Been Busted? Raided? Caught? Or got away on a Close Call? Share your stories thread-

Shoulda cunt punted her to the moon.

She recently moved out the state before she called the cops. To this day, I have no idea what she looks like. This was before my time with the wife. I didn't know this chick. The (ex)wife did.

My kids were home. That fucked with them. Handcuffed, inside the house. Sat on a chair. My kids marched by. "I want a lawyer"- Me. " Shut your fucking mouth or we'll shut it"-Them.

My only shining moment. As they started walking out with my weed. The head guy says, "We found your weed".

My response. "I never seen that before. I don't know what you're talking about."

That made them especially mad. Enraged.
She recently moved out the state before she called the cops. To this day, I have no idea what she looks like. This was before my time with the wife. I didn't know this chick. The (ex)wife did.

My kids were home. That fucked with them. Handcuffed, inside the house. Sat on a chair. My kids marched by. "I want a lawyer"- Me. " Shut your fucking mouth or we'll shut it"-Them.

My only shining moment. As they started walking out with my weed. The head guy says, "We found your weed".

My response. "I never seen that before. I don't know what you're talking about."

That made them especially mad. Enraged.
Such experiences can terrorize young children. I had a friend back in KC who had his house raided (they were at the wrong address looking for a meth lab a block over). They came in all gung ho with the flash bangs and a K9 unit. His kids were terrified and after that his youngest would wet her pants at the sight of a mall cop. Crazy part of that story is he had a couple Carne Corso's, basically a mastiff sized pitbull. One of his dogs took the K9 back out in the front yard and broke it's neck and was then shot. He was suing the city over that whole ordeal, of course they were dragging it out, I lost touch with him.
My grow is fairly safe. The direct next door neighbor runs through the cars. What he's selling. Don't know. None of my business. He's loud about the way he goes at it. Guy around the corner has pounds from California. Sign of the times.

My risk is rather low. To get to me would mean going through a half of other dozen down the street.

There's a guy down the road that makes my grow spider sense needle go off the scale. I know he does it. But my evidence is my mouth. Don't count.
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This one is a hoot.

It was my girlfriends birthday and my best friend was here celebrating with us. There was some very loud, aggressive music playing (Opeth - Deliverance) as I made bubble hash in the kitchen. Earlier, I'd been working on my globally-unique expedition vehicle in the back driveway and still had the garage door open, a big mistake.

Across the alley lived the Spucklers (as in Cletus from The Simpsons), filthy, trashy, pilled- and meth'd-out rednecks who moved in when Granny, a lovely lady and longtime friend of mine, had to move to a care facility. They immediately started selling hard dope with lots of ultra-scuzzy traffic and spectacular domestic squabbles that would last for hours. I could write 20 pages......

As my little party raged on, the domestic disturbance across the alley spun out of control after going on for hours. Apparently, a neighbor on the next block opposite me (separated from Spucklers by my alley, my side of the street, the street, other side of street, and alley) called the oinkers after hearing that fat, crazy, pill-addled bitch bellow for hours.

Pigs pulled up in front of my house, one street from Spuck. Knocked on door, but we didn't hear due to the heavy fuckin' metal. They went around the side to the back driveway and entered the open garage as I strained trichomes in the adjacent kitchen. The contents of the house were felonious many times over.

I saw their flashlights and dashed into the attached garage to head them off and prevent entry to the house. They said a disturbance had been reported. I made clear I wasn't the problem, the house held sound well, I was on good terms with my neighbors and loud music was a constant in my world. I pointed at Camp Spuckler across the alley and suggested that was their likely target and promised if we all held our breath enlightenment would follow before exhaling.

The pigs looked puzzled, but within seconds Lady Spuckler went off with bunch of "I'll kill you, motherfucker" and the like. I heaved a huge sigh of relief as the lawdogs exited my property to go play chaperone with those fucktards. They came very close to entering my house and ruining some lives.

After they were done, they had to cross my property to get back to their car, but one of 'em wanted to see inside my expedition vehicle, which I'd turned into a 4x4 luxury hotel room on wheels with a tremendous amount of custom work. The cop was so impressed that he shook my hand, but my hand was covered in kief and WE STUCK TOGETHER, my bare hand to his leather driving/crackhead punching glove.

