Begining 12/12 cycle


Active Member
how long should i wait about before i harvest? how do you harvest? whats the best way to get all the buds and everything?



Well-Known Member
idnica: 5-8 weeks
mostly indica: 7-9
mix: 7-11
mostly sativa 9-14
sativa 10- 16 or more,

quoted from cannabis breeders bible (wouldn't want to pretend to be smart)
so whatchu got brotha?


Active Member
umm i have 2 indica's (Magic) and then 3 sativa's (Afgooy)

there almost 3 and half feet tall, and i started to put them under 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, its been 4 days now and there still is no change is that normal? how do i know when i should harvest and all that?

thanks pacman


Well-Known Member
yea its normal it could take up to two weeks, and they should get pretty big at 3 and a half; thos sativas should double in height if you let them. harvest when the hairs are 60-80 percent red. so as soon as u start seeing hairs use the table i had before to figure out "about" how long it will take


Active Member
like i said before im new to all this... whats the proper way to dry your weed when its ready? i still have a few weeks till its ready but just getting my mind prepared... and whats curing exactly?

here are a few pics enjoy..
thanks for everyones help



Well-Known Member
Nice sativa pic . . . but I'm confused. You're just starting 12/12? Whose pot in the pics?


Active Member
no im not just starting 12/12 they need about a week more or less actually... lol but i do need advice on how to hang.. and cure? and what that even really is?.

can anyone help?