Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

Sorry I do not follow, they through him up against a door with a deadbolt on it, that is what his head struck and caused the injury...we installed the deadbolt, but I do not think we are to blame for his head injury..
It was in jest. It was my attempt to parallel the moronic thought that there is no reason to consider reasonable controls on guns as long as people can be killed with trucks.
It was in jest. It was my attempt to parallel the moronic thought that there is no reason to consider reasonable controls on guns as long as people can be killed with trucks.
oh...LOL, I am tired and took an it is our fault at having the deadbolt at my husbands eye level but did not want the grandson to be able to open it...deadbolt.jpg
Not what i meant. I meant if leadership doesnt punish them they feel invincible.

I just think we need to get people in that will actually crack down on this shit.
You won't get the right people in with a 2 party system. Hate to burst your bubble but they can't be voted out.
You won't get the right people in with a 2 party system. Hate to burst your bubble but they can't be voted out.
Yeah, good luck with that. This has been a 2 party nation for a long time and the parties have invested a huge amount of resources stacking the deck so that no more than two parties can thrive. A third party would be effectively barred from participating in the Congress.
yes. i thought you were just learning to grow. maybe i missed something, why did they come at you with a warrant?
Long story, about 2 years ago we were asked by someone in our church to help this homeless man, and we agreed and brought him into our home for a week. He was a creep and we asked him to leave after one week. Apparently he was using his phone to connect to our internet to send kiddy porn to people. Only happened for a week and we kicked him out and it stopped, well from our home anyhow. 8 months latter we had a swat team at our home breaking in our doors, they held a semi auto rifle at my head, then roughed my husband up and through him up against a door in our home with a deadbolt and he sustained a bad head injury which has caused hin to have a seizure was a nightmare...then they carted his ass to jail because of the weed they found in his office. He since had to quit his job he was a truck driver. He has medical issues, then PTSD, and also can no longer drive trucks because of this, it has been devestating... they confiscated all our electrics...
Yeah, good luck with that. This has been a 2 party nation for a long time and the parties have invested a huge amount of resources stacking the deck so that no more than two parties can thrive. A third party would be effectively barred from participating in the Congress.
Yup, which leaves us one option, Revolution.

Long story, about 2 years ago we were asked by someone in our church to help this homeless man, and we agreed and brought him into our home for a week. He was a creep and we asked him to leave after one week. Apparently he was using his phone to connect to our internet to send kiddy porn to people. Only happened for a week and we kicked him out and it stopped, well from our home anyhow. 8 months latter we had a swat team at our home breaking in our doors, they held a semi auto rifle at my head, then roughed my husband up and through him up against a door in our home with a deadbolt and he sustained a bad head injury which has caused hin to have a seizure was a nightmare...then they carted his ass to jail because of the weed they found in his office. He since had to quit his job he was a truck driver. He has medical issues, then PTSD, and also can no longer drive trucks because of this, it has been devestating... they confiscated all our electrics...
Now you know homeless people are usually homeless for a reason.
So I should have resisted arrest possibly got myself shot tasered for sure like this guy and charged with a crime anyway just for being a douche bag?

Plus I take it no cop has threatened to kill you. Submission sure why not I don't have the opportunity to kill several cops that are standing around me. I fight well I know a guy who did 2-5 for just poking a cop in the chest because he didn't want him on his property cop had no warrant to be on his property. Cops do what they want you don't want a prison bid cooperate that black guy got charges.

If you are doing something, anything that you knowingly could get arrested for; its on you if you don't have your lawyer money set aside.

Call your attorney and let them handle!