
This is an awsome thread i wish i had time to get through the whole thing, it made me smile, thanks Can
this is my " guy " in africa. Hes an amazing story, and a nice guy. :):):)


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They were all human, the pictures were just showing a time in war that was a peaceful moment, why turn that into a negative thing? Yes they were wrong but most soldiers will tell you they were just following orders.
They were all human, the pictures were just showing a time in war that was a peaceful moment, why turn that into a negative thing? Yes they were wrong but most soldiers will tell you they were just following orders.

2 issues here.

1. The pictures show invaders playing with pets that most likely belonged to the people they just murdered/subjugated.

2. Following orders to promote the "Master Race" and wipe out an entire ethnicity along with what they considered undesirables.

This was organized, systematic, genocide brought about by institutionalized racism, bigotry and elitism. Yes they were human but gave up their humanity when they decided to rid the world of "Jews". The entire nation of Denmark refused to give up their Jewish citizens and AS A NATION wore the yellow Star of David in solidarity. Plus they transported as many Jews to safety as they could. Don't give me that bullshit about following orders. There were nine million Jews in Europe before WWII. By the time the Axis was defeated there were only three million left. Men, women and children. Please forgive me if I don't get all warm and fuzzy when I see uniforms representing one the most shameful and horrific events in human history being cute for a photo op.
2 issues here.

1. The pictures show invaders playing with pets that most likely belonged to the people they just murdered/subjugated.

2. Following orders to promote the "Master Race" and wipe out an entire ethnicity along with what they considered undesirables.

This was organized, systematic, genocide brought about by institutionalized racism, bigotry and elitism. Yes they were human but gave up their humanity when they decided to rid the world of "Jews". The entire nation of Denmark refused to give up their Jewish citizens and AS A NATION wore the yellow Star of David in solidarity. Plus they transported as many Jews to safety as they could. Don't give me that bullshit about following orders. There were nine million Jews before WWII. By the time the Axis was defeated there were only three million left. Men, women and children. Please forgive me if I don't get all warm and fuzzy when I see uniforms representing one the most shameful and horrific events in human history being cutsie for a photo op.
I know I might have sounded like Nazi sympathizer last night but I assure you that was not my intention. First picture is of a Kamikaze unit. Background:

Photo shows Corporal Yukio Araki (age 17 years old) holding a puppy with four other young men (age 18 and years old) of the 72nd Shinbu air Corps around him. An Asahi Shimbun cameraman took this photo on the day before the departure of the 72nd Shinbu air Corps from Bansei Air Base for their Kamikaze (Divine Wind) mission in Okinawa. Yukio Araki died at the age of 17 years and 2 months in a suicide attack on American ships near Okinawa on May 27, 1945. Almost all Army kamikaze pilots during the Okinawan campaign were between 17 and 22 (Muranaga 1989,12).

Still just in their adolescence trying to find some enjoyment before they die. Not murderers playing with the pet of the people they just killed. They had not even seen combat.

Second pictures background is as followed:
20th Wafffen SS Grenadier Division. Formed in 1944 in Estonia, they are conscripts at least the two on right - not members of the Waffen SS by choice, or German soldiers by choice, or even for that matter Germans at all. Estonia is near Finland. They were pressed into service to fight the Soviets, denied the right to form their own armed force and forced in to Waffen SS. Estonia was effectively "granted" to Russia as part of deal with Nazi Germany in 1939, and was promptly occupied by the soviets. when Germany attacked/invaded Russia, Estonia was caught in the middle. In general, later in the war the voluntary nature of the Waffen SS changed, and many were simply forced into it. See

The first soldier is a Waffen-SS man and just because you were in the SS did not mean you were a member of the Nazi Party. The 2nd and 3rd soldiers are volunteers for a foreign division of the Waffen-SS. Look at the left collar tabs and the shield on the right fore arm of the last man. At the end of the war there were more non-Germans fighting for Germany then Germans, Thats why the Waffen-SS has been called the first NATO.

Just wanted to add some background to clear things up.

I took this picture with my phone a few months ago....
I thought it was really cool how the sun pierced the cloud. Hope you guys like

sun piercing cloud.jpg

stay high