Believe it or not! Exodus Cheese, and friends.....


Well-Known Member
Finally some update pics. They are doing good, and growing like crazy. I have tied 4 of the fast nevs tied down and they are still nearly 4 feet tall. I broke a top off the other one trying to tie it down, but it seems no worse for wear, and I made my first clones! At least all have survived, even my little deformed super bud, and exodus cheese. One of the sages turned out to be male but the other is doing great. I have her tied to the side with a string and tent stake. Here goes:002.jpg007.jpg004.jpg003.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg010.jpg011.jpg


Well-Known Member
First pic is the sage, second super bud, third fast nev 1, 4th, kalashnikova, 5th thru 7th fast nevs 2, 3, 4, 5, and the last pic is the exodus cheese. I know my pics are lousy, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot to mention. I am watering these plants with the water from the koi pond in the pics. Hillbilly aquaponics!


Well-Known Member
Time for an update. They are all doing pretty good. The Exodus Cheese could use more light, but I trimmed some branches off the surrounding vegetation, so hopefully she will start to do better. The Neville's Hazes are doing great, but I planted them too close together. I have 4 that are planted in pairs, but they could have used more room, as you will see. They look like 2 big shrubs. The Super Bud and Kalashnikova, that were runts and had the crazy 3 cotyledons are going crazy now. You would never know they had such humble beginnings. 001.jpg006.jpg005.jpgView attachment 2214046009.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
1st pic is Fast Neville #1, 2nd #2&3, 3rd #4 & 5. 4th Super Bud, 5th Kalashnikova, 6th Exodus Cheese


Well-Known Member
Looking good, but the one in the last pic is obviously getting the least of everything. I am sure it'll still produce from where you live. So when there are big colas what are you going to disguise them with? You'll need some big flowers for that;)
Peace to you in the sun.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, but the one in the last pic is obviously getting the least of everything. I am sure it'll still produce from where you live. So when there are big colas what are you going to disguise them with? You'll need some big flowers for that;)
Yes the Exodus Cheese is not doing great. It was the biggest in the beginning. I just cut the vegetation away from it on Wednesday, so I am hoping that will help it get more sun. The sun here is so intense in the summer that I really think that it will be ok. Maybe not a monster. I took a couple of clones that I am going to put in a better spot to cover my bases. The flowers are kind of a joke, but the mosquito patrol flies over every day so I'm hoping that they blend in better and you're right, bigger flowers might be in order....LO


Well-Known Member
You have a very green thumb Cindy. Awesome that you can grow in your backyard, you look like you have everything under control. I'll be here, looking out for buds:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i like how those flowers are popping out of the bush here and there, its as if the weed plants compliment the flowers haha its gonna look sweet when buds are popping out. they look really healthy, really lovin the sun too i can tell by those perky leaves.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I have a question? It has rained for the last 3 days, at least 6inches total. I added some fish emulsion, worm castings and manure tea the day it started raining. How long do you think I should wait before feeding again? This is my first Summer grow, so I'm not used to the rain element. They were getting a few yellow leaves on the bottom before I fed them. Should I just wait until they start to look hungry again. They have all grown from 8-12 inches in the last 6 days, so I know that they are pretty happy at the moment. Will post pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with Tex, just wait till a week or so. The rain is not going to flush the soil that much I don't think.


Well-Known Member
First pic is the only Fast Neville that isn't flowering yet, but it has lots of preflowers, 2nd pic is Sour Diesel reveg, 3rd is Super Bud, 4th is Fast Neville bud, 5th is S.A.G.E, 6th another Fast Neville bud, 7th, S.A.G.E bud, 8th Mother Sativa reveg, 9th Exodus Cheese, struggling in the shade. Can you see how fast they're growing?


Well-Known Member
Forgot the Kalashnikova.. I will get pics later today! You can see part of her to the left in the first fast neville pic. She is growing like crazy, but she still has weird color and texture.