being careless with classified info

Hillary allegedly did much worse but she deleted most of the evidence. But with a competent FBI director all the information is in the NSA.

If Trump somehow endangered our national security I would expect him to go to prison. But if the classified information was just about a common enemy the Russians deserve the respect to know.

No they don't. Remember that friendly annexation.

For Crimea’s drug users, a Russian death sentence

After the annexation in March 2014, Moscow announced a “transition period” until the end of the year for Crimea to adapt to Russian law.
I know, I know its Fox New...wait it isn't.......Is this an anonymous source?

June 30, 2016

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”
I know, I know its Fox New...wait it isn't.......Is this an anonymous source?

June 30, 2016

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”
Who is Obama? I thought Trump was in charge. In charge, LOL, get it?
I know, I know its Fox New...wait it isn't.......Is this an anonymous source?

June 30, 2016

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”

now if only trump had done that instead of blurting out top secret, classified, codeword intelligence that israel did not even want us to share with our allies, much less an adversarial dictatorship.

I don't only dictators especially ones that murder people for saying he is one. Do you suck Putin's cock in the morning? Or wish you could?
Who did Putin murder? He certainly is not Stalin. Do you lick Hillary's pussy? Or wish you could?
I know, I know its Fox New...wait it isn't.......Is this an anonymous source?

June 30, 2016

The Obama administration has offered to help Russia improve its targeting of terrorist groups in Syria if Moscow will stop bombing civilians and opposition fighters who have signed on to a cease-fire and use its influence to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do the same.

The offer early this week of what one administration official called “enhanced information sharing” does not include joint military planning, targeting or coordination with U.S. airstrikes or other operations in Syria.

But it would expand cooperation beyond the “deconfliction” talks the U.S. and Russian militaries began last year to ensure their planes do not run into each other in Syria’s increasingly crowded airspace.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has long opposed any additional cooperation, said Thursday that if Russia would “do the right thing in Syria — that’s an important condition — as in all cases with Russia, we’re willing to work with them.”


"Hey, have you heard? Looks like trump is either going to be impeached or forced to resign. The evidence is pouring in by the hour, it's pretty overwhelming."

"That's BULLSHIT! More LIBTARD crap! Russia, Russia, Russia, your're just a SORE LOSER -- HAHAHA! The REAL news is what happened last weekend with KKKILLARY! According to many HI TOP sources, she actually FARTED in the bathtub and then someone SMELLED it and said it STUNK! There's even TAPE of it, Hannity said so!! You LOSE, OBUMMER SNOWFLAKES HAHAHA!! LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP!!

