Beginning Week 5 CFL Update


Active Member
The roots on the Big pot Have reached the bottom. putting both big pot plants on 18/6 Tonight. Theyve Been on Constant 24/7
Did Some Bending of the beginning branches and cut 2 fan leaves off of one to make it branch out.



Well-Known Member
dude i hope you typed wrong when you said you cut fan leaves off to branch it out because it dont work like that


Well-Known Member
ya dude if your talking about your first pic than dont EVER do that again if you want it taller than leave it alone but if you want it to brach and bush out than cut it at the top right threw the stem at an angle THE MAIN STEM NEVER CUT FAN LEAVES OFF



Well-Known Member
no prob dude i try to help out begginers where i can about 2 years ago i used this site for all my ?'s and it helped alot but i've noticed the ppl that actually help on this site has gone down very much so i try to jump in lol


Active Member
alright im not gonna do any more cutting of any leaves... unless the tips turn brown then i chop them off. im using FOX FARM Grow big liquid plant food.6-4-4


yea bro cut the main stem never fan leaves. and using cfl's ur gonna wanna keep them girls short so switch to 12/12 when their like 6 inches tall if you want short plants that is.