Beginner Needs Help-Aerogarden White Widow Week 3


We have an aerogarden extra elite. We are true ameatures and need help going into week 3 and so on. This friday May 13 will be 21 days in.

First time we planted, it got its nutes and May 6th it got its 2nd packet of nutes.

Heres some info:
*We are using the nutes that come with the aerogarden
*We are currently 18/6 with lighting
*It is a 7 pod system, but are only using 1 pod
*She is a white widow named petunia

We could use some help on when to start flowering, when we should give more nutrients, what week we should change lighting to 12/12 and if you got any pointers that would be great



Active Member
grow it knowing that usually indica's will double in size and sativa can triple in size. The more you veg the bigger its branches gets thus producing bigger colas. ( mostly ) since you have only 1 plant I would try a Scrog and LST and see how that goes for you.


Active Member
She looks really good, but I would go ahead and get rid of that foil. Not just for the obvious "hot spots" and poor reflecting quality, but because of the reaction with nutrients it can cause. I didn't know any better, and covered mine just like yours....well a couple of weeks into it the nutrient solution would sometimes splash outside of the top of the cup, not much, but a drop or two every now and then. After about a week of splashing I noticed a blue color around the edges and sure enough, a chemical reaction between the aluminum and the salts in the nutes caused some serious oxidation and just a real mess.

My advice: Go to wal mart and in the camping section there are emergency blankets, buy one and cover the top just like you did with foil. The emergency blanket is HUGE, only $3, and a good quality Mylar. You could also just use some white foam board or poster board, as the color white has excellent reflective qualities. Also, def LST. It is simple and can allow you to grow a huge Plant in a very small space. Good luck buddy.


Thanks guys...Awesome!! Great advice...going to remove the aluminum foil today and get a blanket to cover instead lol...see true beginner...I"m going to do some reading on LST because we don't really even know what that is but I'm starting to go ape shit on much info..and so many different things...probably being overly cautious and paranoid at the same time but she's our first so she's gonna get spoiled :lol:...few other questions

At what week should we start 12/12?

We are only using the lights that came with the aerogarden, should we get additional lighting, if so how much and where's the best place to get it?

Nutes: i read that WWs don't require as much nutes as other strains...Should we continue using the nutes that came with the areogarden or get different ones ? (they are liquid and in a clear plastic wrapper (similar to soy sauce package from chinese restaurant)..increase at a certain week?

We ordered the power grow light It should be here next week...will that be necessary or should we do something else for reflective lighting around it?

Sorry so many questions , just really wanting her to thrive...
Thanks again for helping us out on our first grow, we couldn't do it without ya'll...
We'll post pictures every few days..


Active Member
At what week should we start 12/12..
Personal preference. Most people average 4 weeks. Some grow to 9" or 12" and then flip. Just know that a sativa will double or triple in size, and an indica will double. Since WW Is heavy sativa you should measure how tall your system will allow your plant to get, then divide that number by 3. When she is that tall, flip to 12/12.

We are only using the lights that came with the aerogarden, should we get additional lighting, if so how much and where's the best place to get it?
The light will be fine for the height your plant is going to grow. It isn't optimal for flowering, but it will work all the same.

Nutes: i read that WWs don't require as much nutes as other strains...Should we continue using the nutes that came with the areogarden or get different ones ? (they are liquid and in a clear plastic wrapper (similar to soy sauce package from chinese restaurant)..increase at a certain week?
Those nutes are fine for growing, but not designed for flowering. In flowering a plant has less need for nitrogen (as this is for growing new greenery, and not for flower development). So get yourself a small bottle (SMALL--your aerogarden probably doesn't hold a gallon of water and they are usually dosed in tsp amounts) of a bloom nute mix. You can get fancy with additives and multi part nutes when you are more experienced.

That reflective curtain looks really good. It will benefit you greatly. Please be aware that the easiest way to kill your plant is to mother it to death. Good luck buddy.


Thanks Peacefarmer... We got the emergency blanket, an air pump, bubble stone, and tubing to get some ciruclation... We're going to put that in her area today along with a fan..We have a tds tester, general hydroponics flora kit nutes, ph control kit & a temp/humidity coming sometime in the next two to three days. (we found a thread on here that grew a WW in an aerogarden with sucess so we're taking alot of info from that thread. We haven't changed her water yet but we figured we'd wait until we have everything to check the levels before doing that. I've read conflicting posts about going to distilled water, using tap water, spring water, etc. I think when we change her water this coming week and add the new nutes we're going to go with distilled...any advice, suggestions, or opinions on that guys?

