Active Member
haha old icp is good new icp not so much haha who's going chicken huntin! and what the fuck is with all then fucking kids who listen to icp now saying whoop whoop its extremely annoying! anyways i went out and got drunk tonight for the first time in a wile and i just feel like ranting a little.... i really dont like obnoxious drunk people like the fucks who go wooooo after every shot or drink or what ever there stupid fucking retarded self's are doing mainly collage kids and u got the creepy old fucks who sit in the corner they annoy me too and today at work my assistant said he wanted to beat my fucking brains in with a baseball bat and make me suffer cause he is a fucking bitch who doesn't wanna work and just wants to talk all the fucking time and he doesn't listen at all to me and he likes to play the pitty card yet everyone knows this man child (hes like 35 but is a creepy hobbit looking fucker who never shuts his fucking mouth and for the last 4 and a half months ive had to remind him almost every day to fix the same shit for our press and the only reason he got this job was because he was the only one to sign up for it i just wanna bitch slap the fuck outta this guy he is as they say " fuckin ignit" lol! he is white yet he thinks he is fucking al pachino or some dumb fucking shit anyways for the last 4 months ive had nothing but problems and no one has done anything about his insubordination and undermining me and shit well it finally caught up to him unfortunately in a shatty situation but come the fuck on saying u wanna " beat some ones fucking brain out and make them suffer" because they wont let them do somthin that isnt there job to do but mine and i dont feel comfortable enough letting him do i think his issues run a littler deeper then that and he mentioned earlier that he had a pet farret that was dying so he didnt wanna see it suffer so he thew it in a shoe box and barried it still alive... this dude a fucking weirdo and thats coming from a weirdo lol