Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.


So I live with two room mates. One of which is a conservative type who is very closed minded and has never smoked and looks down upon those who do. However, he's also been one of my best friends since I was 13 (I'm 24 now). He does not know that i have been smoking since I was about 19 whatsoever.

My other room mate is his brother, who is alot more laid back and I feel like we've always been on the same level. For my girlfriends last birthday I got her a really nice bowl, I wanted to show someone before I gave it to her so I asked him if he smokes weed, he said "Once when I was like 17". So anyways I told him about my habits and what I got my GF and upon telling him this, he fessed up and told me he's a pothead too (hah!)

So I've told him about my plan to start a stealth grow in my closet and he's ok with it. I'm glad I have someone on the inside to confide in, I actually told him I would hook him up with some seeing as alot of his friends cant find any decent stuff for decent prices from anyone whose not shady or reputable at all. So he'd be helping me out and I'd be helping him out.

Bottom line is, one of two room mates will know/support it, and the other one will NOT know but however I think my grow box will be expertly hidden and if he ever found out I think he'd be upset that I was doing this without him knowing, but we're good enough friends that no serious harm would come of it. We never talk about the subject but over the years he's opened up to newer things like drinking and for all I know he wouldn't take it as badly as I think.

Anyways, here is my idea. This is my closet door, I have alot of stuff in my room like my amp, guitars, videogame collection, huge TV, computer desk and a massive bed, so my TV is in the corner of my room and it's angled up against one of my closet doors, like so:

(image removed to be safe)

And the closet when it's open (where the carpet is empty is usually where I have my clothes hamper and a stool):

(image removed to be safe)

As you can see, this stops the left door from ever being opened. Inside my closet I have clothes hanging up on the right, and on the left I have a short entertainment stand stuffed with art supplies, propped up on two plastic crates and on top of all of that are all of my vinyl records and behind that stuff is a short shelf with my record player on top and junk piled around it (guitar case, random clothes) as seen here:

(image removed to be safe)

From a higher view:

(image removed to be safe)

Now, what isn't shown is that I took a skill saw to the short shelf with the record player on it and cut the bottom two shelfs off (about 2.5 ft. worth) and it now sits over the area where I want to grow. Also, the short entertainment center holding my vinyls has a board screwed into the right side of it that "floats" it over the right plastic crate allowing it to be easily removed, like so:

(image removed to be safe)

and underneath what looks like a jumbled mess of clothes/junk with an end table wedged in the middle of it is actually a roomy, clean 2.5x2.5 area with about 3 feet of head room. What that is is a small box made out of some boards to hold up the junk and enclose the area so i can keep everything neat, organized and most of all, hidden. I also spray painted the outside of the enclosure black to be safe:

(image removed to be safe)

I know the closet and hidden area look bright and noticeable but this is with a flash. My room stays pretty dimly lit and the main light source does not shine into it. It's actually right outside of the door that doesn't move so it can't get in very well. We all pretty much stick to our rooms and I don't think I've ever even seen the inside of their closets and we've lived together for over a year. I don't think they would ever come close to seeing it and even if they did sneak into my closet at some point they would never think to look, plus the grow box I want to get has a lock and key.

I'm very proud of the hidden space I put together and I'm excited to start growing, but I have a few concerns.

First, is obviously smell. The house has NEVER smelled funky or like pot at all. This is the grow box that I've been looking at and want to get:,-Hydroponic-Grow-Box,-Carbon-Filters-and-Lock-and-Key-Model.html?shop_param=cid=1&aid=deluxe&

I know it is cheaper to build my own, but I don't mind shelling out $225 for it and I've already built the enclosure to match it's measurements (24Lx16Wx9D). Plus the room mate who won't know doesn't have a job and I won't be able to find time to build it and he'll get nosey and ask alot of questions about it. So this is the route I'm wanting to take.

It says it comes with a carbon filter which is good, I don't know much about them but I hear this is a must when it comes to odor control. I don't have anywhere for bad air to be dumped at outside of the house, Will the exaust blowing out into the closet smell even though there is a carbon filter? If so, could I install an Ozone Generator outside of the box but inside the closet?

Also, at 2ft. high, the plant I've been looking to start with is WW. Is this a good choice? Will there be enough room for 6 of these plants to grow? Will it completely stuff the box? Will they touch the lights and burn? Will they suffocate themselves?

