Beginner Seedling Question


New Member
Hello, I'm as green as grass on growing but I have a weird seedling. First grow. Planted two white widow and two durban poison. One of each died because I wasn't smart, overwatered, probably didn't nicely put the tail end down.... I planted them right into Fox Farm Happy Frog after paper-towel germinating. So now I have one White Widow, One Durban Poison. Still in a solo cup with FFHF, no extra nutes, except I started using calmag in my RO water the other day. Day 13 today since putting in the paper towel. I started two Northern Lights autos because I'm just messing around (you can see in the background), both are doing fine, but over a week behind.

Are my lights too close? You can see the DP is looking ok but there are orange spots. I misted them a few times with calmag RO water, which I think was 6.0ph. I'm very light on watering realizing I initially over watered.

The White Widow is weirder. Strange pinwheel curl. And it has been that way since it started. It's growing larger every day but stays in that curled form, ever since it germinated.

I'm not that worried about it, more curious. IMG_6749.jpgIMG_6748.jpgIMG_6747.jpgIMG_6746.jpg
You shouldn't be adding anything! FFoF is considered warm to hot as it is. You seedings may be having growing pains related to the soil. Let them adjust. Put the fuckin cal mag down for a few weeks like 4/6 weeks. The first mistake anyone makes with a plant is to get involved. Don't worry about how it grows it will do what it wants on its own. Every plant I have had that pinwheeled turned out bushy.


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Fair enough. I just started calmag two days ago as I read that I shouldn’t use straight RO water, so that isn’t why it’s pinwheeling. It’s been doing it since it first sprouted.
Don't start adding until your plants show that the need something. Your plants need to be left alone. Trust and they will be fine
He's not in ocean forest he's in happy frog. You misted while the lights were on that's a no no the water petals act like a magnifying glass and can burn leaves. Happy frog feeds the first month or so, it's not needed but adding 150ppm of calmag every other watering won't hurt a bit. I used to add cal mag at this same stage of plant growth.

You'll need to transplant those autos around the start of week 3 since they start flowering around day 30. Personally I start seeds in happy frog, then transplant autos to a 5 gallon bottom half ocean forest top half happy frog. Photos go from starting to of happy frog only to 1 1/2 gallons same thing bottom half OF top half HF then final pots are 5 to 7 gallons all ocean forest. Happy frog doesn't contain alot of nutrients like ocean forest but it does contain mycorrhizae.
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If using solo cups it's a good idea to poke holes halfway up the sides as well. It aids in water run off helping you not over water and also provides oxygen to plant roots and air helping the soil dry. Also when you do foliar spray try to do that 30min or so before lights on, and around 7ph.

I've foliar sprayed these twice with calmag and once with epsom salt they are in top half happy frog bottom half ocean forest.
California orange and white fire #43 autoflowers. These will be going outside in a week or two


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Thanks GroBud. So if my photos go from a solo cup to a 1 gallon airpot with 50/50, then a 5 gallon of FFOF, should I not fertilize at all until bloom?

also here’s my two Plants now. Durban poison looks nice. I need to transplant I think but I’m waiting for FFOF soil in the mail per your suggestion.The white widow still looks stupid, not sure if I should keep growing it or what. Ignore the white spots, that’s pvc pipe that I was cutting.201D9933-D047-4CC9-ABC0-FDA23226975C.jpegBE383FD7-B971-416E-A7BB-8851C7F7B696.jpeg