I have been infatuated with cultivating my own cannabis for about 7 years, and I'm finally gettin my shit together. My research and patience has paid off, as I now feel more than confident to commence on my first grow. I was originally designing high-wattage grows, not considering all the extra risks and complications. Then, I discovered methods such as SOG, SCROG, and vertical growing. I have decided to do a vertical grow, thanks to some lovin from #HeathRobinson. Although I didn't copy his design literally, it's the same concept. I should be germinated and vegging mothers by June 1, and hopefully flowering by mid to end July. I am going to be using mothers to clone anywhere from 40-90 plants for the first flower, and I will be cloning my flowering clones as #HeathRobinson recomended for the rest of the grow. I will be using #AdvancedNutrients three part formula along with some root boosters and maybe some other flowering nuts. #ViolatorKush will probably go first but we'll see how the germination of my other beans go. I can't wait to share this journey with you all, should be a good one....... Plan on first pics of the build to be posted in a grow journal by June 1.