She's almost 5 inches so we will probably start flowering her this coming Friday when we change the nutes and water (the areo garden is not all that tall so around 8 inches we will have to start so she has enough room to flower and bud)...We raised lighting to the next setting on the aerogarden two days ago and she's filling out nicely but not getting much taller...Should we add more lights when we start to flower her? ...Also how much of the flora bloom would you recommend we start her off with when we begin flowering?

Posting new pictures tomorrow so ya'll can see her progress...She's lookin mighty fine....


Active Member
Decide about the water once you have your tds meter. Fill up a cup, let it sit overnight and then measure the ppm the next day. If it is under 350ish, just use it. If you go with distiller water you will most likey end up having to use a cal/mag supplement....tap water already has them added.


Day 24

Good Morning Everyone,Here's some new pictures -

She's doing good but I think it might be time for new lighting because she's not getting much taller, just filling out. Anyone out ther please feel free to give suggestions?
We expect her to get about 8 inches tall this week and are planning to start flowering on Friday. What do you guys think? Yes, no? Your wisdom and knowledgee to a beginner means alot...



Well-Known Member
Day 24

Good Morning Everyone,Here's some new pictures -

She's doing good but I think it might be time for new lighting because she's not getting much taller, just filling out. Anyone out ther please feel free to give suggestions?
We expect her to get about 8 inches tall this week and are planning to start flowering on Friday. What do you guys think? Yes, no? Your wisdom and knowledgee to a beginner means alot...

Just filling out and not getting taller is what is supposed to be happening during veg. Contrary to worrying about them staying short, you should be happy. Starting at 8" height sounds good.

Can you give me a quick explanation of the principles behind the Aerogarden? I've seen it mentioned around here, but am not sure exactly what it is. Once I know that I think I'll be in a better position to give suggestions.


The AeroGarden is a small container-based garden for indoor planting that uses the principles of hydroponics to produce vegetables, herbs, plants, and flowers. Here is a link to a video demonstrating how it grows plants Here's a cut and paste from the website:


The AeroGarden Extra Elite is our most advanced fully-featured garden that comes with brushed stainless steel trim. It has twice the light and twice the height and gives you the greatest options for what your want to grow. It delivers larger, faster yields and healthier, fuller plants. It includes a 24" extendable lamp arm and 24-hour light cycle.


In our tests we grew 300% more tomatoes, 40% more basil and 40% more flowers with the additional light of the AeroGarden Extra Elite!


- Twice the height of the AeroGarden 7 for growing bigger plants, full-sized veggies - just about anything, anytime, anywhere
- Twice the light of the AeroGarden 7 for faster, healthier growth
- Stainless Steel Trim makes an elegant statement
- Advanced Growing Technology automatically adjusts lights and nutrient flow to each stage of the plant growth
- Optional 24-hour light cycle is perfect for seedlings or enhanced vegetative growth
- Includes Deluxe Trellis System that adjusts as plants grow
- Grow light replacement reminder
- Automated "add water" and nutrient reminder


34"H x 18.5"W x 10.5"D


- 3 Deluxe Grow Lights
- Deluxe Trellis System



Almost forgot (see what happens when your not high):eyesmoke:

The TDS meter came in today and the ppms were at 274. Is that a normal range (we are using tap water) If not a good ppm what should the range be at?


Well-Known Member
The AeroGarden is a small container-based garden for indoor planting that uses the principles of hydroponics to produce vegetables, herbs, plants, and flowers. Here is a link to a video demonstrating how it grows plants Here's a cut and paste from the website:


The AeroGarden Extra Elite is our most advanced fully-featured garden that comes with brushed stainless steel trim. It has twice the light and twice the height and gives you the greatest options for what your want to grow. It delivers larger, faster yields and healthier, fuller plants. It includes a 24" extendable lamp arm and 24-hour light cycle.


In our tests we grew 300% more tomatoes, 40% more basil and 40% more flowers with the additional light of the AeroGarden Extra Elite!


