100% Pure Neem Oil (Dynagrow brand is what I use) mixed in 33fl oz (975ml) of warm water. 8ML of Neem Oil, 6ML of unscented liquid dish soap. Shake well. Use immediately while water is still warm - it keeps the oil and soap emulsified so you dont get oil globs on the leaves. The dish soap helps it run so the leaves get evenly coated.
Neem Oil can be nearly solid at room temp, so I put a bowl of hot water under the sink and sit the neem oil jug in it. Its usually runny and easy to pour within a minute.
You can put your sprayer in a bowl of hot water to warm the mixture during application. Remember to keep shaking in between sprays. Make sure you spray the top layer of soil, the underside of all the leaves and the tops/stems of the plant. Neem oil wont hurt the plant or the buds (within the first 4 weeks, although I've heard of people using it up till finish to try and save plants with good results) so be liberal about spraying it.
Neem oil doesn't kill on contact but instead works in wondrous ways on different bugs. The gnats, mites and bugs we deal with will have their larvae/eggs melting while they suffer an eroding jaw/mandible over a few hours/days when they eat anything sprayed with neem. Because they can lay eggs after the spray is dry, you need to reapply every 2-4 days for at least 4 applications to see real success.
I use a neem oil spray on my plants 4-5 times throughout veg and then every 3 days for the first 2 weeks of flower. I have bugs come in with new soil or clones and they do not survive long and I have never had any bug damage or serious infestation. I also will spray the soil surface pretty good, and then water to run it into the soil. Larvae dont stand a chance!