Beer Beer Beer


Well-Known Member
I got it. Thanks for your help. Pretty soon I'll have to ship you a sample 6 pack. :peace:
If ya get the starter kit, you'll need to then purchase a beer ingredient kit that contains the yeast, malt, hops and such. For beginners I'd recommend their Honey Weizen. Easy to make, and ready in 6 weeks. HTH


Well-Known Member
For me, it is all about IPA. My mentionables are:

1) Bear Republic Racer 5
2) Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA (This beer is almost 40 proof!)
3) Stone IPA (Ive always loved Arrogant Bastard as well, but this is where Stone Brewery shines!)

Otherwise, I drink Brown Over Bitter (Newcastle mixed with Fuller's ESB) when I am at my favorite pub, and Stella Artois is the only Lager I like to drink. It helps me keep myself in line if I am out drinking with other lager drinkers. IPA would get me too drunk.



Well-Known Member
I generally just get whatever is on sale @ like 7.99 an 18 pk. or something about as good. Most of my beer gets used for beer pong anyways.

I like Miller Lite when I want a lot, or something stronger like Yuengling or Budweiser with a meal


Well-Known Member
doesn't simple logic show that god practically made beer, if he supplied us with the knowledge?
I don't even believe in god so that argument is fucked.

Eric M.

Active Member
I'm fucking ecstatic to see that stone has been mentioned multiple times in this thread already. Arrogant Bastard, Tenth Anniversary IPA (Limited edition, god was it good), Pale Ale, Levitation is light but good, and their Ruination IPA is powerful good.They have some GOOD stuff! Another great one is North Coast brewing in Fort Bragg, CA.

For cheaper beers, Dos Equis, Henry Weinhards, and maybe a Negra Modelo or two are awesome.

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
beer is gross...
alcohol is bad.

and that Mexican beer; Modelo Negro says Black Ale on the lable. pretty decent for poisen.