Beans Franklins 300w cfl Miracle Growing


Active Member
Hey everybody and well come to my journal. During my time here I have found a unique approach to cfl growing. With this journal i hope to go into greater detail about my lighting rig and Miracle Grow Potting Soil use. To start cfl light penetration is way to week to support plants that have been vegged for more then a 2-4 weeks depending on how many cfls you have. Also cfls do not work if only over top of your plant they simply do not have enough power to penetrate more then 3-4 inches into the foliage. Instead if cfls are to been used they must surround the plant and be as close as possible. With cfls limited power in mind i decided to put as many cfls on one plant as i could and surround the plant as best i could with lights. To build my rig i cut 4 pieces of 2x4(could be down sized to 1x4 to reduce wieght) to 24'' long and attached them together with metal plates and screws to form a square, I then took 1x4 and cut 10 8" pieces (theses are or the light sockets) and drilled a hole through each one. Then with more metal plates i attached 2 to the top and two down each corner. I then bought extension cords from the dollar store i cut them up into pieces, keep some length on the ends they come in useful for being able to plug them into each other instead of hard wiring them all together(like i did). 001.jpg002.jpg005.jpg006.jpg Its a prototype and the back ones can be hard to adjust espacially when the plant get bigger so if anyone has any thoughts or any improvements don't hold back. As for the actual cfls i use 30w bulbs with r40 aluminum reflectors all from 1000bulbs. com on last check they don't have anymore 30w reflectors only up to 26w but still worth it. Now on to my soil. I first started growing when a friend gave me two plants and some 24'' floros and two months later i had a few grams of popcorn. But that didn't matter the desire to grow my own was two strong and i began to search the internet (google). I came across seemorebuds book on cfl growing, and not having a lot of money or space to grow, cfls seemed perfect. Cheap low heat and all i needed was enough for personal use anyway. In his book seemorebuds used miracle grow enriched potting soil. and that is way I use to this day. Many people on this forum tend to believe that miracle grow is too strong but i have never had any issues with it. I believe this to be a combination of things first too many small waterings releases to many nutes i only water once every 6-7 days but when i do i water 2L before lights out then again the next morring when lights on and i leave the excess in the catch tray and its usually all soaked up before lights off. And 2nd if the plant doesn't have enough light it can't grow fast enough to use all the nutes. I get my cfls in close and add more as the plant grows and i get short dense seedlings. As for my current grow i'm waiting on a mandala #1 to germ. But until then heres may last grow i just finished and should get over 50g dry I'll be back with updates as they happen but until then, any thoughts, comments or questions?



Active Member


Well-Known Member
Good job it looks great!
I'm growing cfl but about to step it up!
I think I'll still use cfl's in the early stages.
seedlings 11-20-11 002.jpg12-18-11 008.jpg12-18-11 005.jpg 12-18-11 001.jpg


Active Member
Ya cfls are a good way to start growing but if you want to be serious i think you need hid.
That looks like it should be a nice space. I don't want more then 3 plants at a time two in flower 1 in veg all about a month between so i can get a harvest once a month.
here's my veg closet.

but like i said i wanna wait till i upgrade i wanna grow my money back before i invest more but 1-2 more grows i should be well over a oz is 200-240$ where i am. And since i sarted growing i've spent closer to 700 if you add all my failed attemps and re-designs plus a blown a/c unit (because i'm stupid and didn't know they have to run flat, and i tipped it up to point at my plants), hydro, grow tent, dirt, seeds, fans and ducted work and all the other misc materials. but hey i just had my first good harvest so i might end up with that hid. Plus what started out as fun, turned into a hobby and now its almost an obsession lol.



Active Member
On the mandala website they strongly warn against pre-soaking and wet paper towels and to get put it in wet dirt, which is fine, but i've tried that in the past and it always fails. So i'm really nervous about this seed. But i don't seem a diff between a moist paper towel and moist dirt. The pre-soaking ya i can understand. but i don't know maybe i'm just a nervous/impatient newb


Active Member
Man, props on the epic light set up but i feel like with that size of a tent you should be fine to go with a 100-250w hid. Subbed for this grow, that last plant was immaculate.


