Before & After pics .... Ouch


Well-Known Member
Why did youdo that it you dont mind me asking?

Its not a good idea to cut off leaves, the plant puts them there for a reason.
Only when there yellowing, or getting in the way of a bud is it a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Never take off any leaves again... Huge Huge mistake.

Even a leaf that's starting to discolor and fall off should not be removed until there is no green left if at all. They will fall off naturally.

The only time it's suggested to remove healty leaves is in a sea of green or similar so you can get some airflow under the canopy to keep mold from becoming a problem, and even then it's only done when necessary and only bottom leaves that aren't getting much if any light anyway.


Well-Known Member
hell ya man i trim mine right befor flowering 75% of the bottom of the plant,been very happy every time i harvest ,but everybody dose things their own way

good luck on ur grow


Well-Known Member
oh no, the plants themselves are probably in shock just like you would be if you went to get a hircut and they just shave it all off.
Theyre all just standing there thinking i dont think this was a good idea.

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Well its my first grow and two friends who have been growing this strain for over 15 years gave me this advice ! Actually 1 came to my place and showed me exactly what to remove so I'll keep everyone posted on what ends up happening too them


Well-Known Member
Well its my first grow and two friends who have been growing this strain for over 15 years gave me this advice ! Actually 1 came to my place and showed me exactly what to remove so I'll keep everyone posted on what ends up happening too them
it did NO good. let your friends know they have been doing it wrong. :peace:

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
There are alot of good reasons to do it and alot not to do it !
However I did it !!!

Apperently there will be a bunch of new leaves in a week !

When put in flowering stage and leaves have been removed it should send more food too the potential nugs !

After they got their hair cut I gave them a good feeding and foliar spray, tonight the lights will go on 12/12 and we'll see in a couple of days if damage or good was done.

Thanks for the comments, good or bad comments are appreciated as long as you are honest lol


Well-Known Member
In order to notice how not good it is you would have to have a control plant that you didn't chop. I guess next harvest you can try chopping just one.

Then keep the buds seperate and do a weigh in.

Mature full size fan leaves never take energy from the plant, even when they are dying. Only growing parts take energy. Mature leaves only give energy, much more than immature leaves.
Now you'll have plants trying to grow leaves to replace them when it should be putting all it's energy into producing bud and frosty trichomes.

You'll still get a good harvest, but not nearly as good as if you hadn't done that.

Wishing you the best though... Prove us wrong next time.


Well-Known Member
There are alot of good reasons to do it and alot not to do it !
However I did it !!!

Apperently there will be a bunch of new leaves in a week !

When put in flowering stage and leaves have been removed it should send more food too the potential nugs !

After they got their hair cut I gave them a good feeding and foliar spray, tonight the lights will go on 12/12 and we'll see in a couple of days if damage or good was done.

Thanks for the comments, good or bad comments are appreciated as long as you are honest lol

there would have been a bunch MORE new leaves in a week if you would not have done that. the leaves FEED the plant energy. it's called photosynthesis. it's how plants grow. the leaves absorb light which they turn into sugars which make the plant grow. no leaves = no sugars = no growth.

i've been doing this a little more than 15 years. i am sorry to tell you again but your friends were WRONG. IMG_8819.jpg



Well-Known Member
you fucked up how could you do that to your girls?! you should hit em up with a little super thrive or something...


Well-Known Member
Mature full size fan leaves never take energy from the plant, even when they are dying. Only growing parts take energy. Mature leaves only give energy, much more than immature leaves.
Now you'll have plants trying to grow leaves to replace them .
k, now i'm confused. i read in growfaq to prune fan leaves on the main stem midway through veg. i did that when i topped and ended up very happy with 10 colas at the top of the canopy of each plant (pic). and this was done wrong how??

edit - pic is from week 5 of flowering - 7 weeks after pruning and topping