Beer Pong Cups


Ive read and seen people using beer pong cups after germination to help the plant build a strong root foundation? Is this a good strategy for beginners to help make the transition to the life cycle pot easier? Any advice help, thanks. -daveybudder
That's what I do start in a root cube transplant into a beer cup then into a one gallon pot and then finish it in a three gallon smart pot
Yeah, a ton of people use 16 oz beer pong cups after germination. Don't forget to drill a few holes in the bottom of the cups for drainage. You should transplant as soon as you see the roots begin to come out of the bottom of the drainage holes of the cups.
thanks for the replies guys! gunna start my growing soon, just gotta do more research and learn more before i buy all my equipment, and move outta my parents house, haha!