Beginner grow

Mr lemon

Hello all. I am about to start my first ever grow. I’m going to be growing outside in green house in the uk.
Going to grow big bud auto fems in soil.
Have been given some nutrients to use but have no idea how to use or when to use them.
I have got root stimulator and soil booster.
I know not to give the plant anything for the first few weeks. But need some advice on when and how to use. Reading off of google is leaving me so confused.
If anyone could explain to me in simple terms it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks In advance.
Almost every nutrient maker has charts for their use on their websites so I'd look there for advice but don't follow their recommendations too closely as they are set high and it's easy to overfeed.

A lot depends on what you are going to grow your plants in as well. Real soil, peat or coco based soilless media or some type of hydro method.

Previous gardening experience. If you've grown great tomatoes in your greenhouse chances are you can grow pretty decent pot too. I could never keep a house plant alive to save my own life but once I learned a bit about about growing pot, by reading lots and plenty of practice, found I could grow pot fairly well. My crops are much better now than the first buds I grew from bagseed in 1978.

There's a huge UK growers thread here and that would be a good place to read up on grows in your neck of the woods. Guys posting here will be using gear you can get easily and it shouldn't take long to find some good examples of grows that fit what you would like to do.

Meanwhile here's some reading material for you.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.
Almost every nutrient maker has charts for their use on their websites so I'd look there for advice but don't follow their recommendations too closely as they are set high and it's easy to overfeed.

A lot depends on what you are going to grow your plants in as well. Real soil, peat or coco based soilless media or some type of hydro method.

Previous gardening experience. If you've grown great tomatoes in your greenhouse chances are you can grow pretty decent pot too. I could never keep a house plant alive to save my own life but once I learned a bit about about growing pot, by reading lots and plenty of practice, found I could grow pot fairly well. My crops are much better now than the first buds I grew from bagseed in 1978.

There's a huge UK growers thread here and that would be a good place to read up on grows in your neck of the woods. Guys posting here will be using gear you can get easily and it shouldn't take long to find some good examples of grows that fit what you would like to do.

Meanwhile here's some reading material for you.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.
Amazing link for a those books!
Amazing link for a those books!

I stumbled across it a couple years back and pass it around a lot. They add new stuff from time to time to so I go grab any new stuff. Been a while so should check it out again myself.

Just keep an eye out for the copyright cops and forget who you heard about if from OK. ;)