Beginner Budget Grow?


Hi I have watched a couple videos about growing and the one that I am going to be heading towards is "I Grow Chronic" and his method. I am just wondering if anyone had some suggestions on what sort of equipment I could buy.

I am trying to keep the price down as low as possible, and I have found a place around here that has all sorts of gardening supplies including Rockwool and everything for hydroponic growing, now I just need to start making a list of all the other materials needed..

The room that I'll be using is about 5x5 and about 8-9 foot tall.. I will also be trying to purchase things at separate stages like the vegetative side first and then the side to harvest as we get closer to harvesting the plants.

If anyone could help me out with this list and getting it as cheap as possible that would be a great help.
Mr Green has taught many how to get started. And it works well his way. HOWEVER, having literally "been there, done that", might I suggest that you opt instead for a straight DWC system. You will need (a) a bucket (b) air pump (c) air stone (d) netpot (e) water. It is MUCH simpler and easier than the ebb/flow system. Growth is much better too.
So by using DWC instead, you will use far fewer "things" (no reservoir; no tubes, no water pumps, no drainage system, only a couple cups of clay balls) for a better system which will produce better results.
I watched a friend's DWC and still fought the urge to swith. Finally have and will NEVER look back.
I thank Mr. Green for getting me to think I could do it. Now I wish I had gone simple to begin with.
1-5 gal bucket/1 airstone per plant and you will save space, less weight, less hastle, more enjoyment at the end of the day. Good luck whichever way you decide to go. And do go there - it is a delight to reap the rewards of hard work.


Dude just run and Ebb& flow and keep it simple.

Check craigslist for a cheap, used flood table.
If not, go to Lowes/Home depot and get a 3'x2' concrete mixing tub.
They should be in the section with all the bricks &cinderblocks (at home depot, at least)
Then buy a rubbermaid tote (~25 gals) for your reservoir.

Go to the hydro store and get some fill/drain bulkheads and drill them into your tray.
Then buy some 6" pots and some hydroton.

pop your clones in there are and you're ready to roll.
The simplest ebb/flow is more complex than a bucket with an airstone in it, netpot on top and plant in the netpot. DWC is easier and has better results in my experience.


Unfortunately I don't live in ND, I live on the east coast. I'm not looking to grow a lot, just plenty to smoke and for a few friends. I looked at both Ebb & Flow, DWC and the NFT and I also found a couple Hydro shops around here and they are actually insanely cheap, so the most expensive part I need to get is the lightbulb really..

But whats the simplest hydro setup that I would be able to make without throwing tons of money around, I also got some rockwool and clay pellets and some hanging plant pots as well..
bucket - 2.50
Airstone - 2.50
Air hose - 2.50
netpot - 4.50

As long as that isn't excessive, that is all a DWC requires (plus the clay you have. You can chuc k the hanging pots if you like!) That literally is all you need (well, lights, nutrients too).


Okay, now for the Ebb & Flow, what sort of lights should I have for the rooms? T5 fluorescent for mother (what type like 3000k spectrum or 6400 for daylight?) and either a 400 or 600 HPS for flowering?
See MR. GREEN on lights - 48" floursecents are cheap and 4 bulbs will provide all your veg. room "requires". If you can, 400W halide for veg, 400-1000W HPS for flower depending on size.


bucket - 2.50
Airstone - 2.50
Air hose - 2.50
netpot - 4.50

As long as that isn't excessive, that is all a DWC requires (plus the clay you have. You can chuc k the hanging pots if you like!) That literally is all you need (well, lights, nutrients too).
Forgot the air pump didn't you, Mister? That's an extra 12.00.

The Serpent

Active Member
Man, all this h202 talk. I fill up some containers with water, ditch the old water out my res, add the required nutirtes per ml, ph after I have done this and away I go on my NFT boat.

How easy is that?

1) Add the amount of water needed (in my case 20litres per time)
2) Add my nutes at 7ml per litre
3) PH my water (usually adjust down slightly to 5.8 to be a real pernickity twit)
4) off I go.


Well-Known Member
dwc is a pain in the ass with those shitty little buckets. I did start with dwc in shitty little buckets with shitty little air pumps and outrageous room and water temps, h2o2 saved my ass and c02 gave me a nice big yield, the AN big bud helped though I'm sure, If you do dwc make sure you go with a insulated res.....or if you go ebb and flow too actually, dunno how temps will be with ebb and flow but with dwc a igloo holds nice temps and thats really whats important.but back to the buckets, pain in the ass to change water, a pro to that though is unless you've got them all tied together (rdwc) then you have individual res and can run just what the plant needs, cons being its a pain in the ass to change out a shitty little bucket. I've gone to a diy aeroflo rip off , I liked individual res for each plant but its just too much work. good luck and happy growing.