Well-Known Member
For germinating seeds I get two paper towels place them together and fold them into the size of a index card and soak it....
Then I press the paper towels between my hands to squeeze out the water. After that place seeds on paper towels, get two more paper towels and do the same thing.
Place the second set of paper towels on top of the seeds and press gently, place in zip lock bag.
Check in morning and evening for dampness in a couple of days you will have popped seeds!
I have 85-90% success rate. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
When placing germinated seeds in pot with soil always moisten the soil before planting seed.
This will help with shock and prevent the chance of drowning them.


Active Member
Ya thats how i do it, but the breeder says not to, but even then i left it in a moist paper towel over night then into soil.
i just never have good luck with germin seeds straight in soil. if this seed fails im goin back to the paper towel.


Active Member
Man, props on the epic light set up but i feel like with that size of a tent you should be fine to go with a 100-250w hid. Subbed for this grow, that last plant was immaculate.
Thanks for stopping by.
Ya i don't need the 600 but the price is right, its a cool tube which is nice, and its future ready if i ever need it, like i said i'll keep it at the 250 setting


Well-Known Member
Lumatek ballast or ? But yeah as with all things I guess to get real results you gotta put down real money. Not that your cfl grow didn't bank but even with that you put down money. I'm sure paying for a decent ballast and bulb (and cooltube?) will pay off in the short and long term. This way you'll only have to buy bulbs and not spend on ballasts lol. And the extra money (if you will sell any product) could be spent on light meters and such

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Even if you get a 150w hps that would be a huge improvement over cfls.
Dont get me wrong cfls are fine for budding but imo they just dont have
the penetration you need way to many cfls. it take probly 250w of cfl to get the same amout of
bud from a 150. when i had a 150 i got about 2 zips plus pop corn nugs i never weighed back then
it was enough to last me tho i would smoke about 3 joints aday back then. If i ever ran out i smoked the trim
that i would save lol


Well-Known Member
Even if you get a 150w hps that would be a huge improvement over cfls.
Dont get me wrong cfls are fine for budding but imo they just dont have
the penetration you need way to many cfls. it take probly 250w of cfl to get the same amout of
bud from a 150. when i had a 150 i got about 2 zips plus pop corn nugs i never weighed back then
it was enough to last me tho i would smoke about 3 joints aday back then. If i ever ran out i smoked the trim
that i would save lol
3 joints a day back then? i take it its not less now lol. and yeah before my first grow i bought a 600w impulse buy before i really knew how cheap stuff was. wasnt that cheap and not new but it came with timers etc and hangers. one problem though is hps needs a lot of ventilation especially in my case when i bought a 600 thinking it was ok for a closet... a 2'-3' closet, not gonna happen. but.. now ive done my grow with cfl's instead of that 600.. i have a tiny bit of regret that i didnt just buy the fans. i got a terrible yield. but the stuff i DID get made me wanna upgrade. not a lot of it but damn feels good smoking home grown


Active Member
I'm not worried about ventilation i have a stanley blower that i moded, thats what that duct is that you see. i have one end that over top of my lights sucking up the heat and the other to a diy carbon filter, and plus when i get the hid light i'll get another a/c. i bought a thermocube, its a plug thing that turns on at 25c and turns of at 21c. so my plan is to hook my a/c into that.

also no news on the seed front, so i put another one in paper towel, hopefully this one will pop, but i'm still gonna keep the first seed for a lil longer just to make sure its not a late bloomer and if both pop and r both fems that new light wont be able to get here fast enough lol.

My plan for sexing is a week after they sprout, i'm going to flower them till they show sex then back into veg for another 3 weeks or so. and then take clones. I might try taking the clones on day 21 of flower, it takes a lil longer for the clones to root, which means by the time the clone is ready i should be harvesting the mother plant, and keep the cycle going.

I read about the technique of taking clones at day 21 flower in a thread called monster cropping. The clone takes a lil longer to root but develops lots of side branches and tops. So as far as time line line goes 1 week to root, then 4 weeks veg, should be lots of time for the mother plant to finish (Mandala #1 is a 55-60 day finisher).

also i have now accumulated over 60 seeds from my last grow.001.jpg007.jpg



Active Member
also i try and only smoke .3g a day so my 50g is lots but i have some friends how want samples, plus holiday parties are goin to cut into my supply but if i do it right it should last me till next harvest is cured (about 4 months from now)