Been wondering about FDD and KMK

sorry had to do it again [video=youtube;RP4abiHdQpc][/video]
next we will hear about your date with a astronaut
I don't know how any growers contribute anything to this site with mods like these behind the wheel. Id almost rather read facebook drama

April is like an obnoxious drunk 14 year old loud mouth that thinks everyone wants a piece of her.

Seriously? Your only on a small time marijuana internet forum you fucking loser you think anyone logs onto this site to give a drop of piss about the pathetic shit you say and brag about?

If you were even half a somebody you would have something better to do then be a terrible mod. Your not fooling anyone your a sad fuck and your uterus is drying up
I don't know how any growers contribute anything to this site with mods like these behind the wheel. Id almost rather read facebook drama

April is like an obnoxious drunk 14 year old loud mouth that thinks everyone wants a piece of her.

Seriously? Your only on a small time marijuana internet forum you fucking loser you think anyone logs onto this site to give a drop of piss about the pathetic shit you say and brag about?

If you were even half a somebody you would have something better to do then be a terrible mod. Your not fooling anyone your a sad fuck and your uterus is drying up
Here he is on a good day
Here he is on a good day

hereee you go
yo when you throw up youtube links only go up the & in the link... so itll be like watch?v=iUvVHPY5r04&<---- dont add that sign or any shit after, its tough to watch videos with half the shot clipped off lol
man does have the right to speak
yeah true.....everyone can express their opinion.....i just have been waiting to use that meme on somebody bitchin and i said before, we are's what we were bred to do
hereee you go
yo when you throw up youtube links only go up the & in the link... so itll be like watch?v=iUvVHPY5r04&<---- dont add that sign or any shit after, its tough to watch videos with half the shot clipped off lol

Huh ? I'm uploading the HD version

Are you on a phone / iPad ?

You want me to upload it like this is what you are saying ?
