Begining of powdery mildew...3 weeks to go

Don't know about that. Shit is still potent and crystaly

Washing your outdoor buds makes sense. Dirt, bugs and anything else that could have accumulated over the grow I'm sure mess with the smoothness and flavor. The bud I washed still looks good and is extremely potent so don't know how much of the good stuff is washed away. But that being said it still must have some PM on it. Thinking of making bubble hash.

Are you interested in having your plants that don't show it tested?
Why would anyone need to test for PM? Pretty visible and easy to tell if you have it. So no it's all personal.
PM becomes visually present after it creates its network and sporulate onto the leaves. It's practically impossible to see with a naked eye a few spores of infection let alone just one spore infection. Also pm can remain dormant during the vegetative stage of the plant and then spread tremendously when the plant gets closer to flowering. This sometimes happen 3-6 weeks before flowering. Some say it's when the plants immune system is at it's weakest.
Why would anyone need to test for PM? Pretty visible and easy to tell if you have it. So no it's all personal.
The trick is to catch it early before its visually present so the plant can be removed from your crop and not affect the other plants. Why wait until your able to see it? By that time its too late and your crop is potentially contaminated.
You seem knowledgeable on PM. Is it ok to smoke buds with PM after giving them a h202 bath? Did that with a plant I harvested but I think it still has PM. You can't see any but my allergies go crazy when I smoke it. Thanks.

How bad was your PM on the plant ? Do you have any picture of her ? Mine is not so bad and i will cut it in a week
PM spores are everywhere -literally. You cant fight it making its way to your plant -certainly outdoors. All you can do is attempt to reduce its exposure by keeping your environment clean & prevention. Use something like Green Cure (Potassium Bicarbonate) to spray your garden down with. Keep dead plant matter cleaned up. Tidy up your outdoor plants by maybe doing some selective pruning so more air flow can get through the plant. True that PM is systemic and to COMPLETELY eradicate it, you would need to use a systemic control. Thing is with that, most are dangerous chemicals that have a long "half life" so it remains in the plant, cuttings and flowers for months at a time.
As for indoors I have found that the addition of UV-A lighting used in conjunction with my grow lights along with preventative maintenance seemed to really help in keeping the indoor garden PM free.
Personally, if presented with a choice I would rather smoke something that was h2o2 washed before smoking something with systemic chemicals in it.
I've tried several remedies, none of which were great. Read a deluted milk mixture would get rid of it and nothing, a waste of milk. Peroxide very deluted and sprayed on plants got best results so far. Pot is washed by hard rain all the time. I did it but still bothered my allergies.