Belief Without Evidence WTF?

I really am not trying to attack beliefs or personal choices, I just feel we should move communally in a direction that allows us to view things and make decisions based on scientific reasoning and grounded evidence. I feel it holds a society back when they are ignorant, by choice or not, of truth. By all means i think the christian religion is great for instilling morals in those that cannot reach these principles on their own.
Do not act as though religious people are the only people cannot reach their set of morals alone. Nobody can install morals alone, you need at least one other person to gain morals. It just depends on who you got your morals from.
Dude...can you just boil it down? I can look up the scripture. (Not trying to be rude...just makes it easier) I only read your first one..but I don't even see the contradiction there. Witches were supposed to die. Saul disobeyed that, along with enough other things that God whacked him.

But it says not to, says to kill witches. Then someone in the bible, working for god. Clearly goes and preforms a seance with success. You asked for contradiction, and there it is.
Oh. My. God. Dude! He wasn't "working for god"!! Holy crap! He DISOBEYED God and was killed for it!

But it says not to, says to kill witches. Then someone in the bible, working for god. Clearly goes and preforms a seance with success. You asked for contradiction, and there it is. I read the 2nd example...and I don't see any contradiction at all. Help me out here.

That wasn't an example of contradiction. If you read the first one is contradiction. The rest is just fucked up stuff in the bible. Like look at those people's point of views, and what is going on. It's not a good book to read, and live life based on. Like morally, yeah, a little good. But it's FUCKED.
you dont need anyone to instill morals man, it can be gleamed from reality. I am a vegetarian, have been sense second grade, I noticed life had inherent value and i stopped eating meat because it took a life so that we may have a luxury. I didn't need any one to tell me, in fact no one did. Everyone in the school ate meat and at lunch i was ridiculed, but it didn't mean i couldn't recognize right from wrong regardless of what others thought. rather that do the ONE thing you claimed: finding discrepancies in the Bible, you instead post 1/2 the thing and then say it's "FUCKED". I almost though you *weren't* a troll.

That wasn't an example of contradiction. If you read the first one is contradiction. The rest is just fucked up stuff in the bible. Like look at those people's point of views, and what is going on. It's not a good book to read, and live life based on. Like morally, yeah, a little good. But it's FUCKED.
Disobeyed in the course of being told to, and semi trying to fulfill gods will.

LOL. Isn't he great folks? Let's give him hand! No, God never told him to seek out a witch. And he wasn't doing "god's will" at all...which is exactly why God whacked him and put David, a "man after God's own heart" on the throne. have NO idea what the Bible says, and yet you're an "expert" on it. Seriously...I just don't have time to play that game.
It would be a "blanket dismissal" if I didn't say "not saying all here are." Didn't/wouldn't put you in that category.

In that case I invite you to respond. I'm not here to play Logic Trap, so be (re)assured I'll treat any post directed my way with as much or more respect as/than I was shown.

Wind, air, black holes ... we cannot see these things directly, but we can conclusively demonstrate their presence and action at a single, rationally airtight (sic!) remove. Finding similarly direct evidence for divine activity, playing by the rules of natural philosophy ... not as easy in my experience and opinion. cn
I don't see where I disrespected you at all! And I'm not going to try to prove God exists to you, just as you can't prove He doesn't. I'd highly recommend a book/dvd called Creator And The Cosmos by Hugh Ross. To you. Not the bumper sticker trolls. Dude's a double PHD...I think in astrophysics and...astronomy? He also happens to be an "old-earth creationist", which puts him outside of mainstream Christian belief (so much so that many say he *isn't* a Christian). He can talk your talk though...I'm no astrophysist...hell, I can't even spell it. But dude's pretty fascinating .

In that case I invite you to respond. I'm not here to play Logic Trap, so be (re)assured I'll treat any post directed my way with as much or more respect as/than I was shown.

