being taken to court over a online review

In the states we have an app called Yelp and people talk shit all the time on Yelp about shity restaurants. That’s what the app is for, for reviewing restaurants, stores, bars, everything that pertains to customer service. Good or bad.
thats how review should work. not try sue or threaten people if they dont like the comments left
I’d say,if you have legitimate proof to back your statement the chances of being sued would be minimal
the review i left pretty much said i didn't fined the staff helpful and the level of service provided was crap. its based on personal opinion so cant really prove or back up anything

this company is pretty much buying good reviews by threaten people that leave bad ones
the review i left pretty much said i didn't fined the staff helpful and the level of service provided was crap. its based on personal opinion so cant really prove or back up anything

this company is pretty much buying good reviews by threaten people that leave bad ones
So what did you say the name of the company was
By no means am I a lawyer, but imo they have no grounds at all for defamation. They could have been having a bad day when you used their services. That's just business. If they can take you to court for writing a bad review, then what of "word of mouth"?

I say fuck them!

Write another shit review, and include details about the cease and desist letter. Even inlude proof maybe, without revealing anyone's personal information. That'll teach 'em.
Can't claim defamation of character imo when it's the truth...
By no means am I a lawyer, but imo they have no grounds at all for defamation. They could have been having a bad day when you used their services. That's just business. If they can take you to court for writing a bad review, then what of "word of mouth"?

I say fuck them!

Write another shit review, and include details about the cease and desist letter. Even inlude proof maybe, without revealing anyone's personal information. That'll teach 'em.
Can't claim defamation of character imo when it's the truth...
yeah its pretty lame they try are trying. i probably will upload the documents they sent me in a few months
why exactly are they trying to take you to court just for a bad review? it's your own opinion they have no say in that and if they did give bad service that is there issue not yours. as stated in the states we have yelp people mainly use it for 3 things. 1. free/discounted shit as if you write a good review you show it to the store and they give you a discount or something free. 2. they had a bad experience ( this is typically why people write them ) 3. it makes them feel entitled like they are a food critic when really it's just there own 2cents. i work in the restaurant field half the shit people write in these reviews are funny sometimes it is true as well like this one customer said the soup we served when i worked there tasted old and i just wanted to tell that customer "yea cause it is old meat you should smell that shit before it gets cooked" XD sometimes they say the soup is fresh and im just like "nope..."

i honestly would post that shit and put them on blast customer service from any company like that is horrible. you need to learn to take your reviews no matter they are good or bad and strive to do better not threaten people for giving a bad review. i actually did a stage for a restaurant near my house many years ago. first day was working at a night event that was PACKED and i had no idea wtf i was doing since it was my first day. owner yelled at me infront of all the customers and bad mouthing me to the point i almost walked out but since he was paying me in cash i stayed and dug out after that night didn't go back. many years later i checked the reviews for his restaurant and i see him on yelp arguing with customers who bought from him and made a complaint. he was just like "NO your wrong and i am right!" his shop is now closed down
it was a medical place i said i was unahppy and they are clearly pissed for a bad review. its a cunt act by them
Throw it in the fire.
You can have your opinion and voice it. As long as you have not harassed or lied you are cool. There are restaurant reviews in the media all the time. There are business reviews all over social media and online stores like E bay.
They wont take you to court, it would go to mediation first and they don't have the time for that and you don't have to attend it. Sounds like simple scare tactics.
i will be seeking my own layer and counter sewing then for intent to cause mental anguish and harassment if they continue to contact me. then i will go for $50.000 claim and see how they like trying to push people around
i will be seeking my own layer and counter sewing then for intent to cause mental anguish and harassment if they continue to contact me. then i will go for $50.000 claim and see how they like trying to push people around
its Australia mate not America but as that great song said " Roll another one, just like the other one"