Hello, I'm as green as grass on growing but I have a weird seedling. First grow. Planted two white widow and two durban poison. One of each died because I wasn't smart, overwatered, probably didn't nicely put the tail end down.... I planted them right into Fox Farm Happy Frog after paper-towel germinating. So now I have one White Widow, One Durban Poison. Still in a solo cup with FFHF, no extra nutes, except I started using calmag in my RO water the other day. Day 13 today since putting in the paper towel. I started two Northern Lights autos because I'm just messing around (you can see in the background), both are doing fine, but over a week behind.
Are my lights too close? You can see the DP is looking ok but there are orange spots. I misted them a few times with calmag RO water, which I think was 6.0ph. I'm very light on watering realizing I initially over watered.
The White Widow is weirder. Strange pinwheel curl. And it has been that way since it started. It's growing larger every day but stays in that curled form, ever since it germinated.
I'm not that worried about it, more curious.

Are my lights too close? You can see the DP is looking ok but there are orange spots. I misted them a few times with calmag RO water, which I think was 6.0ph. I'm very light on watering realizing I initially over watered.
The White Widow is weirder. Strange pinwheel curl. And it has been that way since it started. It's growing larger every day but stays in that curled form, ever since it germinated.
I'm not that worried about it, more curious.