brain power.

I could keep going all day
the proofs in the pudding..


you are a peon.

i've proven pictures with everything i talk about thus far, when i SOG oracle, ill show yall that too..

I follow jasper's thread and although I think he is a good guy I don't think that elephant bud looks like anything special .:roll:

well i grew the elephant bud outside and got 13 lbs off 6 plants so i am sure you can get 2 lbs inside off oracle thats all im looking for

i have a 22'x23 foot room with 12 1000 watt hps lights 6800 cubic feet if you wanna know total volume i have room for 10 foot plants and have grown them inside with over 2 lbs on them im not a master but i know i can get yield off these seeds

You can get 2 lbs per plant outside off a lot strains Its really not uncommon

And with a good producing strain you should be able to 1.5 lbs off a 1000 watt easy. Here since your obviously willing to put in the money do a grow of Critical Mass or Donk you will most likely get better yields :peace: