BEING A MMJ ACTIVIST. How to get the ball rolling on legalization.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

I'm looking for a cooperative movement to get mmj legal for Utah. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN FOLKS. IM SICK OF BEING ARRESTED FOR A FUCKING PLANT! now let do this and join our forces together.

Where do we start is my question.


Well-Known Member
In colorado we had a petition to get it on the ballot so folks could vote on it and we made it an amendment to our state constitution, not just another law but I would say go to the Norml web site and ask there cause they got it going on
It takes awhile, but the more people you have helping you the faster you will be able to get enough signatures. I think it took a good 2 years, but I could be wrong since I wasn't in charge, just a helper.

Good luck

Peace out

How long did it take??? Cuz I don't have the patients for ten years I'll just move lol

A lot, sorry dude I don't know the exact # but the more the better. I personally got over 1,000 sigs myself. You will want to have people go to local colleges, grow shops, stores, ect. The more help you find the better chance you will have.

Maybe post on Craigslist that you are looking for volunteer helpers.

Peace out

Well don't peace out yet man. How many sigs we talkin here?