Also, another big concern, the box has openings around it, it's not solid so it shouldn't get TOO stuffy, but what would be a good way to keep the box cool? Would it stay cool by itself seeing as there are only 3 bulbs?

So with all of that, I am really looking forward to some advice. Am I taking the right route? I understand growing with room mates is risky but I'm not concerned with snooping. I plan on being very sneaky and covering my tracks without being suspicious, my friend is oblivious to these things, he has no idea his OWN BROTHER is a pothead and they've lived together forever.

OR, am I getting into dangerous territory and should I just scrap this plan? Thank you for reading and helping a newbie out! :-o


Well-Known Member
i built a stealth grow box out of cardboard boxes so it was very cheap, also only 2 feet tall is pretty darn short youd have to train them to grow horizontally or something. and i think six plants might be pushing it in that size box id say four plants might be a better option

Oh and whatever stain you grow just make sure its indica dominant


Active Member
I stopped reading after the closet pics. My add kicked in.

Anyway, I just wanted to say... What do you think will happen once consevative guy finds out? Do you think his own brother will back you up when shit hits the fan? I doubt it man. I'm all about you doing you, but I think you may be getting yourself into some trouble later on.

Also, once he does find out, don't expect him to respect your privacy about your grow op when you didn't respect him in the first place. It's really going to be tougher than you think to hide constant care of your plants.

Not to mention super bright light, heat issues, possible fan noise, and a jump in the light bill.

Hopefully I'm wrong and everything will be cool. But I can see it now... "Shit I have to chop all my plants early because my roomate is pissed blah blah"


Well-Known Member
^^that guy is very correct, i grew 9 plants in my closet grow box for 2 months in my parents house and they had no idea but it was very stressful and sketchy.

the fan was loud and i had to keep my window cracked open in the winter to keep the temps down and also buying soil and other necessary items will raise suspicion

if you could get a lock on your door that would be nice

I put a radio in my room and had it on very quietly to cover the noise that the fan put out

Also if you only grow 4 plants you can use CFLs and will not produce massive amounts of heat

Good luck with your grow but be very cautious as this is a very sketchy opperation


I appreciate the honest feedback guys. I do know it will be stressful but I can handle it. Also I will be doing hydroponics so no soil and hopefully minimal mess.

There is a lock on my door so that base is covered. And everyone does seem to respect everyone elses personal space and belongings. For example my room mates will always call me if I'm not at home to ask if they can use one of my guitars.

Also, growing in your parents house sounds beyond rediculous. I just know that when I have kids I'm snoopin in my kids shit CONSTANTLY.


Well-Known Member
telling the brother might have been a mistake. he might be cool with the idea of it and happy that he might get some free meds out of it. But if he gets pissed at you for any reason, then your gonna start stressing out even more than you already are because he could turn you in. If you live in a legal state, get your rec if you are you going to do this. It might save you prison time and only some jail time. Just be prepared to deal with the worst case scenario if shit hit's the fan.

Ozone generators are expensive and bad for your health.

Also if the box has openings around it, then I hope all those openings are covered with carbon filters. The carbon filters are what cut out the majority of the smell.

I would just get an old PC case that you don't use and build a box out of that. Then you can have it in the closet and say it's just an old computer that someone gave you for parts.


Yeah but honestly me and him both came up with the idea. I need money, needs weed. Plus I can't find anyone worth a shit that I can trust to get it anyways. He's a cool cat and we've known each other forever, I've always thought of him kind of as my brother too and I don't ever see any kind of despicable acts like that occurring. Not to mention, we both know shit about eachother that's alot worse than growing pot, haha.

When I said the box has openings I didn't mean the actual grow box, I meant the wooden cubby that I put together. It's basically an upside down U with blocks supporting the joints. From what I know the grow box is top notch and is all closed up EXCEPT for the carbon filter.


I don't mean to sound so excited and impulsive, I am going about this a lot more carefully than it seems.


