
Y'know i thought about you yesterday, neo? i heard a woodpecker, and thought of your pileated. The one i heard though had a rapid beat. Sounded like a wooden cat purring, kind of. cn
Y'know i thought about you yesterday, neo? i heard a woodpecker, and thought of your pileated. The one i heard though had a rapid beat. Sounded like a wooden cat purring, kind of. cn

No CN, I didn't know you thought about me yesterday. :-P That's touching though. :-D

I just went out and caught this little lady...

Here's a picture I took this week while snowboarding.
It was an amazing day, and we were boarding in, and above, the clouds.


Excerpt from Billions and Billions

Absolutely beautiful
Well damn, the birds were good to me this morning. Great start to the day!!

2 new ones for you to help me identify Carne...



Then I got these 2 shots. I think the Cardinal is especially beautiful...


Hey neo..,the first pic is a Bluejay and the second is a chickadee...I think

P.S Bluejays are vicious birds, I've seen the ones near my place take baby Robins and smash them on the sidewalk...and most times it seems they do it just for the thrill.
Sorry to turn your thread into the "bird thread" CN but I'm quite thoroughly enjoying my new hobby. The relaxation it gives me is beautiful.

Mourning Dove


Here's a shot of a Cardinal I tweaked in the GIMP that turned out looking pretty cool...
