Becoming a man

a random screen name

Active Member
You can be "old" but not grown.. 30 amd still living at moms house ain't being a grown man..

IMO to be a grown man means you're 100% independent, your own everything. Taking full responsibility over everything you do..

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
what makes a man, is it the woman in his arms?
just cause she has big titties?
or is it the way, he fights every day?
No, it's probably the titties.

now you're a man, a man, man, man.
now you're a ma-man, a ma-ma-ma-ma-man
now you're a man, M-A-N man, man.
man, man, maan.
now you're a man.


Active Member
what makes a man, is it the woman in his arms?
just cause she has big titties?
or is it the way, he fights every day?
No, it's probably the titties.

now you're a man, a man, man, man.
now you're a ma-man, a ma-ma-ma-ma-man
now you're a man, M-A-N man, man.
man, man, maan.
now you're a man.

I would totally sing that song to the riddim of '' bird is the word ''


Active Member
LOL this forum is fucking lame. Thanks for showing me the content of this pathetic site, i'm probably talking with a bunch of angry virgin nerds. go fuck selves lame ass pussies
Content ? Toke'n'talk ? Same sentence ? what do you expect young kid?


New Member
i'm 25 years old and have been in the work force earning 6 figures...driven across the country 5 times...travelled to china, europe...experienced much more than most, regardless of age


New Member
pay for everything myself and have all my possessions with me, in my car right now, driving from PA back to ND. Got $5,000 in my pocket (more than the value of my car LOL)


Well-Known Member
My old man told me that a full time job and my own place @ 18 made me a man....he said this as he was walking me to my car whilst throwing my shit in the trunk......
Ward Cleaver my ass...!