Beautiful til nutes...


Well-Known Member
Ok...2 plants... cfl lights... ph-6.5 ish... 5 weeks old...stupid MG moisture control soil...checked plant's NPK few days ago and they read deficient. They looked pretty happy so i waited a couple days for nutes. Fed them last nite and 2 day they look kinda pissed or somethin. newer leaves look sorta pale and weak...overall just not as perky as before feeding. is it 2 late to change mediums or what the heck should i do? this is the second feed and i had to flush the first one. only used less than half of the rec. dosage. Can't seem 2 get this right!...Sry, pics are not that clear. notice the reddish stem on third pic at the top 2. whats that all about?



Active Member
I have had pretty good luck using MG Moisture Control. Perhaps there are other environmental factors.


Well-Known Member
how did you check NPK? Wih miracle grow they are normally on time release nutes and things really dont need to feed them much till ur plants physically starts saying give me nutes.... miracle grow can provide for quite a while. If ur plant is looking nice and healthy and good and green no need to really change anything to be honest.


Well-Known Member
they look fine to me. i've noticed when your plants get older, the newer growth becomes a little paler.if anything it sounds like your probably using the wrong amount of nutes, what you want is a 20-10-12 ratio or something like that for vegging. what i do for my plants around the same age is i feed them a reg amount of nutes then water for 2 days following and some are in MG soil

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
you probly burned them,like said before that soils packed with nutes already,and if you try to flush you will burn them more.

get them out of that soil and into ocean forest type of soil and dont add ferts for at least 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil has nutes in it already. You should not be giving it anything extra for the first three months. Also, marijuana roots don't thrive in continuously wet environments, and MG Moisture Control will do just that. You should go a bit longer between waterings and ELIMINATE feeding it again until you flower it. Maybe even go a couple of weeks into flower before feeding it again.


Well-Known Member
i'm with the other guy, how do you check NPK in soil? MG soil is fine. if anything it looks like they may have been over fed a little. water them with fresh water for a few waters and they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
i'm with the other guy, how do you check NPK in soil? MG soil is fine. if anything it looks like they may have been over fed a little. water them with fresh water for a few waters and they should be fine.
Read the bag? (its on there)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I realized that it said time-release but I have been using an NPK soil test kit regularly and it did say they were deficient of all but k which said slight deficiency. I am only watering less than once a week. guess i'll just wait a few days if see if they bounce back again. how bout leaf sprayin with ph'd water for a few days. will that help flush 'em a little?


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I realized that it said time-release but I have been using an NPK soil test kit regularly and it did say they were deficient of all but k which said slight deficiency. I am only watering less than once a week. guess i'll just wait a few days if see if they bounce back again. how bout leaf sprayin with ph'd water for a few days. will that help flush 'em a little?
i did not know they had such a thing. very cool. got a name brand so i can google it? i suck inside at about week 6. problems happen and i never know what to do. :-|

when i flush i dump enough water on top to fill the pot to the top of the brim. i let this sink into the soil for about an hour. then i come back and do it again. two good floods at once usually does it. then don't water for a few days. do this when the soil is dry enough to water. if your soil is already wet and you flush you may get other issues. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
...For the guy who asked for the name brand NPK test...I use the "Rapitest" NPK testing kit. it's around 10 investment yet