being careless with classified info

Well let's see. What's the logical way to look at this. First the story was broken by the Washington Post, the king of fake news.

Secondly, let's say that this time the story is actually true. If so it's really not quite the same as what Hillary did. Hillary was previously trained for YEARS regarding the proper handling of classified data and purposely didn't follow procedure, (because she didn't want to carry two phones she claimed). Trump has maybe had one or two trainings on this and slipped during a meeting. Hillary got off literally "because there was no intent." Trump at a minimum deserves the same free pass.

So, end result. Hillary walks away, and Trump walks away for the same offenses. Once again, (and I say this only if it is proven true), nuthin to see here, move along . . . and Trump at some point in this presidency get around to fixing the country like you originally promised.

If it turns out to be false or incorrectly reported, (most likely), then follow through and put her in jail where she belongs.

PS: there's still no evidence on the Russia collusion B.S.
logic broke down on first line. Get your head replaced, the old one is broken.
How dumb are you ? I understand that most Trump supporters are dumb as shit, but exactly how fucking dumb are you ?
does a dumb person even know they are dumb? I mean a really dumb person. How would they know? To them the whole world is conspiring against them. Or dumb.

My question is more basic: which program did it use to translate it's voice into text? Clearly it's too dumb to know how to use a keyboard.
I can't see anything from them. Fogdog This isn't about Hillary, obviously they're still stuck on that, talking about the orange one, and someone comes in and comments on that shit that means nothing.
Double standards seem to be okay for them. I am going to delete what I said because I don't like saying bad shit to people. even if they offended me. oh well.
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If Hillary don't go to prison for it no reason Trump should...
It all depends on who it puts in danger or who may get killed. listen this isn't about Hillary anymore.
she lost and that is that, now we have to worry about our President not knowing what he is doing, and also I would like to add, did you see how happy he was in the W.H. with the Russians, looked like his happiest days in office so far, That alone should scare the fuck out of people.
anyone think any of these righties are gonna cry for the criminal trial of trump over his far more careless and reckless handing over of highly top secret and classified information to a hostile foreign power?
Why do you hate Russia? We are supposed to work with them against ISIS which is a brilliant idea we should be allies. I also heard this alleged classified information was about ISIS a common enemy an actual hostile foreign power!!
Why do you hate Russia? We are supposed to work with them against ISIS which is a brilliant idea we should be allies. I also heard this alleged classified information was about ISIS a common enemy an actual hostile foreign power!!
So you are in favor of telling Russia about everything we learn from foreign intelligence agencies regardless of the fact that such things are told to us in confidence?

That sounds like a great idea if you want foreign countries to stop sharing their intelligence with us.
It all depends on who it puts in danger or who may get killed. listen this isn't about Hillary anymore.
she lost and that is that, now we have to worry about our President not knowing what he is doing, and also I would like to add, did you see how happy he was in the W.H. with the Russians, looked like his happiest days in office so far, That alone should scare the fuck out of people.
Well he campaigned to work with Russia to stop ISIS so it was likely a great meeting.

Why do you hate Russia? Tell us where did Putin touch you?
Why do you hate Russia? We are supposed to work with them against ISIS which is a brilliant idea we should be allies. I also heard this alleged classified information was about ISIS a common enemy an actual hostile foreign power!!

Russia shot down mh17
killing off journalists and political opponents
arming assad
providing every athlete with illegal drugs
huge chunk of gdp provided by hacking
failing kleptocracy
crimea and ukraine
russia's goal is to undermine Western institutions and democracy world wide

So you are in favor of telling Russia about everything we learn from foreign intelligence agencies regardless of the fact that such things are told to us in confidence?

That sounds like a great idea if you want foreign countries to stop sharing their intelligence with us.
Depends on the information they are allies against ISIS.
Fucking idiot

Russia shot down mh17
killing off journalists and political opponents
arming assad
providing every athlete with illegal drugs
huge chunk of gdp provided by hacking
failing kleptocracy
crimea and ukraine
russia's goal is to undermine Western institutions and democracy world wide

And what have we done? I also highly doubt Russia shot down an airliner over the Ukraine I'm sure they have National Guard bases with some neat weapons all over the Ukraine like America.
Yeah, cos Hillary storing emails on a secure email server (that was never breached, btw) is the same as discussing classified information with Putin's envoys...

How fucking beyond cuck are you retards? Are you even a cuck if you're taking it directly in the ass or just a bisexual?

Serious question, what will it take?
Yeah, cos Hillary storing emails on a secure email server (that was never breached, btw) is the same as discussing classified information with Putin's envoys...

How fucking beyond cuck are you retards? Are you even a cuck if you're taking it directly in the ass or just a bisexual?

Serious question, what will it take?

Actually it's worse.
And what have we done? I also highly doubt Russia shot down an airliner over the Ukraine I'm sure they have National Guard bases with some neat weapons all over the Ukraine like America.
Witless rube "you highly doubt" really? based on your sources at Trump U?

Russia dismissed calls for an international tribunal to prosecute those suspected of downing Flight MH17 in Ukraine, saying Wednesday the proposals were "untimely and counterproductive."
Well let's see. What's the logical way to look at this. First the story was broken by the Washington Post, the king of fake news.

Secondly, let's say that this time the story is actually true. If so it's really not quite the same as what Hillary did. Hillary was previously trained for YEARS regarding the proper handling of classified data and purposely didn't follow procedure, (because she didn't want to carry two phones she claimed). Trump has maybe had one or two trainings on this and slipped during a meeting. Hillary got off literally "because there was no intent." Trump at a minimum deserves the same free pass.

So, end result. Hillary walks away, and Trump walks away for the same offenses. Once again, (and I say this only if it is proven true), nuthin to see here, move along . . . and Trump at some point in this presidency get around to fixing the country like you originally promised.

If it turns out to be false or incorrectly reported, (most likely), then follow through and put her in jail where she belongs.

PS: there's still no evidence on the Russia collusion B.S.
So is it fake news? Or is it no big deal when the dumb racist does it?

It can't be both ya retard.