Active Member
That's a tough situation. One thing I would consider if I were you is the law. If for some reason you ever got busted you are all going down no matter if he knows about it or not. Are you willing to risk getting him thrown in jail for something you did? I know you want to and are excited about it but if I were you I would go rent a storage garage or something. Just my .2


Active Member
I don't mean to sound so excited and impulsive, I am going about this a lot more carefully than it seems.
Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick, but I've seen blood brothers split up over business, especially when neither one of them has any experience. I wish you the best :)


That's a tough situation. One thing I would consider if I were you is the law. If for some reason you ever got busted you are all going down no matter if he knows about it or not. Are you willing to risk getting him thrown in jail for something you did? I know you want to and are excited about it but if I were you I would go rent a storage garage or something. Just my .2
I completely understand, but whatever I produce and decide to part with will be only with people that I trust, and aside from that I don't smoke much myself so I don't think I put off the vibe that I'm even in that type of crowd.

And to Xcon, no worries man. I think all the scare tactics might actually do me some good. I'm pretty set on it right now but if I decide that maybe it's not the best plan then perhaps some of you guys may help me with making a smart decision and scrapping it. In the end I know any trouble that it brings will be all my own doing and probably due to some stupid mistake, so for now I am taking the time to research and learn.


Active Member
It's a good thing you are researching stuff and weighing the pros and cons. I have to ask have you ever considered being blunt (pun intended) with him and just tell him? I mean if he is a best friend he should get it.. Well at least get that u smoke but work into the growing thing maybe he would want to make some extra money and get involved?


Active Member
If your name isn't on the lease, get permission.

That guy may be cool with you smoking and all but he may not want to risk his house and all his stuff for your habit.


Active Member
since your not going to have a lot of airflow in and out of your box, u might want to try to supplement the air in the box with one of those buckets that creates co2.

the plants breathe co2, and if you can supplement the co2 somehow, then air flow might be less of an issue.

the space does seem rather small, you might want to get your feet wet, by just doing very few plants, and once you got the process down, you will know exactly how much you can handle, and how much you can expand.

also, off topic. but that space you have would be perfect for growing magic mushrooms.

i'm an expert mushroom grower, and what i like about them, is they grow in half the time, and dry in 3 days. and cost almost nothing.
Then i find i can trade them for whatever i want.
no smell, or anything.

Just a thought.
But you would need someone who u can trade with in order to get what you really want.


It's a good thing you are researching stuff and weighing the pros and cons. I have to ask have you ever considered being blunt (pun intended) with him and just tell him? I mean if he is a best friend he should get it.. Well at least get that u smoke but work into the growing thing maybe he would want to make some extra money and get involved?
He's just always been really judgmental. Growing up together we had alot of mutual friends who me and coolbro are still friends with but sternbro doesn't even talk to. I just feel like the dudes head would explode. There is no way in hell he would want to make money doing this. If it was anyone else I would be upfront and honest but I feel like with this I'm not telling him out of consideration for our friendship, not so much for the fact that I think he'd have me busted.

I know it sounds like a weird "odd couple" type friendship, but deep down he's a cool dude. We have alot of same interests like retro games, heavy metal and both of us are in school for graphic design.

Also, I am on the lease, most of the bills are in my name too.


since your not going to have a lot of airflow in and out of your box, u might want to try to supplement the air in the box with one of those buckets that creates co2.

the plants breathe co2, and if you can supplement the co2 somehow, then air flow might be less of an issue.

the space does seem rather small, you might want to get your feet wet, by just doing very few plants, and once you got the process down, you will know exactly how much you can handle, and how much you can expand.

also, off topic. but that space you have would be perfect for growing magic mushrooms.

i'm an expert mushroom grower, and what i like about them, is they grow in half the time, and dry in 3 days. and cost almost nothing.
Then i find i can trade them for whatever i want.
no smell, or anything.

Just a thought.
But you would need someone who u can trade with in order to get what you really want.
I've heard great things about growing shrooms! However I feel like being involved in the production of more than one drug could lead into other shit like pills and what not. Not to mention I'd hate to get busted as an entrepreneur. But when I lived out in Seattle I did shrooms a few times. Most of the time they did nothing but this one time it was the craziest trip I've ever had :O

I'd really like to stick with green for now, see how the ride is.


Well-Known Member
If your name isn't on the lease, get permission.

That guy may be cool with you smoking and all but he may not want to risk his house and all his stuff for your habit.
Boy, you nailed that one my brother. Also, is it legal in yur state? If not man "think it over" That lil closet ain't gonna produce much so there is a risk/profit issue here that you need to consider. Not trying to piss on your picnic basket..............just sayin thats all