Be yourself....

i ain't hysteric and i ain't angry either.
just 'cuz you're gettin' yer ass beat in this discussion, doesn't mean i'm angry at all.
and it's rude to laugh at yer own jokes.
i ain't hysteric and i ain't angry either.
just 'cuz you're gettin' yer ass beat in this discussion, doesn't mean i'm angry at all.
and it's rude to laugh at yer own jokes.

I dont think anyone can get "beat" in a discussion. Its a discussion. Now it sounds like you think this is an "argument" which it's not imo lol.

P.s. "violence is only needed when you feel defeated".
We're taught to be "be ourselves", don't put on a mask and don't let anyone tell you who you should be.

But what if I'm an asshole? Should I put on a mask and pretend to be nice? If it doesnt affect my work or the small group of people i hang out with should I accept that I was born this way and continue this lifestyle?

Be yourself so everybody can tell you to stop being yourself and be like everybody else. But they'll never even tell you that much. It's an old trick cliché and outright falsity. Nobody want you being you/doing things your way. That's why we have a workforce and plenty of training until you're willing to exchange the real you out for cash.
Im The Greatest guy in The World, til people arent gettin what They want from me.Then im an Asshole! I could give a rats ass less anymore,when I was younger I Thought it mattered. I dont make people wrong, I accept & love people right where theyre at, some of them at a distance! Once i was able to grasp that way of thinking, dealing with others got a helluva lot easier. Some people are just miserable cause theyre selfish & cant get out of their own way. If they shit in a hole, they shit in a hole.Leave em there unless youre willing to go the distance with em. Some of em are doing me a favor by being assholes & pushing others away. Its like a warning label !
When I'm nice and selfless bad shit happens to me, I can't understand it ffs. When I'm an asshole things go my way. It's bizarre.