- Twice the height of the AeroGarden 7 for growing bigger plants, full-sized veggies - just about anything, anytime, anywhere
- Twice the light of the AeroGarden 7 for faster, healthier growth
- Stainless Steel Trim makes an elegant statement
- Advanced Growing Technology automatically adjusts lights and nutrient flow to each stage of the plant growth
- Optional 24-hour light cycle is perfect for seedlings or enhanced vegetative growth
- Includes Deluxe Trellis System that adjusts as plants grow
- Grow light replacement reminder
- Automated "add water" and nutrient reminder


34"H x 18.5"W x 10.5"D


- 3 Deluxe Grow Lights
- Deluxe Trellis System

Well my goodness, isn't that the most adorable thing?

It's kind of hard to say which ppm is right for your situation since there is variance among instructions from different brands and some growers just ignore the recommended dosages on the nute instructions anyway (like me). If your growth looks good (which it does) and you don't see any of the tell-tale signs of nute burn (brown spots), then I would say 274 is just fine.


Active Member
Your water is excellent quality and will save you the money of having to supplement what distiller and RO water takes out.


Sorry about the long description on the areogarden - just thought cut and paste would be the easiest (laziest) way to explain LOL...You guys are so awesome for helping some beginners out. All the awesome advice, video, and suggestions are helping her grow so amazing..

Woke up this morning and went into her room, I would say she got at least 6 new sets of leaves...So I followed the LST video and moved some branches around so that her new ones get more light. She's still not quite at 5" but I think we are still going to flower her this Friday as it will be 4 weeks.

Her main stem is getting alot thicker since we put the airstone in and her side branches are perking up like two silicone tits on an 80 year old woman right after surgery... Stay tuned... So far so good :)


New pics!!!

So how does she look guys?

The LST is working AMAZING!!! Her stem and branches really took off after starting that and adding the bubblestone (Walmarts version of the airstone I'm guessing lol).

I couldn't get a reading on the ppms yesterday because the meter was acting all crazy jumping from 400 to 700 to 500, all within seconds. It seems to be fine again though because I tested plain tap water this morning and got the same reading 3 times (140). I'll test her water again this evening when I get home.

I also picked up a couple cfl bulbs yesterday for additional lighting during flowering. Hopefully the ph kit and new nutes will be in today. I'm really curious to see what the ph is at especially because we haven't changed her water at all.

So Friday is the big day. She's getting new nutes, new water, new time schedule.

Any advice guys?




Active Member
Your meter problem is a simple's not the meter at all. Your EC meter works by passing a tiny electrical charge from one tip of the electrode to the other tip. It then calculates how easy it was for that charge to cross the gap. If you have nutes in your water the EC goes up because nutes are salts, and salt makes water a better conductor of electricity, thus making the charge pass easier across the gap. So, I'm sure you already know that you have to shake your meter a little bit when you put it in the water you are testing to get the bubble out from between the electrode. Well, if you are testing your Rez water with the aeration (bubbler) on, those tiny bubbles come up between your electrode and prevent that current from passing. The bubbles come and go making the reading "jump" up and down. This is why your tap water didn't give you a problem. So, just turn your bubbler off, or remove a little bit of the water and test it in a glass. This should solve your problem.


Thanks man, greatly appreciate your help. I thought about that possibility this morning but was running late so didn't have time to check her water. You really know your stuff.

Checked the ppm a few minutes ago
it was through the roof...762.:-(

She's drinking alot more water so the rez was about half empty. We filled the rez back up with tap and put the air back on for circulation. I'm going to give it about 1/2 hr or so and check it again. The PH kit and nutes came today. We checked the PH and it's a little over 5 according to the color chart.

I'm going to keep an eye on her the next few hours and post an update in a few hours, in the meantime please feel free to give any and all advice possible. I need to go smoke and chill for a bit...

I also want to thank all of you again! I don't think she would have made it this far without all of your input.


Well-Known Member
Your meter problem is a simple's not the meter at all. Your EC meter works by passing a tiny electrical charge from one tip of the electrode to the other tip. It then calculates how easy it was for that charge to cross the gap. If you have nutes in your water the EC goes up because nutes are salts, and salt makes water a better conductor of electricity, thus making the charge pass easier across the gap. So, I'm sure you already know that you have to shake your meter a little bit when you put it in the water you are testing to get the bubble out from between the electrode. Well, if you are testing your Rez water with the aeration (bubbler) on, those tiny bubbles come up between your electrode and prevent that current from passing. The bubbles come and go making the reading "jump" up and down. This is why your tap water didn't give you a problem. So, just turn your bubbler off, or remove a little bit of the water and test it in a glass. This should solve your problem.
Sounds like you've done this before. I noticed something similar when my air bubbles were hitting my ph probe too hard. Makes sense.