Belief Without Evidence WTF?

You needa look up more information on that, u can actually find real NASA officials m workers saying that its real and that when he new higher resolution pics came inthat they had to edit the images cuz it was too real, and that doesn't explain the fact that there's 3 other faces on Mars n not just that sungle location, give little bits of truth to the public and they don't bother reading about the rest :-)
K u say they drew a human with wings flying up think of it this way birds fly, why? They have wings, now if u were an ancient t man and saw a Guy fly off with a jetpack, what would be your first thought of how he is flying or how are u going to depict a man all of a sudden shooting off the ground, your probably going to draw him with wings to relate thata he was able to fly like a bird. That's my thought, even a little kid would depict it the same way if he had no knowledge of a jetpack, or similar device

What if they were just depicting it as human like, but it was really some monstrous beast as actually described in the Bible. Angels as humans with wings is a semi new development. "Angels" are celestial beings.
K u say they drew a human with wings flying up think of it this way birds fly, why? They have wings, now if u were an ancient t man and saw a Guy fly off with a jetpack, what would be your first thought of how he is flying or how are u going to depict a man all of a sudden shooting off the ground, your probably going to draw him with wings to relate thata he was able to fly like a bird. That's my thought, even a little kid would depict it the same way if he had no knowledge of a jetpack, or similar device
I would have drawn a box on his back, not wings lol.
You needa look up more information on that, u can actually find real NASA officials m workers saying that its real and that when he new higher resolution pics came inthat they had to edit the images cuz it was too real, and that doesn't explain the fact that there's 3 other faces on Mars n not just that sungle location, give little bits of truth to the public and they don't bother reading about the rest :-)

So you reject that the original image was simply an example of our brains tendency to see faces in random patters, a well documented, well understood, easily demonstrated phenomenon. You also reject the backing evidence for this explanation which clearly shows that a sharper image of the region suggests no face. You instead favor the explanation that an alien race made three faces and NASA had no problem publicizing one of the faces but decided to cover up the other two. Since that time, NASA has apparently regretted their inexplicable decision to release the one photo and so decided to go back to the same area and rephotograph the site, at which point the photographs turned out to be too real so they had to doctor the pictures. To support this explanation you offer some hearsay from some unnamed officials and vague accusations about some shadowy government.

In short, you give no reason for rejecting an explanation which explains all evidence and instead favor one that makes wild unsupported assumptions to reach a predetermined conclusion.
In the drawing on one of the pictures the video showed while they were talking about the drawing they drew about the aliens visiting, it showed some lines as though something was shooting up extremely fast and left behind debris and above that it showed a picture of a human with wings. It didn't show a space craft it showed an angel. But it is strange how they drew space crafts and stuff, I'm gonna look into it. What's that show called? The one you posted.

i dunno if they had it on that one, but one of the mayan kings on the stone that covers his tomb he's in what looks like a rocketship. look at the little breathin thing in his nose and how he's sittin and what he's holdin in this pic

there is also a christian prophet i cant remember his name, but he's on mentioned once in the bible, but has how own book that they didnt wanna put in i guess and they describe him comin down on a floatin chariot that shook the earth and was loud as hell...FUCK i wish i could remember the name.

anyways that show is called ancient aliens if you have netflix the first two seasons are on it and most are pretty damn good. i have to admit tho they say some shit at times that im like aight dude yall are reachin now. lol they have one that tells how germany was usin alien info to try and win ww2, but we pooped on em before they could do anything with it.

