Believer's of Jesus Christ: Smoking Cannabis

If I have a religion, it's called the science of reality.

I think it's insulting to label this idea so cheaply as 'atheistic', just because I haven't identified with or a named an invisible sky Daddy.

God is many things, and there needn't be any limits; a popular idea of omniscience says that Google knows (almost) ALL, certainly more than any of us, and as such could be called godlike. It's trite, cute- and NOT WRONG, as long as we limit our concept of God to omniscience.

This leads me to think that perhaps we're looking in the wrong place for an understanding of how it all works if we're looking for it in a place of worship. We need to be in places of investigation, not dogma, if we are to discover anything new.

I don't need a church to gaze in awe upon the world. I don't need scripture to see the deeper implications of time, life and physics. Knowledge is the real power. No wonder they are afraid to teach true wisdom in school.
If it feels like smoking is taking you away from God.. maybe for you it is? I myself find smoking prohibits me from straying off the righteous path god has created for me.. And helps distract me from many of the lustful thoughts and vanities that mankind is born with (original sin). It is my sacrament...not wine. And alcohol seems to be much more develish of a spirit when I consume it?
Everyone of us post our beleif and each is not a carbon copy of any other like two snowflakes are never identical...thats why nothing wrong with asking others input but at the end of the day you gotta find your own way...thats uniquely yours why would any divine being have angst toward you for that...
I'm writing this for those who believe in Jesus Christ, not for those who will make jokes and do not understand. In today's age we will put almost anything in to our bodies without a second thought (caffeine/over the counter drugs/nicotine). I myself try to avoid these things. I have been smoking cannabis for about 5 years now and I'm beginning to think it may be separating me from Jesus. At the same time I know it has benefits and can be an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

The Bible clearly states that we should not alter our minds or harm our bodies. There are so many drugs used now days that do more harm than good (pharmaceuticals). I do NOT want to steer away from God, I know he is truth. I just want to be able to go to sleep at a decent hour in peace.

I want the opinions of those who actually believe that Jesus Christ died for own sins.
Can anyone out there share their feelings about this subject? This has been on my mind for some time now!
funny. in the old testament mandrake root was used as an aphrodisiac and was not discouraged or frowned upon. the active ingredient in mandrake root is belladonna. a very powerful hallucinate. most ancient religions use some form of mind altering drug in their search for spiritual enlightenment. the teachings of Christ have been so perverted by religion that when someone says they believe in Christ one must ask which Christ? the Christ of Calvin or the Nicaea council or of Luther or the CHRIST quoted in the gospel of thomas etc. the real CHRIST offered freedom from fear and greed. if you feel guilty for using a plant that GOD gave us to relieve our suffering than maybe you are following the wrong CHRIST