I'm not wrong. Take the time to setup your router right and it will take serious skills to hack it. 128 bit encryption is no joke.
Its only as strong as your password. Like I said, 19 random letter, numbers and symbols and the average Joe is not going to hack it.
Now use the name of your dog or important dates make it easy.
Make sure it is wpa2 and not an older wep protected router. Change the ssid name to something besides the name that came with it and make a strong password. 19 or more characters is almost impossible to crack.
Look for a router that has stealth so people can't see it when searching for a network.
Enable router firewall.
I'm sorry it happened but with a few simple steps it could've been avoided.
I noticed you never denied the FDD thing.
Do you make these stories up for your female persona or are they real stories from your or someone you know lives?