Before & After pics .... Ouch

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
so if i did a search for fdd + pruning i would find...nevermind, the search function works like xxxx. actually i think its pretty xxxxing (no demerits for this boy scout) amazing that you can take a stance against pruning given the thousands of years of human experience and uncounted number of scientific studies that show the benefit if done properly.

i remain respectfully in awe of your courage in the face of such advesaries.
I think I just heard a soft shoe dance.


Well-Known Member
so if i did a search for fdd + pruning i would find...nevermind, the search function works like xxxx. actually i think its pretty xxxxing (no demerits for this boy scout) amazing that you can take a stance against pruning given the thousands of years of human experience and uncounted number of scientific studies that show the benefit if done properly.

i remain respectfully in awe of your courage in the face of such advesaries.
he didn't "prune". he striped all the fan leaves. big difference in my book. i top. i lollipop. i trim branches. but i don't strip fan leaves. they are solar panels. 4th grade science. :weed:

take 2 plants. cuttings from the same mother. grow them side-by-side. strip one and not the other. it's that easy. i'd do it but i don't have a indoor grow going right now and everything outside is flowering.


Well-Known Member
so if i did a search for fdd + pruning i would find...nevermind, the search function works like xxxx. actually i think its pretty xxxxing (no demerits for this boy scout) amazing that you can take a stance against pruning given the thousands of years of human experience and uncounted number of scientific studies that show the benefit if done properly.

i remain respectfully in awe of your courage in the face of such advesaries.
hell, you said it yourself. :roll:


Well-Known Member
hell, you said it yourself. :roll:
this is just tooo easy - if riu/dui did not have in its own growfaq that pruning of fan leaves to expose budding sites was a good idea, then you wouldn't have every noobie bringing it up.

sorry, rant number 1 for updating growfaq. will work for seeds.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
FDD. I also would never trim, (cough), one of my plants like that. I am still amazed it came back like it did. But it does show that it is possible. I will stick with the Lolly-popp'n and as the one guy said, Donkey Dick'n


Well-Known Member
this is just tooo easy - if riu/dui did not have in its own growfaq that pruning of fan leaves to expose budding sites was a good idea, then you wouldn't have every noobie bringing it up.

sorry, rant number 1 for updating growfaq. will work for seeds.
so why are the leaves there? :confused: please enlighten me. do leaves not collect light and convert it into energy? how the hell does a bud collect light? it's calyxes.

"too easy" "does a dance" what is this? should i be trying to win something here?

you know leaves tore food as well? Leaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In botany, a leaf is an above-ground plant organ specialized for photosynthesis. For this purpose, a leaf is typically flat (laminar) and thin, to expose the cells containing chloroplast to light over a broad area, and to allow light to penetrate fully into the tissues. Leaves are also the sites in most plants where transpiration and guttation take place. Leaves can store food and water, and are modified in some plants for other purposes. The comparable structures of ferns are correctly referred to as fronds. Furthermore, leaves are prominent in the human diet as leaf vegetables."

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
so if i did a search for fdd + pruning i would find...nevermind, the search function works like xxxx. actually i think its pretty xxxxing (no demerits for this boy scout) amazing that you can take a stance against pruning given the thousands of years of human experience and uncounted number of scientific studies that show the benefit if done properly.

i remain respectfully in awe of your courage in the face of such advesaries.
Fdd, When I mentioned Soft Shoe Dance, I was talking about Desertrat's last sentence.

Also why do you think I coughed after I said trim. HE RAPED THAT POOR PLANT.


Well-Known Member
noone with 15 years expierence would chop all fan leaves off.

i guess your "friends" fucked you up.


New Member
I also agree about NOT chopping of the fan leaves. When you do that you are basically disconnecting the power to your plant.

Those leaves catch the sun so they can turn sunlight into sugars to feed the plants. It would be like sewing your mouth shut so you can't eat anything.

If the plants didn't need those leaves they wouldn't grow them.

Buds do NOT take in light, fan leaves take in light to feed the buds.

Since there is all this internet out here to use and people don't have to haul their ass to the library anymore, there really is no excuse, barring laziness, for not being informed about how a plant works.


Well-Known Member
hey guyz,

i guess i didnt make myself clear, see what happens when you smoke and drive the computer ? the points -

1. most of you more experienced growers say don;t prune and the growfaq says to prune fan leaves. what do you expect other than a bunch of confused noobies?

2. i didn;t say i believed you should trim fan leaves to expose bud sites. i said growfaq said that. i don;t believe that nonsense either.

3. proper pruning is a proven agricultural technique for training almost any plant to grow as desired.

4. other than the strong opinions of this group, the rest of the agricultural world seems to believe in pruning. no offense intended whatsoever, but those other people are able to test and refine their techniques in public and we are not. not the best situation for innovation.

