Beginner and clone problems


I am a first time grower, growing for medical purposes. I have an aeroflo type hydroponic system. I got several clones from my bro in law and he put them in rockwool and used olivias cloning gel. He told me that when I get home to put them into my system and just use water. So I did this and it has been 2 weeks since I did so. I figured tere should be roots by now so I looked by pulling rockwool apart gently and come to find out there are no roots. I proceeded to check the rest and same issue. The clones are all still alive but most of them look pretty bad with yellow leave and some look wilted but dark in color. Two of the stems at the very end are curling up. What do I do and is it too late. For now I put them in neoprene inserts and just have them suspended in the spray without rockwool. Please help. Can they still grow roots at this point? 2 weeks no roots what do I do?

trichlone fiend

New Member, your giving them tap water? Did you pH balance the water? ...your supposed to presoak the rockwool cubes in low pH h2o for awhile before you use them. What's your temps like? They need to be warm. What kind of light are you using? ...more details.


Yes he did rinse them and soaked them in ph'ed water before he put them into the rockwool. They are no linger in te rockwool they are just suspended with water spraying them in the hydro system. The water in the Rez is 72 degrees and the ambient temp in the grow room is 75 degrees. I'm using tap water that I filtered with a pur filter and let it set for 2 days to evaporate chlorine. I did put about 5 drops of super thrive but that was 2 weeks ago. No nutes just water.


The light is in an air cooled hood with a 6 in inline fan to cool it off. I can touch the glass and it's barely warm. Humidity is 45% to 50% rh.


Member, your giving them tap water? Did you pH balance the water? ...your supposed to presoak the rockwool cubes in low pH h2o for awhile before you use them. What's your temps like? They need to be warm. What kind of light are you using? ...more details.
Is there anything I can do or should I wait an see what happens?:!: