beautiful plants turning ugly. photos


Active Member

Not sure if these photos show up good or not, but the under fan leaves are showing these brownish spots and leaves are turning yellow. These are white widows and I started flowering them Friday. I fed them this anti bug stuff aza on Thursday, could this be from the bug stuff? I fed them 1/4 strength nutes yesterday but the damage was there previously. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
Have you checked your pH recently? Could be an easy fix. Other than that looks like a slight cal/mag deficiency to me.



Active Member
I went down to check the ph again but i forgot lights were out. I will check in the morning. If the problem is a slight cal/mag deficiency what could I add for that?


Well-Known Member
I doubt it's from the bug spray. It looks like a Cal-Mag problem. Are you using distilled or RO water? Most hydro nutes do not have calcium and Magnesium added, because they are regularly found in municipal water. Epsom salts, about one tbsp per gal of water, or get some Cal-Mag from your local hydro retailer.


Active Member
I doubt it's from the bug spray. It looks like a Cal-Mag problem. Are you using distilled or RO water? Most hydro nutes do not have calcium and Magnesium added, because they are regularly found in municipal water. Epsom salts, about one tbsp per gal of water, or get some Cal-Mag from your local hydro retailer.
I am growing in soil, and I use RO water. So you recommend I put one tablespoon per gallon of water, I can not find cal-mag anywhere. Thank you!


Active Member
And if you do not think it is from the aza, I am supposed to do my second treatment with it today, can I still go ahead and do it?


Active Member
azamax, anyone? do it yes, no? HELP! I have raised these girls so well up till now. I dont want them to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
when azamax burns the leaves it looks more like rust spots how often do you water to me it looks like over watering what medium and nutez do you use if it is a calcium prob i suggest technaflora's MagiCal


Active Member
when azamax burns the leaves it looks more like rust spots how often do you water to me it looks like over watering what medium and nutez do you use if it is a calcium prob i suggest technaflora's MagiCal
They actually in person do look like rust spots. I water every 3-4 days, I was told white widows need to be watered more often, but because I thought I had fungus gnats I only watered every 3-4 days, I use soil, and biobloom nutes, I gave them 1/4 strength Saturday of the bio bloom, but the weird leaves where there before the nutes were added.


Active Member
when azamax burns the leaves it looks more like rust spots how often do you water to me it looks like over watering what medium and nutez do you use if it is a calcium prob i suggest technaflora's MagiCal
If I cant get the technafloras magical would using the epsom still work?


Active Member
I had a similar problem and cal-mag seemed like it stopped it from getting worse. But never got any better. Mine were white widow also. This time around im using a carb loaded by advanced. I thought my problem had to do with not enough carbs. I used molasis and that was a bunch of bull shit.


Active Member
I had a similar problem and cal-mag seemed like it stopped it from getting worse. But never got any better. Mine were white widow also. This time around im using a carb loaded by advanced. I thought my problem had to do with not enough carbs. I used molasis and that was a bunch of bull shit.
If it doesnt get worse Im so fine with that. I just dont want it to get worse. Is the stuff you use called Carb loaded? and its made by Advanced? Im kind of confused there. Thank you!


Active Member
I use fox farm by the way.

I use fox farm also. This wasnt here until the day I started flowering, which is so weird. I am just worried if I treat it for one thing and it ends up being something else, I dont want to kill these. They are so full and beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well dude. My shit was all rusty and i no longer have that problem. Looking closer at yours it seems like leaves are krinkled so that might be a ph fluctuation. one time i put ph up instead of down and they did that. Its hard to tell with those hps bulbs on it. If they are rusty i would suggest carbs in flowering. If they are krinkled then thats a ph fluctuation.


Active Member
Well dude. My shit was all rusty and i no longer have that problem. Looking closer at yours it seems like leaves are krinkled so that might be a ph fluctuation. one time i put ph up instead of down and they did that. Its hard to tell with those hps bulbs on it. If they are rusty i would suggest carbs in flowering. If they are krinkled then thats a ph fluctuation.
I tested the ph today and it was right at 7. I use ro water from the store. There are a few leaves that are crunchy, krinkled, dry, but the ones I am worried about are almost like a limp lifeless with these rusty colored blotches. IF it was from ph fluctuation, what would I do about that? If I try the epsom salt, if that doesnt work, I can see about the ph, would I just treat it with ph'd water, but see like I said, the ph in the soil i tested today is 7.