I would have drawn a box on his back, not wings lol.

thats cause you know what a jetpack is. to our ancestors if they saw that it wouldnt make sense how he's able to do that so when they drew it they dont know what a jetpack is but they know what wings are and they connected the dots. or atleast thats my opinion. here is another good one about them comin to america.
i dunno if they had it on that one, but one of the mayan kings on the stone that covers his tomb he's in what looks like a rocketship. look at the little breathin thing in his nose and how he's sittin and what he's holdin in this pic

there is also a christian prophet i cant remember his name, but he's on mentioned once in the bible, but has how own book that they didnt wanna put in i guess and they describe him comin down on a floatin chariot that shook the earth and was loud as hell...FUCK i wish i could remember the name.

anyways that show is called ancient aliens if you have netflix the first two seasons are on it and most are pretty damn good. i have to admit tho they say some shit at times that im like aight dude yall are reachin now. lol they have one that tells how germany was usin alien info to try and win ww2, but we pooped on em before they could do anything with it.

thats cause you know what a jetpack is. to our ancestors if they saw that it wouldnt make sense how he's able to do that so when they drew it they dont know what a jetpack is but they know what wings are and they connected the dots. or atleast thats my opinion. here is another good one about them comin to america.
His name was Enoch
I'm pretty sure his book of the bible was part of the NHC, which was found, but never added back into the bible.
I still say they would have drawn thrust or fire not wings. They knew when they were drawing a buffalo getting shot, what an arrow, and a buffalo, and directional movement were. How come they had to make stuff up when they aliens came?? "Angels" are supposed to be massive celestial beasts, not humans with wings. Read some history, or the bible, not just watch Ancient Aliens. Humans with wings is not a very old idea of angels. And definitely not the original idea of them.
carbon globules found in antarctic asteroid, only can be produce by (for what we know) living organisms, basic cells essentially, but still life, or a by product of it at least
i dunno if they had it on that one, but one of the mayan kings on the stone that covers his tomb he's in what looks like a rocketship. look at the little breathin thing in his nose and how he's sittin and what he's holdin in this pic

there is also a christian prophet i cant remember his name, but he's on mentioned once in the bible, but has how own book that they didnt wanna put in i guess and they describe him comin down on a floatin chariot that shook the earth and was loud as hell...FUCK i wish i could remember the name.

anyways that show is called ancient aliens if you have netflix the first two seasons are on it and most are pretty damn good. i have to admit tho they say some shit at times that im like aight dude yall are reachin now. lol they have one that tells how germany was usin alien info to try and win ww2, but we pooped on em before they could do anything with it.

thats cause you know what a jetpack is. to our ancestors if they saw that it wouldnt make sense how he's able to do that so when they drew it they dont know what a jetpack is but they know what wings are and they connected the dots. or atleast thats my opinion. here is another good one about them comin to america.

Lol, I'm looking at the picture and all I see is some guy sitting on a statue holding a cross type thing. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm saying I can't see it, lol. Is it on the top or bottom half?

You know how I said they would draw a jetpack? And you said that's because I know how it looks, well why did they draw space crafts and not wings? And why did they draw wings instead of space crafts (unless they actually were angels)? But shaking the earth sounds pretty awesome, hopefully you can remember the name, :).

Germany using alien technologies? Sadly, I believe it. I mean I'm a consipiracist (not all jittery and creepy though, lol), and before you mentioned the Germany thing, I had already come across a conspiracy of Germany using alien technology. Go check out nazi UFO's, some crazy shit right there. And that was some years back, who knows what technology we have now, we just aren't allowed to see it.

You may have answered my questions in the video you posted, but I haven't watched it yet. But I'll watch it in a little while, :).
Lol, I'm looking at the picture and all I see is some guy sitting on a statue holding a cross type thing. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm saying I can't see it, lol. Is it on the top or bottom half?

I've seen it. It's the guy that is facing his head up a little. And sitting crouched strangley.
He's in a cock pit, and there is some sort of thrust below him. And a tip to the rocket, and he is facing up.
And one of the Mayan rulers was said to be "from the stars", and the tomb he's in is booby trapped and some weird stuff. that may have been his tomb lid, I think he was a different one though. He was said to be 9ft tall or something like that though too.
And that thing that I now see you were saying looks like "A man holding a cross" . It actually looks like the axle of a car, connected to rudders on the outside. Like look at it.