Bear Grylls (Man vs. Wild) is a sham


New Member
duh. survivor shows bore the &*%$ out of me. i've never watch a single episode.

the only way it would work for me is if there were no crew, just cameras on poles high up capturing what 10 people would do if really left on an uninhabited island for 6 months.

darwin be proud, survival of the fittest.


Active Member
Man you would not eat half the crap he has on that show, Plus you know if you were offered the job you would sure as hell take it :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Survivorman with Les Stroud, just him, carrying all the camera equipment around, great show.


Active Member
See that guy is full of it......he does not carry the camera around he has people following him as well except he sounds bored and uniterested like the show has already been practiced. :spew:


Well-Known Member
See that guy is full of it......he does not carry the camera around he has people following him as well except he sounds bored and uniterested like the show has already been practiced. :spew:
Got any evidence or just a guess? He says he has a satellite phone with him at all times if he's in real danger, and they followed him in a ship for his lost at sea episode (albeit quite a distance away), and maybe the "bored and uninterested" is actually tiredness from lugging around cameras to different places all day and then having to go back and retrieve them.


Well-Known Member
You know he is never actually in danger it is supposed to show you how to survive not to actually place him in danger its very informative and he actually knows what he is doing as opposed to survivorman where he is just some regular guy trying to survive and not really showing you any thing about how you can survive.... Man Vs. Wild is kind of like a worstcase scenario handbook on film....Bear Grylls has a reason to be smug he is the youngest person to ascend Mt. Everest and the first person to fly over it in a glider....also he broke his back while parachuting when he was in the British special forces and has made a full recovery after he was told he would never walk again...we could all learn something from him...and he is trying to teach


Active Member
You know he is never actually in danger it is supposed to show you how to survive not to actually place him in danger its very informative and he actually knows what he is doing as opposed to survivorman where he is just some regular guy trying to survive and not really showing you any thing about how you can survive.... Man Vs. Wild is kind of like a worstcase scenario handbook on film....Bear Grylls has a reason to be smug he is the youngest person to ascend Mt. Everest and the first person to fly over it in a glider....also he broke his back while parachuting when he was in the British special forces and has made a full recovery after he was told he would never walk again...we could all learn something from him...and he is trying to teach
I second that notion. His back round is far superior than that of the survivor man.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think they should do a thing where they advertise for contestants in a real life show thing.. [durrr] And they basically chloroform the selected few, without telling them, and then dump them on an island.

They know that they have to survive, they signed up for it..

It would make the show so much more magical if the first few minutes of it they show people busting into houses and knocking the contestants out..

Damn i should write shit for TV companies..


Well-Known Member
His background is more impressive but his advice isn't always of the same caliber. Climbing every rock face you see, jumping off 40 foot cliffs into water you don't know the depth of and don't know if there are rocks below, drinking water without boiling it and getting giardia, jumping into fast moving freezing water just before nightfall, climbing down waterfalls, running everywhere.

Those things may work if you're highly trained with lots of experience and in great shape, but if you're a regular guy and decide to do some of the things on Man vs Wild you're definitely going to injure or kill yourself, and probably die if you get badly injured and are out there alone. There is lots of useful advice interspersed among the things no normal person should try. Survivorman has its bad moments but there is far less advice that could kill you and more focus on what a normal person could do in a bad situation.

Ray Mears is the shit.


Well-Known Member
He started to get a bit chubby a while back. [Ray Mears]
I've seen pretty much all of his stuff. If i got stuck on an island, i'd stick with him!
Have a look at this pic. He looks really weird in a suit!



Active Member
Now that I think about it though......I have to give both of them props because either way you look at it they are teaching you something. The sham would really have to be Chris Angel the mind freak.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
This man has done things none of us could EVER do. Check him out on wikipedia. The guy is elite.

Why would he spend hours building a raft by himself with a camera crew watching him when they could help out and have it done a lot quicker. The fact is, if he was really stranded, I have no doubt he could build a raft by himself and survive.

I have the same amount of respect for the guy as before. :joint:


Well-Known Member
The reason I like Ray Mears is that he cares more about the culture of the place he is in. If he's in the arctic circle, he learns how the inuit poeple survive there, if he's in the deserts of central australia, he learns how the aboriginal people live off the land.
I suppose they're quite different things really, so perhaps comparing them isn't fair - I just like Ray's style better, I like the fact that he's more like you or I, and that he learns not only how to survive somewhere for a couple of days and find rescue, but how to LIVE there in harmony with nature.


Well-Known Member
The reason I like Ray Mears is that he cares more about the culture of the place he is in. If he's in the arctic circle, he learns how the inuit poeple survive there, if he's in the deserts of central australia, he learns how the aboriginal people live off the land.
Bear Grylls does that in the everglades episode where he used the Native American method of finding south with just a vine and his canteen....both shows are interesting to watch but if I were really stranded somewhere with one of them I'd hope it was Bear


Well-Known Member
That sucks, i actually really liked the show and i liked the guy. Although, i have to wonder why this disgruntled crew member would talk when he could've been bribbed by the network. Fuck i know i wouldve taken the bribe lol.