Beanz's Redemption Grow 2011


RIU Bulldog
If all goes well, the next grow will be Mr. Nice Seeds Super Silver Haze. I've been dicking around with these other strains that, yeah, I wanted to try, but MNS is where I want to be. They have a strain for every need and you never have to worry about the quality.
Here are some shots off the MNS website of SSH

And the soil I'm mixing to grow it in:

ProMix HP - base (bale)
Jersey Greensand - slow release potassium and trace elements
Earthworm Castings - nitrogen
Rock Phosphate - vegan alternative to bone meal
Kelp Meal - vitamins & minerals
Dolomite Lime or sulfate of sulfur depending - pH buffering
Alfalfa Meal - N source; animal-free alternative to blood meal
Diotomaceous Earth - bug and larva control
Epsom Salt - Mag source
Espoma Soil Perfecter - pretty good product and reusable. after I tried it I liked it

I wont be making an exceptions or cutting any corners this time. Back to the basics, and back to KISS.

Looking forward to the future.


Well-Known Member
MNS strains are the buiding blocks of many a good breeders newer hybrids. If I was breeding strains thats where I'd want most of my parent stock coming from, I like Gage Green as they use a lot of MNS strains in their X's ~ G13Skunk & Afghan Haze are 2 strains I know of that GGG use. I thought you was gonna go with the Nev' Haze though.... either way gonna be some great genetic's to be working with imo.
Good luck in your adventure Beanz, I'll look forwards to see how they turn out for you.
Stay up's fella!! :leaf::peace:


RIU Bulldog
MNS strains are the buiding blocks of many a good breeders newer hybrids. If I was breeding strains thats where I'd want most of my parent stock coming from, I like Gage Green as they use a lot of MNS strains in their X's ~ G13Skunk & Afghan Haze are 2 strains I know of that GGG use. I thought you was gonna go with the Nev' Haze though.... either way gonna be some great genetic's to be working with imo.
Good luck in your adventure Beanz, I'll look forwards to see how they turn out for you.
Stay up's fella!! :leaf::peace:
Truth is I'm being gifted the beans. My first choice was Nev's Haze but It didn't work out that way and I got the next best thing (even better in some ways). I'm really happy to get them either way and as lo0ng as they make it pass customs, I'm in like flint.


Well-Known Member
i chopped a pure power plant yesterday cant wait to smoke it lol , got to cure it yet though .... bah patience is a virtue but one i dont have lol


RIU Bulldog
i chopped a pure power plant yesterday cant wait to smoke it lol , got to cure it yet though .... bah patience is a virtue but one i dont have lol
Man some of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life were caused by being over-excited....still, I understand the wicked temptation. Especially when you still have to buy weed while its curing....painful


RIU Bulldog
I've been catching shit on other threads about how I'm a shitty grower and that my current set-p is laughable, and that idk what I'm talking about so I need to stop giving advice.
I just want to go on record of saying once again that I am in no way any kind of master or guru. I'm a guy who's been doing half -assed micro grows for the pass ten years while reading all kinds of information on growing cannabis. So while I could regurgitate a lot of technical book information on certain topics, I don't have a whole lot of experience growing indoors. I was gifted with a green thumb and some good common sense and I have been growing chili peppers and other vegetable (mainly peppers) for my whole life. So no, I'm not one of the greats, then again I've never had enough money to give it a real honest try.
That said, no one has to worry about me giving advice anymore or taking up bandwidth with my silly posts of random information like nutrient ratios.
I'm sorry if I've ever come off as a douche or a know-it-all. I didn't mean to and certainly am not.


Well still no batteries for the camera, but I promise I'm not trying to pull something here. I've been honest this far why lie now. My plants, while not as good as I'd like them to be, are thriving and growing stinkier and trichomy-ier every day. I found out that Sugar Black Rose is actually a critical+/big bud hybrid with black domina, and its really starting to show. I've grown her once and I've identified her by the amazing smell. She is producing the fattest buds so far.
One of my wwxbb plants is doing some weird stuff. About half of the pistils on the plant have turned red like that plant wants to finish. Of course, there's a few weeks left. hhhhmmmm fuck it idk.
I've identified my bug guests as fungus gnats. I didn't think they were an issue until I found out that they actually hollow out roots from the inside. Bummer.
Sucks being broke cause now I need some blue and yellow sticky traps and something to drench the soil like Gnatrol but I can't afford it.
Never grow broke...

The Lady Cane x Blueberry plants that were giving me issues are now starting to grow normally again since I switched to plain water and miracle grow.

