
The first is a double rainbow. The rest are pics my son sent me from back east. A fat ass toad/frog about 10 to 12 inches big. A really cool looking circular garden, and a wolf spider. It is as big as my son's hand from thumb to pinky.
I was cool with it right up to the spider.
lol...shoulda seen my face when he told me how big it actually was in size reference to the pic in my phone! Here is some of my mother's beautiful artwork.

...doesn't that one in front remind you of someone? my KT ;)


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How do you get the blur and sun rays?

In photoshop messing around with filters>distort>twirl then blend it over the original at low transparency in several layers, using overlay and screen layer options from the drop down menu at like 10-15% opacity tweaking a little at a time.

The sun rays (starburst) are shot on the camera, f20-f24 will give the "starburst" sunlight effect. Here's another that wasn't as good, just using f20 and waiting for the sun to come up:
3612872754_39c0aa1ca4.jpg <-- is about 30 minutes east of portland along the columbia river. Nearby-> 3631367460_e0257b486f.jpg

This one 3508882771_f18548cdb8.jpg I cut off the starburst in the left top corner, woulda been pretty good if I'd just turned an inch to the left...

That old car in color3636261685_3cb4bfa114.jpg at my aunts farm: 3532186657_325e6f3a36.jpg


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This is the other side of the art in the picture above of my mother's art. If anyone lives in or near the Crescent City CA area, you have probably seen her work. She was a neat lady :hug:

...I'm not sure which one's they are, but the Light Houses are actual ones from the area up there. The scenery focal points are too.


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The outdoorsman asked what camera I have.

I just have a canon 40d I've had for 4-5 years. The problem for me is I don't have any good lenses. The most expensive ones I have are in the $300 range, which isn't shit, and the glass is probably more important than the camera body.
Inside grow tent a few years ago, smoke is added in photoshop: 4249901680_c1e2ca800c.jpg4249906258_a98af447ce.jpg4249127409_5fd51b6aaf.jpg4249963736_9ab115ec27.jpg

My real passion now isn't photography but making games, it's more fun than playing them: :)


Use this to post pics, it's much better.





Copy the BBC code and paste it in the post box, it should begin with an tag.

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Jeez...may I just say right here, right now, that I will probably just LIKE every damn post in this entire thread. OK. I wont hit the button any more. lol