Bedroom Chimney Ultimate Stealth grow(pics)



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wait wait wait what date did you pop it in the soil? mine can take upto 10 days to pop out of the soil. they can take 10 days simply to germinate when done in a paper towel, let alone grow up through the soil and out into the open.


Well-Known Member
Three ways I've gotten seeds to grow.

1) Drop your seeds in a cup of water and set that cup in a cupboard or somewhere dark.
2) Fold a paper towel up a few times and get it nice and wet and squeeze some of the water out.
Put your seeds inside of the towel, put the towel in a ziplock bag but don't close it. Set it somewhere warm.

For the first two methods, once you see your seeds start to sprout a little root from the end, go ahead and throw
it in some nice damp soil about 1/4" beneath the surface and cover with saran wrap just like I explain in method #3.

3) Fill your pot with soil, and make sure the soil is nice and damp/wet but not SOAKED. Use the end of a pencil to
poke a hole in the soil about 1/4" deep, set your seed in the hole and lightly cover it with soil. Cover your pot with
saran wrap and poke a few holes in the top of the saran wrap so the soil can breathe, but will still stay humid.

I've used all three of these methods successfully and #3 is probably the easiest/foolproof way.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
soap bar is the most horrific ungodly excuse for a smoke i've ever heard of. that little list mentioned above is but the tip of the iceburg. the guys making it will often jsut do it in old skips, and they will throw bloody ANYTHING into it to pad it out, newpaper, hay, engine oil, bricks, cement, you name it. last i read about it they were stating it was around 5% hash and 95% garbage. anyone stupid enough to smoke that, well fuck that, think twice and put that stuff down!


yeh its fucked coz i tryed to take it out of the soil to germinate it but i couldnt find it so its lost in the soil so meh i know its dull as fuck so i need a low smell (low ish) high yeild plant the higher the thc count the better


ok im gonna leave thst then but im gonna order more anyway so whats the best i was thinking of getting some white widow is that a stinky grower tho?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I'm in the UK too. London town. Why on earth would you buy hash? There is so much good prime green bud around. Even "good hash" isnt great and it kills your lungs to smoke it.

If you cant find the seed, leave it in the soil. If you didnt end up burying it too deeply, you might just see it pop out. If you bought the seed from a shop chances are its quality and will germinate in the soil. But even if it is a seed from a baggie you bought to smoke, you could still get lucky.

I found the best way to germinate is the wet paper towel method. Although some water in a cup works just ast well. The reason I like the paper towel method is, you can put it just about anywhere and no need to worry about spills. You can also easily check for when it is ready. With the water method, once the seed sinks to the bottom and stops floating, its a good sign that it is absorbing water and a high chance that it will live if you plant it.

Take a look at my journal here The very first picture you see is a seed that was done via the paper towel method, and one day after I put it in some soil from my back yard it popped up just like you see in the pic.

I've never done a MJ grow indoors before, but have loads of experience in growing veggies and fruits on the farm. So take it from me, in future avoid the disappointment and germinate your seeds before you put them in soil. Its not a requirement as seeds will germinate in moist soil as well, but by doing it before you put them in soil, you can eliminate any dead seeds.

Also patience, patience, patience. Could take 1 day, or 10 days. It all depends on the age, quality, and other conditions such as temperature etc. But if in another week, you dont see any sign of life, its a pretty safe bet it may be lost.


sweet my 4 northen lights femed just got here just wrapped 1 seed in kitchen roll + water cant wait till she sprouts

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey gym glad to see your cracking on mate, if you get stuck on hear pop back into the uk thread mate the lads on there are good as gold, what part of wales you from mate i'm in newport

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
im from caerphilly mate
just up the road then mate i would have thought you'd be surrounded by homegrown up your way? last time i was up your way by the castle there was loads going around that was a couple of years ago though mate


yeh its alot worse now around here its just all about who u know soon as u meet ppl its all good but i dont go around screeming for weed :P ( iv come close )

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeh its alot worse now around here its just all about who u know soon as u meet ppl its all good but i dont go around screeming for weed :P ( iv come close )
i don't blame you mate it seems to be getting bad every where at the mo i know there's a shortage of good stuff down my way at the mo which worked out well for me i can't beleive i'm saying it but i hope it continues for my sake lol