5. finally, i am just a noobie grower with lots of life experience. in all cases i defer to superior knowledge and look to learn, albeit sometimes aggressively. you guyz and this site in general are a great resource as well as a fun place to hang. not trying to start a fight at all.


New Member
Pruning is not the same thing as removing leaves.

Pruning refers to removing branches that are in the way, broken, growing where you don't want them (I'm using all those examples because pruning is not a weed only exercise)

Removing leaves is just that, removing leaves.

It's apples and oranges and can't be compared.


Well-Known Member
i love a good discussion. from wikipedia -

Pruning in landscaping and gardening is the practice of removing diseased, non-productive, or otherwise unwanted portions from a plant. The purpose of pruning is to shape the plant by controlling or directing plant growth, to maintain the health of the plant, or to increase the yield or quality of flowers and fruits. Proper pruning is as much a skill as it is an art, since badly pruned plants can become diseased or grow in undesirable ways.
Proponents[citation needed] of pruning often argue that it improves the health of the plant and makes sturdier structure, opponents[citation needed] believe that pruning harms plants' "natural" forms and leads to wounding which may become infected.

does this sound like our debate? just trying to say that there are people who know alot about plants that would say that proper pruning, including cutting fan leaves, can have a beneficial effect if done properly.



New Member
To me removing leaves that the plant needs to survive is more along the lines of defoliating than pruning.

I just think people should read up on things before the follow the advice of "friends" .

I am enjoying having an intelligent debate with you. I must give you props for debating like an adult and not resorting to name calling or personal insults, I get so sick of that. I was even going to rep you for your debating skills, but it won't let me, gotta spread it around like butter first LOL


Well-Known Member
To me removing leaves that the plant needs to survive is more along the lines of defoliating than pruning.

I was even going to rep you for your debating skills, but it won't let me, gotta spread it around like butter first LOL
lol, tried to rep you yesterday but had done it too recently also.

anyway, rather than being general, and trying to move the conversation forward, let me share what i;ve done that seems to work and what my eventual goals are.

at the fifth node i topped and then cut one fan leaf from every node on the main branch only. the reason was to dramatically slow the growth of the main cola so that the lower colas could catch up, which all eight below did. so i have ten colas per plant at the very top of the canopy but only had to top once. i guess you could question whether multiple topping is less stressful than selective pruning, but another reason to prune is my long term goal.

i'm hoping to be able to develop a "u" shaped plant so that the canopy is equidistant from the light. sort of a stadium grow with one plant. if i can do that without stressing the plant too badly it ought to be a more efficient plant for indoor growing than a bushy plant.


Well-Known Member
lol, tried to rep you yesterday but had done it too recently also.

anyway, rather than being general, and trying to move the conversation forward, let me share what i;ve done that seems to work and what my eventual goals are.

at the fifth node i topped and then cut one fan leaf from every node on the main branch only. the reason was to dramatically slow the growth of the main cola so that the lower colas could catch up, which all eight below did. so i have ten colas per plant at the very top of the canopy but only had to top once. i guess you could question whether multiple topping is less stressful than selective pruning, but another reason to prune is my long term goal.

i'm hoping to be able to develop a "u" shaped plant so that the canopy is equidistant from the light. sort of a stadium grow with one plant. if i can do that without stressing the plant too badly it ought to be a more efficient plant for indoor growing than a bushy plant.

so removing the leaves slowed growth? see. :-P:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
so removing the leaves slowed growth? see. :-P:bigjoint:
you're killing me here, oh pruning bigot. slow efficient grow may outshine fast inefficient growth. i just think that indoor growing is such a different environment than outdoors that it makes sense that advanced horticultural techniques can improve on what nature optimized for outdoor conditions. like co2 enhancement, for example. or pruning with purpose, for another.

since you already agreed in several posts that proper pruning could improve results i will leave it at this. and you are right, there are lots of ways to mess up pruning, but that doesn;t mean you shouldn;t try.

enough chatting, i need to get to the grow room and do some work before the football game


Well-Known Member
you're killing me here, oh pruning bigot. slow efficient grow may outshine fast inefficient growth. i just think that indoor growing is such a different environment than outdoors that it makes sense that advanced horticultural techniques can improve on what nature optimized for outdoor conditions. like co2 enhancement, for example. or pruning with purpose, for another.

since you already agreed in several posts that proper pruning could improve results i will leave it at this. and you are right, there are lots of ways to mess up pruning, but that doesn;t mean you shouldn;t try.

enough chatting, i need to get to the grow room and do some work before the football game

you're name calling again.

what you don't seem to understand is we are agreeing. "pruning" is ok. this thread is NOT about pruning. it's about removing ALL of the fan leaves. why is it hard for you to see the difference? the plants in this thread were NOT pruned. they were "stripped" of all their leaves. different, different, different. :wall:

why does everybody throw my skills at me as a weapon? outdoor what?

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