beginning bubbleponic problems


Well-Known Member
adding a couple pix as of so far.. wish i had a digi so i could show you all the hairs.. the 2 g13 widow and pineapple hairs are slow coming.. i can barely see them but their there.. lemon skunk is really taking up like 3/4 of the tub. its side branching is as thick as the stem i have it held up by string cuz it kept falling and that was scaring me the tent saved it!

im pretty sure i read that you dont flush res at all during flowering but 2 days before harvest and just run ph water.? would like it if someone could clarify that for me!


1.this is pineapple express.. it may look big but lemon skunk is just taking over so much you can tell where the top of pineapple is though from all the leaves being tight and circling around.

2. this is the white widow.. smallest has got good stretch since flower though. lots of little new sites coming out.

3. this is close up of lemon skunks pistols shooting out.. cant really see it but its the white blur which im sure you all can point out.

4. this is lemon which you cant really tell how much of it is but its mostly the whole tub taking over everything but still manages to let the other plants get the light they need. has so many shoots its ridiculous.. hoping to get a good yeild just out this plant alone which hopefully makes up for widow but widow will be good all personal smoke!

5. this is la womans giant leaf self just basically taking over widow plant which is growing crooked cuz of this. didnt want to trim fan leaves so.

6. the whole set up as of so far.

let me know what you think and also info the res change during flowering.. im going to read others but would just like to know personal input from you all also.:roll:



Well-Known Member
switched the tub around in tent so pineapple and widow will get the majority light now and raised light cuz growth has seemed to finally slow.


Active Member
Looking great there crackadelic :-)

Personally I would refer to Roseman's guide re res change schedule but I would continue to change the res during flowering myself. having said that I've seen DWC grows where the res has only been changed once during the entire grow and still produced the goods!


Well-Known Member
trying to get a digi to get better pix i just dont wana spend the $ right now.. has anyones elses homepage not have all the shit it used to on there??


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont like it all.. plants are starting to get hairs everywhere!! some leaves are dying off after i switched tub around i think thats cuz they arent getting as much light now as the other places are.. getting impatient with flower stage veg flew by so fast i didnt even know what to do!!

i cant find rosemans thread on flowering res changes.. any info would help even personal grows.. instead every week flush.. maybe every other week?? input is needed.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I would say a weekly change is ideal but you could definitely go for 2 weeks if you wanted. You just have to be sure that pH stays stable and ppm's don't get too high. I've read some journals where the res was only changed once or twice throughout the entire grow so I'm sure you can get away with 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i was doing every week for veg.. for flower im on 2nd week not flush.. thanks lt i finally got an answer lol.. and your grow is going excellent so ill deff take your advice and flush that baby this weekend.. i hate res flushes now that the plants are big.. next grow im getting a heavy duty tub like yours so its not flimsy.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
You're right, it is a pain in the ass to do a res change when the plants get big but it is definitely neccessary IMO, unless you have experience letting it go for a couple weeks at a time. For next time, I am upgrading to 6" net pots so there is more weight to keep the plants stable and I am only gonna grow 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah your on my page!! those lil net pots dont cut it for me anymore maybe when their little and if they stay little. and my tote isnt a heavy duty one so the lid is flimsy and the net cups keep wanting the slip through.. its being a pain in my ass but im just gona make it until december and make my own so i can have it to my specs.


Well-Known Member
everythings coming along fine.. nothing to really take pix of and phone cam sucks for flower stage.. just got hairs and where the buds form on the sites starting to build up.. going smoothly.

res change this weekend.. cut off a few parts that were getting too close to the light from lemon skunk which would have nice big buds kinda disappointed but might send energy to the other buds instead.


Well-Known Member
no i havent.. it will be 2 weeks since res change tom. so im going to do it then i saw a couple threads where people have done that and my plants still look real heathly so im not in a rush to fuck with them roots.. lol.. its a pain in the ass imo. deff going 3gal buckets next grow.

thanks lh! im gona see if i can find the usb to my digi but i looked before and the sd card i got doesnt work with my cam so i duno lol. i will get some good clear pics up this weekend though.


Well-Known Member
did a res change last night.. since i had the other nute solution in there for 2 weeks im just gona let them drink clean water until tonight figure they might like that.. everything is advancing nicely.. pineapples fan leaves have 11 leaves and the top of pineapple and widow the buds are starting to form nicely!!

lemons main stem is starting grow on side of light above it. lol.. i have no choice but to cut it.. should send energy to other buds instead from what i read.. let me know if that is true or not really have no idea just left with no choice for one.. next grow deff getting a 7'

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
That is true from my experience because My 5' girl grew too close to the light so I cut the main shoot off and now the 4 buds around it have grown considerably so I believe it's true that other buds will get the energy.


Well-Known Member
thanks lt. i was hoping for that answer. my lemon is mostly sativa so i shouldnt of grown it with mostly indicas... but she is so big i think it wouldnt even bother yield much at all.


Well-Known Member
nice change in plants overnight!! starting to see the bud forming on all of them!! couldnt get a good pic of lemon though. got to cut main stem like 6" crazy shit but there is so much bud everywhere on it i dont even care but i do cuz thats like cutting my babies head off but this one still lives!!


1. widow.. looking good wish it was bigger but shes gona be good smoke. peep pineapples leaves in that pic also to the left!!

2. pineapple.. look best of all.. g13 pineapple express. saw alot of people hating on it but i haved liked how this strain has grown the whole time.. have not had one problem. fan leaves are getting 11 leaves including the 2 little ones. 9 without those. great strain so far i will not agree with the haters.

3. la woman.. straight up stem with fan leaves bigger than my face. going to be great.



Well-Known Member
I would do 2 gallon buckets thats what i thought about doing but i went with 1 gallon buckets for space reasons. Lowes has a 2 gallon bucket, you can get the bucket and lids for around 5-6 bux for both.


Well-Known Member
deff going with the 2 or 3 gal buckets.. everything seems to be going fine really enjoying the first grow and esp now that im starting to see results.