Been thinking....


Active Member
I was thinking of saving some bag seed and walking down the road to some woods and plant the seeds and just see what happens. I figure if I plant like 20+ seeds some of it will have to grow right? Also, I live In NJ so is it even worth testing with the weather. I don't expect any real nice sweet weed. Tbh, it doesn't have to be any amazing weed and I won't be putting much work into it. I was wondering what the chances are with the weather right now and in the woods what do you guys think? In the future I will be setting up a real nice grow room and ordering seeds this is just to see what nature can do it by itself :)


Active Member
if they're bagseeds i would say go for it man...why not. it will be even better if you get bud from em.
and if it works out yo will know your spot is legit.
i wouldnt plant all of them...maybe like half but its up to you. just in case they die


Well-Known Member
well its a little bit to far in the season to do that.... wait till next year and sprout them first in a napkin and plant them after the last frost...and beware deer, squirrels, and racoons love weed and they will eat yo shit i tryed that once by my house just threw 5 seeds in the dirt and went like two days laster somthing dug them up


Active Member
Lowrider, by its to far in the season do you mean it WON'T grow? or they will flower to soon? I mean like he said its bag seed so it isn't that big of a deal... I can just buy more and get more seeds :) ?


Active Member
i would plant a couple because thier is a small chance that you could get some bud. you dont really have anything to lose from what ive heard

loaded dervish

Active Member
i would save these seeds for next year winter is almost here sprout them and plant them outside next year about a month after 4/20 depending on the weather will get alot more weed off them!! You will not finish them befor a frost especaly in nj just wait it out and smoke a bowl get bunkered down for winter is going to hit hard!!