Beating a dead horse with a bag of soil!


New Member
Hiya all. I'm new here and am about to irritate people by asking a question that has been asked a million times.

Short history about my grows. I have been growing outdoors for about 6 years. After this season I invested in a tent and the toys to put inside it. This last season was horrible. I lost 5 plants overnight to European Corn Borers.

But wait! That's not all! I skipped last season because of a landlord issue. A few months ago I purchased my Ocean Forest like I have used for years only to receive multiple deficiencies that were very hard to keep up on.

I saw something on the vast interwebs that said Fox had changed the formula in 2015. Is this true? I also only seem to get answers like buying multiple bags of different components to mix my own soil.

As you can imagine asking a question that has been asked a million times becomes over complicated and over thought.

I will start an indoor grow in about a week. My question is what soil works better than FF Ocean as a base?

I think I am done with FF. This will be my first indoor grow and I am unsure what soil to use in a controlled environment.


Well-Known Member
Land Lord issues. So glad to be over that. I haven't used ff for a long time so not sure about that. I switched from ff to sunshine mix, haven't looked back since. Just got off ff nutrients too. There's always miracle grow, don't be afraid to jump into something else. Promix has always been good to me also. I've got about 5 gallons left and am going to give hydro a run after this.