I transplanted the clones into 5" inch pots and theyre now surrounding a few 68w cfl bulbs with the hempy and dwc plants.

kevin murphy

New Member
fuck what others say bout ya lad dont change cause of sum jealous fuckin growers that need to get a grip..which obviously they do..most em just dont like the fact that u get asked and they dont..time for people of riu to stand up and be counted and slot in behind ya for support..lets start a rally..youll be surprised how many will support ya..much love beans lad..chin up and get them batteries hahaha


Well-Known Member
I've been catching shit on other threads about how I'm a shitty grower and that my current set-p is laughable, and that idk what I'm talking about so I need to stop giving advice.
I just want to go on record of saying once again that I am in no way any kind of master or guru. I'm a guy who's been doing half -assed micro grows for the pass ten years while reading all kinds of information on growing cannabis. So while I could regurgitate a lot of technical book information on certain topics, I don't have a whole lot of experience growing indoors. I was gifted with a green thumb and some good common sense and I have been growing chili peppers and other vegetable (mainly peppers) for my whole life. So no, I'm not one of the greats, then again I've never had enough money to give it a real honest try.
That said, no one has to worry about me giving advice anymore or taking up bandwidth with my silly posts of random information like nutrient ratios.
I'm sorry if I've ever come off as a douche or a know-it-all. I didn't mean to and certainly am not.


Well still no batteries for the camera, but I promise I'm not trying to pull something here. I've been honest this far why lie now. My plants, while not as good as I'd like them to be, are thriving and growing stinkier and trichomy-ier every day. I found out that Sugar Black Rose is actually a critical+/big bud hybrid with black domina, and its really starting to show. I've grown her once and I've identified her by the amazing smell. She is producing the fattest buds so far.
One of my wwxbb plants is doing some weird stuff. About half of the pistils on the plant have turned red like that plant wants to finish. Of course, there's a few weeks left. hhhhmmmm fuck it idk.
I've identified my bug guests as fungus gnats. I didn't think they were an issue until I found out that they actually hollow out roots from the inside. Bummer.
Sucks being broke cause now I need some blue and yellow sticky traps and something to drench the soil like Gnatrol but I can't afford it.
Never grow broke...

The Lady Cane x Blueberry plants that were giving me issues are now starting to grow normally again since I switched to plain water and miracle grow.

I transplanted the clones into 5" inch pots and theyre now surrounding a few 68w cfl bulbs with the hempy and dwc plants.
Wo0t! Fuck other people....RIU is full of false information. If you've done the research and know what your talking about, then spread the word when somebody needs help. Don't worry whether or not somebody agrees with you. I know how it feels to grow broke! If you get the chance go to wal-mart and grab some Ivory Dish Soap (Non-scented) use 1 TSP per gallon of water. If you give them a couple treatments you won't need fly traps...Eventually the older ones will just die off and won't be able to re-produce in the soaped soil.


Well-Known Member
beanz fucks the haters your grow real well, i am new to the site and your advice has saved two of my plants aready, any way hop them buds are thickening up.


Well-Known Member
Some people take written text the wrong way by how it sometimes comes across to the reader, like how I first thought you Beanz was just some kid with a pc hating in my thread just dissing my strain choice's for the sake of dissing lol. Since sorted and I now know your not lol
I've read a lot of your posts and you are giving good info out mate but you do come off like a dick sometimes tbh with you bro, but like I said people will take written text in the wrong way sometimes, most take things too serious. I've come across more than a few dicks online just out for a pointless fight but the majority of people I've come across are good people all sharing a common love & interest ~ Mari
Ignore the hate fella, I do, just keep on doin your thing and prove the phuckers wrong with your bud porn, Stay up's!!


RIU Bulldog
fuck what others say bout ya lad dont change cause of sum jealous fuckin growers that need to get a grip..which obviously they do..most em just dont like the fact that u get asked and they dont..time for people of riu to stand up and be counted and slot in behind ya for support..lets start a rally..youll be surprised how many will support ya..much love beans lad..chin up and get them batteries hahaha
thanks for kind words homie

you starting trouble again beans lol
not even man. check this shit out. fucker came out of no-where!
OM f'n God....
The guy actually deleted his posts lol. He truly was a coward. Well anyway I start the thread, and second response by a guy named "lookhow1doit" or something like that, "for someone who dishes out advice all the time, you sure ask some basic questions"...or something close to that. I was like wtf man.

Damn, now that I look back to see what I wrote, I notice that my responses to him are deleted too. I guess that means an admin did it and I should just drop it.
But that was just the last straw. There have been others. Idk, he just caught me at a bad time.

Some people take written text the wrong way by how it sometimes comes across to the reader, like how I first thought you Beanz was just some kid with a pc hating in my thread just dissing my strain choice's for the sake of dissing lol. Since sorted and I now know your not lol
I've read a lot of your posts and you are giving good info out mate but you do come off like a dick sometimes tbh with you bro, but like I said people will take written text in the wrong way sometimes, most take things too serious. I've come across more than a few dicks online just out for a pointless fight but the majority of people I've come across are good people all sharing a common love & interest ~ Mari
Ignore the hate fella, I do, just keep on doin your thing and prove the phuckers wrong with your bud porn, Stay up's!!
I like to think I can evovle and change. I've been trying hard not to be a dick, but other than when I do it on purpose, I don't know what I'm doing that makes me come off that way. I'll just avoid by posting less.

beanz fucks the haters your grow real well, i am new to the site and your advice has saved two of my plants aready, any way hop them buds are thickening up.
thanks man, that means a lot. :hug: smiley_abzv.gif

So I got some batteries like 5 minutes before the lights went off today, so I spent a few minutes and took some quick shots. Bad or good, here they are.
