been a week and my clones have no roots? help pleaseee

Ok, first of all....the white thing you see is actually the thin layer where the roots will shoot from. To cut clones, you should cut a stem that is not too thin or thick. it needs to be strong enough to hold itself up but thin enough to allow easy root penetration from inside the stalk.
I cut my clones with scissors.....yes i said SCISSORS lol, and then use an exacto knife to slice a 45 degree angle on the tip. Next, you want to scrape the outer layer off the stem at the tip, where you want roots to come from. Dip it in water, then the clonex, and then directly into your rockwool or soil plug. I've used both, and also just filled a tray with perilite, stuck them in and got roots in 5-7 days.
Check out my threads, grow journals, and pics., There is alot of info in there for you to use.

Next, the relative humidity needs to be around 75-85%, with temps in the 75-80 range. I use a heat mat and thermostat under ALL my trays to control temps inside the dome. The lights are flouro's and i dont mean t5's, i use the regular tube 25 watters for a 4 foot shop light. I use a tall dome, and the light lays right ontop of the dome.

I agree with the others, PATIENCE is #1 RULE in this hobby of ours. Cut,plant, and watch.....ONLY WORK ON PLANTS WHEN THEY NEED IT.

I mist the clones, NOT THE RW, twice a day, and dip the rw cubes or plugs in PH balanced water with a drop or two of superthirve when they show signs of needing water. YOU CAN STILL OVER WATER CLONES (FYI) :)

Good luck to you, if you have any other questions feel free to ask
thanks man, i copied the way jorge cervantes did it on his ultimate grow dvd but i dont have fancy clone racks, heat mats, or perlite so im playing the hand ive got, by all means they should root my seedlings did when i cracked them open not all of them made it but the ones that did looked good is it harder to root clones than seedlings?


Well-Known Member
7-14 days under optimal conditions. if not it could take more then a month. *Some strains are harder to clone than others.


Active Member
Hey there I seen one of your pictures from the first page and it looks like the plants are just set into the rock-wool cubes did you form the rock-wool around the stem by any chance? I heard it needs to be tight. I rooted my first five clones in about 11 days total. As previously stated though, it depends on strain. I have just cloned some mexican bagweed garbage so..


Well-Known Member
seedlings start out as a root clones are a stem, you can answer thatone yourself.
thanks man, i copied the way jorge cervantes did it on his ultimate grow dvd but i dont have fancy clone racks, heat mats, or perlite so im playing the hand ive got, by all means they should root my seedlings did when i cracked them open not all of them made it but the ones that did looked good is it harder to root clones than seedlings?


Active Member
make sure the roots are in the dark...that might be the problem...i've been trying to clone with no success for 3 years, until just recently. Now it's suddenly a 100% success rate. There are three criteria you must meet to root a cutting; darkness for the roots, warmth, high humidity. Before I was always missing one of those... Changing your water every few days should help stave off mold.
Hey there I seen one of your pictures from the first page and it looks like the plants are just set into the rock-wool cubes did you form the rock-wool around the stem by any chance? I heard it needs to be tight. I rooted my first five clones in about 11 days total. As previously stated though, it depends on strain. I have just cloned some mexican bagweed garbage so..
its barneys farm vanilla kush, true that could be one of the problems not enough contact with the rockwool
make sure the roots are in the dark...that might be the problem...i've been trying to clone with no success for 3 years, until just recently. Now it's suddenly a 100% success rate. There are three criteria you must meet to root a cutting; darkness for the roots, warmth, high humidity. Before I was always missing one of those... Changing your water every few days should help stave off mold.
so the hole has to be closed around the stem so no light gets through right but theres barely enough root if any at all coming out.
I use the jiffy pellets. The ones that expand when you put them in water. They retain a lot of moisture and it's easy to get a good 'seal' around the clones stem by squeezing. Something you shouldn't really do with rockwool.
i took a few more clones and put them in jiffy pellets i had hopefully theyll do better but its worrying me that its been over a week and not even a sign of roots


Well-Known Member
Make sure it's snug around the base of the stem and don't let it dry out. If you don't have roots in 10 days somethings off.


Active Member
theyre in a dome mate
IMO this is most likely your issue. You have a dome and mist your clones too much and for too long. If they are getting their water from their leaves than they are not concern about growing roots. You need to encourage them to grow roots by weening (sp?) them off the bottle sort of speak. Think about it this way. If you can get water delivered to you from the faucet than why would you ever go to the well?

I mist the cuttings when I first cut and place them in a misted dome. I keep humidity high for 24hrs by misting the dome after that. You can mist the clones the first 8 hours but try to mist the domes mostly. I keep the sides vent open and close the top vents of the dome. After 24hrs I remove the dome and check on them after an hour. If they don't show signs of wilt than I leave the dome off. Keep the RW moist but not soggy and you should get roots 5 to 10 days.