I stammered something about using adhesives earlier and apologized for my stickiness. We managed to peel our hands apart and everyone went on their merry way. The piggies were quite pleasant and courteous, really.

Since then, the garage door has remained closed when it didn't need to be open. My stupidity almost brought havoc upon us, my lone close call in over 35 years of cannabis-related outlaw behavior. It only takes one little slip up..........
This one is a hoot.

It was my girlfriends birthday and my best friend was here celebrating with us. There was some very loud, aggressive music playing (Opeth - Deliverance) as I made bubble hash in the kitchen. Earlier, I'd been working on my globally-unique expedition vehicle in the back driveway and still had the garage door open, a big mistake.

Across the alley lived the Spucklers (as in Cletus from The Simpsons), filthy, trashy, pilled- and meth'd-out rednecks who moved in when Granny, a lovely lady and longtime friend of mine, had to move to a care facility. They immediately started selling hard dope with lots of ultra-scuzzy traffic and spectacular domestic squabbles that would last for hours. I could write 20 pages......

As my little party raged on, the domestic disturbance across the alley spun out of control after going on for hours. Apparently, a neighbor on the next block opposite me (separated from Spucklers by my alley, my side of the street, the street, other side of street, and alley) called the oinkers after hearing that fat, crazy, pill-addled bitch bellow for hours.

Pigs pulled up in front of my house, one street from Spuck. Knocked on door, but we didn't hear due to the heavy fuckin' metal. They went around the side to the back driveway and entered the open garage as I strained trichomes in the adjacent kitchen. The contents of the house were felonious many times over.

I saw their flashlights and dashed into the attached garage to head them off and prevent entry to the house. They said a disturbance had been reported. I made clear I wasn't the problem, the house held sound well, I was on good terms with my neighbors and loud music was a constant in my world. I pointed at Camp Spuckler across the alley and suggested that was their likely target and promised if we all held our breath enlightenment would follow before exhaling.

The pigs looked puzzled, but within seconds Lady Spuckler went off with bunch of "I'll kill you, motherfucker" and the like. I heaved a huge sigh of relief as the lawdogs exited my property to go play chaperone with those fucktards. They came very close to entering my house and ruining some lives.

After they were done, they had to cross my property to get back to their car, but one of 'em wanted to see inside my expedition vehicle, which I'd turned into a 4x4 luxury hotel room on wheels with a tremendous amount of custom work. The cop was so impressed that he shook my hand, but my hand was covered in kief and WE STUCK TOGETHER, my bare hand to his leather driving/crackhead punching glove.

I stammered something about using adhesives earlier and apologized for my stickiness. We managed to peel our hands apart and everyone went on their merry way. The piggies were quite pleasant and courteous, really.

Since then, the garage door has remained closed when it didn't need to be open. My stupidity almost brought havoc upon us, my lone close call in over 35 years of cannabis-related outlaw behavior. It only takes one little slip up..........

The way you typed out the story is great. Any pics of that truck?
I only got caught once on my way home from my buddy's. I was caught for speeding first. What I should have done was get out of the car and lock it as someone suggested here because then legally he cannot do shit to my car without a warrant since it's private property. Instead i stayed inside, he makes a big deal out of my heinous crime of 64 in a 55 (oh no, the children) and makes me get out and put my hands on his car and pats me down. Even feels up my grundle. That's fucking weird man. He goes in my car and finds an 8th that I had just bought, then tears the rest of it apart informing me that if he finds anything else, probably referring to snow, smack, etc, i'm going to lockup for the night.