Wind, air, black holes ... we cannot see these things directly, but we can conclusively demonstrate their presence and action at a single, rationally airtight (sic!) remove. Finding similarly direct evidence for divine activity, playing by the rules of natural philosophy ... not as easy in my experience and opinion. cn
I don't see where I disrespected you at all! And I'm not going to try to prove God exists to you, just as you can't prove He doesn't. I'd highly recommend a book/dvd called Creator And The Cosmos by Hugh Ross. To you. Not the bumper sticker trolls. Dude's a double PHD...I think in astrophysics and...astronomy? He also happens to be an "old-earth creationist", which puts him outside of mainstream Christian belief (so much so that many say he *isn't* a Christian). He can talk your talk though...I'm no astrophysist...hell, I can't even spell it. But dude's pretty fascinating .

I can tell already I don't have anywhere near the mainstream intelligence that guy has but it sounds like me when it comes to being a "unique" Christian. I don't know man, it's like when you leave church (at least for me) you see religion in a better perspective. Please don't take offense if you do go to church, and if you like church then more power to you buddy, :).
I can tell already I don't have anywhere near the mainstream intelligence that guy has but it sounds like me when it comes to being a "unique" Christian. I don't know man, it's like when you leave church (at least for me) you see religion in a better perspective. Please don't take offense if you do go to church, and if you like church then more power to you buddy, :).

...getting centered in a centre, who'd a thunk it! :)
I fucking hate it bro.. Just this weekend at my aunts funeral, this fucking self proclaimed pastor fucked shit up big time and i was extremely irritated at that motherfucker. he claimed to be a man of God all the while this asshole was mumbling and stuttering and constantly checking the verses he wanted to speak of. Motherfucker couldnt even pronounce my aunts name properly... Fuck that disrespectful asshole
Went to a Catholic church for 30 years. Had an awakening in the back of an ambulance. I now go to a cool, kick-back, "seeker-friendly" church that isn't part of any "religion". I always say "Jesus isn't an ism". Jesus' main target were the "religious" people. "Religion is man's attempt at reaching God. Jesus is God's way of reaching man." I don't claim to be a genius. I just have common sense. I read the Bible. I saw that it had tons of manuscript, archeological, prophetic and statistical evidence to support it. Therefore, I believe it. No one has EVER "disproved" anything in it...despite a few thousand years of trying. When I hear of people "leaving the church", 9x out of 10 they;re talking about the RCC. Don't mean to Catholic-bash, but that's true. True or not, I'd tell anyone who ever left *any* church: don't walk away from God because of the actions of someone who supposedly *represents* him." The greatest threat to Christianity is "Christians".

I can tell already I don't have anywhere near the mainstream intelligence that guy has but it sounds like me when it comes to being a "unique" Christian. I don't know man, it's like when you leave church (at least for me) you see religion in a better perspective. Please don't take offense if you do go to church, and if you like church then more power to you buddy, :).
Went to a Catholic church for 30 years. Had an awakening in the back of an ambulance. I now go to a cool, kick-back, "seeker-friendly" church that isn't part of any "religion". I always say "Jesus isn't an ism". Jesus' main target were the "religious" people. "Religion is man's attempt at reaching God. Jesus is God's way of reaching man." I don't claim to be a genius. I just have common sense. I read the Bible. I saw that it had tons of manuscript, archeological, prophetic and statistical evidence to support it. Therefore, I believe it. No one has EVER "disproved" anything in it...despite a few thousand years of trying. When I hear of people "leaving the church", 9x out of 10 they;re talking about the RCC. Don't mean to Catholic-bash, but that's true. True or not, I'd tell anyone who ever left *any* church: don't walk away from God because of the actions of someone who supposedly *represents* him." The greatest threat to Christianity is "Christians".

LOL. Isn't he great folks? Let's give him hand! No, God never told him to seek out a witch. And he wasn't doing "god's will" at all...which is exactly why God whacked him and put David, a "man after God's own heart" on the throne. have NO idea what the Bible says, and yet you're an "expert" on it. Seriously...I just don't have time to play that game.

Going to the witch wasn't god's will. He was trying to do something else for god, and went to the witch along that road. He shouldn't have, but did.