Been drying for 3 days but the stem isn't snapping yet.


Active Member
I've been drying for 3 days and the stem isn't snapping yet but everything feels so dry on the outside. This is my first harvest so I'm getting a little worried. Should I jar it now? Should I wait? Will they moisten back up? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you put em in jars now the moisture in the stem will slowly make it's way to the outside of the bud, then you burp the jar letting that moisture out and repeat. At least that's what i do :lol:


Well-Known Member
If you're worried, bottle 'em. But keep an eye on them. You may have to lay the buds out again. No big deal. What's your humidity? I usually bottle too quickly (I get so excited), then I have to burp more often, and I've even had to bag them for another day. You don't want to dry them too fast.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. The humidity on a low end of the day is 35% and 45% on a high. How often should I burp them if I bottle now?


Well-Known Member
3 days? My plants have been hanging for a week and no snap but I'm happy with it and they are ready for jars now. If they dry too fast the clorophyl doesn't get out of the plant and it will have that hayish smell*and harsh taste*


Active Member
I'm concerned with bottling too early and also not drying long enough. The outside feels pretty dry but when I squeeze one of the larger ones I can tell that there is still some moisture in there. Any good advice / tips for based on my humidity levels and description?

Since this is my first grow and tester grow (anything that could go wrong has), I've considered bottling some now and leaving some out for another day or two. Anyone object to that?


Active Member
45% is a little high, when I dry in my basement its about 48% and it takes forever to dry. I don't do it anymore because Im scared they will mold. Now I bring they upstairs in a closet. They get dry enough in 4-5 days to start the jar and burp process. It obviously absolutely stinks the house up, so you might want to set a filter up or some prevention. Since I have been drying upstairs, not only is the initial dry quicker, but an over all better aroma in the end.

Castor Troy

i have little plants, about 16-28 inches, 3 days hanging then jars, after about 4 days in the jars they are smokeable. i burp once a day for an hour or so


Well-Known Member
misinformation. its the greatest.

the longer you dry the better. a week+ is perfectly fine, and actually better for the product if you do so.
45% is nowhere near too high.

let them go longer. they will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
jar it. If its over 65 after a hr put them in paper bag for a day and repeat until below 60 after an hr. 35 to me is pretty low. I had no option but to hang in the grow room once and it gest up to 75 at night when ac kicks off. i would think 45-50 is ideal.


Well-Known Member
If the NW in your name means Northwest, 3 days isn't nearly long enough to hang. Last year it was 4-5 before I could "feel" a snap, though even then the branch didn't break. This year I'm hanging for 3 days, then rimming excess stems and moving to a hanging drying rack (sweet sweet addition to a small space). Pretty much the same least 6 days before I jar. Hope this helps.


when i notice theyre just a tad too wet for jars i like to pile the nugs on a brown paper bag, dispersing them evenly. this will help grab a little moisture without losing taste. works for me.


Well-Known Member
If the stem snaps in three days they are drying way too fast. Here in Cali I hang branches off hangers in a closed closet, in three or so days the buds are almost crumbly, aren't compact and don't cure well...and the stems are still bendy

I found that just before that point, if I put them in closed paper bags they dry slower and more evenly. Then I jar


Well-Known Member
I live in CA as well - 1 plant was cut on the 5th, and the rest on the 10th - all are still drying and still don't snap - get some air flowing in there bro?

EDIT: the 5th is dry enough to smoke(eh) and is getting jarred up right now with bendy stems still - the 10th is getting done next(gotta finish the 5th first)


Active Member
mmmm not if you let them go to long. They hung for a little over a week and it gave them a little funk. They stop drying after a certain point. Its not misinformation or a wrong answer, just gave you my experience. Peace
the question i would ask is how dense your buds are if they are super dense a week or more to dry but if the buds are airy and all loose then it will be a few days drying


Well-Known Member
I just would give it another day.... I would rather have a bit less moisture going into a cure then a bit to much leading to that grassy hay scent.