He also makes me do a visual test which i apparently pass but somehow luck was on my side because he didn't make me blow and i'd had a beer that night. Tells me i need to "get over this shit until it's legal" or get a medical marijuana card. Takes the weed i bought, presumably to smoke it himself outta the evidence locker (as i hope y'all are aware they do) and I get a $200 fine. Not for the weed, the speeding. The weed didn't show up on any of my infractions. Guess i got lucky all things considered. Still fucking stupid doe.
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Got a buddy doing 25 years for growing. He had a clean record, real chill dude. They really fucked him hard. His daughter was 5 when he was busted. He has already served about 20 years of his time so they haven't let him out early... yet... and he is white too! lol
Knew lots of guys doing 30 years or more from pot, gat caught for AR, explosives, auto theft, B and E stores x20 plus and blowing up a bank. Almost 7 years gone.
the whole thing is kinda crazy... almost unbelievable really... I have so many things I was going to cross for chuck seeds to pass out, so I really don't want to chop anything if I can help it... i can move everything if I have to, but it would be a hassle. And on top of it all, he says he's already taken video from his cell... if I clear everything out, I don't think that would matter, but I don't know... like I said, he works at a law firm, so he is probably friends with other lawyers and judges... maybe i'll try to talk with the guy... it's hard though, because he is so fucking arrogant... for somebody to just trespass on someone else's land and demand that they grant them access so that they have a trail for their horses is crazy... honestly I want to threaten him, but I know that would end badly for me... no way in hell i'm signing over any of my property rights though. back in the day some people would have planted him for this shit... about 6 feet down.
I know this is an old thread but if anyone comes across a problem like this get call a lawyer. This is called extortion. It is illegal to extort anything, pull out your phone and record the extortion attempt. Turn the recording over to your lawyer, problem solved.
thanks for the support. Realistically, I really can't touch him at all... not without serious consequences... i'll move everything to a buddy's place then tell him to do his worst and see how it goes... If there's nothing there, even if he does have video, it can't be that bad... and if it is, then maybe somebody will have tune him up.
Horse head bookends!
I've been cautious to a fault. My brothers and best friend are the only ones to ever know of or see the garden of perpetual happiness. Even when trusted associates ask for some happy, I say, let me get ahold of my guy and I'll get back to you. Once you reveal, you can never undo it.
So on to the thread, my bestie says they are getting a narco dog, and was kinda freaking out. Here I come to visit with a 1/2 LB of trim and shake.
Well, somehow all the scuff got spilled out at the courthouse complex. The cops were pissed of at the dogs and the program did not work out!
Poor doggies!!
I was ridding along with an uncle of mine who built houses across the state back in the day... after about a 2 hour drive I figured we were going to pass a checkpoint sooner or later so i asked him to stop so i could take a piss and drop the 1/4 in my pocket along with the spoon
he said we cant stip here the check point is within a mile from here... i was shitting bricks...
When we got to the check point we hada fella who didnt speak english so they took him in for questioning... we were asked to get off the vehicle and wait.. the while time there was a dog on a leash that kept trying to walk up to my but the customs agent would jerk on the leash. I stood down stream the whole time.. but i swear that dog knew what was up.. the dude who n questioning was let go and we continued our way.. thats a close call Ive had
Maybe a close call...
Years back a buddy and I scored a bag. It was night time and as we are driving it's kinda hard to make out how good the stuff is.
So I hold it up using the lights of the car behind us to check it out. We pull up to a stop sign pulling right to go right. The car behind us rolls up beside us to go left. It's a cop car. Looking left my buddy freezes. I kinda have to talk him through the stop. "O.k. stop staring and slowly look right . Good, put your blinker on. Nice, now roll out slowly." I look out the side mirror. "They went left".
One time I got busted, they tried the whole rope a dope shit on me, tried threatening me with probation and a plea deal.

I said "Nope, no probation or pleas".... I either walk the fuck out of that court room a free man, or I get 10 years. Period.

The DA, said "Ok, you can go".

Another time I got busted, same DA.... The lawyer I paid $700 for, went into the court docket room... grabbed every bit of paperwork involving my case, slid it into his briefcase, walked out of the little room..

20 minutes later the judge calls my name but says "I can't for the life of me figure out why you're here...., You obviously are supposed to be here, but on what charges???"

TO which my lawyer said "My client is not responsible for the courts failures." Judge agreed, but still gave me 6 months conditional discharge because he knew I was there for "something"..... Which was Illegal cultivation and possession of 1/2 lb, plus growing 50+ plants. I was looking at 25 years.

Come to find out, my lawyer is pals with the DA and golfs with him every weekend. 2 years later, my lawyer had a car accident and hit a bank with his car.... they found a crack pipe in his possession. LOL!!
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