If I have a religion, it's called the science of reality.
I think it's insulting to label this idea so cheaply as 'atheistic', just because I haven't identified with or a named an invisible sky Daddy.
God is many things, and there needn't be any limits; a popular idea of omniscience says that Google knows (almost) ALL, certainly more than any of us, and as such could be called godlike. It's trite, cute- and NOT WRONG, as long as we limit our concept of God to omniscience.
This leads me to think that perhaps we're looking in the wrong place for an understanding of how it all works if we're looking for it in a place of worship. We need to be in places of investigation, not dogma, if we are to discover anything new.
I don't need a church to gaze in awe upon the world. I don't need scripture to see the deeper implications of time, life and physics. Knowledge is the real power. No wonder they are afraid to teach true wisdom in school.