Belle was in bad accident.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
last winter was so mild down here. didn't even call plow guy one time, just drove over and it melted again. my guess would be that this winter will have a bit more bite than last. may have to catch one of those direct flights outta Lansing to Jamaica this season... maybe RIU members can rent the whole plane.


Well-Known Member
Would you be sleeping on couch if cops just came looking for you? Fucking rookie. lmao.
She got home from market in middle of the night and walked in and crashed. She will probably be sleeping til kickoff tomorrow. lmao.


Well-Known Member
So is it common to have blood tested after an accident? My biggest beef with this state is probably that I move from a high crime area with tons of traffic and people and accidents to the middle of nowhere and somehow my car insurance tripled on the same shit box I have been driving for 3 years...and I am told if somebody crashes into me I have to pay for my car and they pay for theirs:confused:


Well-Known Member
We discussed blood test on phone when she was in hospital. She was told drawing blood was standard procedure. I told Belle I think it's standard procedure for charging a motherfucker.
She doesn't have no-fault. It was fully covered. It was a new car.
I wanted her to get full size SUV, it snows 9 months out of year up here, I swear. If she was driving big 4x4, she would have gotten a ticket for failure to yield. Not almost get fucking paralyzed from 35 mph rear-end accident.


Active Member
well i went to grow fast gardens and got 12 dirt pot flexible planters and pro-mix with a bag of amazon bloom to mix in for the clones i got from belle and will be using floraduo a 2 part feed for them sure hope i am doing it right any help would be appreicated. the owner said she will try to get me some rick simpson oil for my cancer for free lmao

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
no-fault is our michigan style of insurance. full coverage and PLPD are types of no-fault insurance. basically it's suposed to end the long wait for claims to pay in that it eliminates one ins co sueing another and the client waiting for it all to shake out. yours pays first and foremost, im not sure but I think your ins co can then attempt to collect from the other guys but yours pays you and theirs pays theirs then they fight. I think, they fight in the end to recover if tickets prove an actual fault. blood is so far from standard! that's what they take after a court order when you tell them to get fucked on a breathalyzer or roadside or something.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
possibly, blood was taken under a "duress" situation without a warrant and will be inadmissible evidence. that and two dozen insurance claims, in that exact area and time, from the foggy day... you have a very solid defense.


Well-Known Member
Update: No more wondering if she will be charged. She's been charged. Operating under the influence of her medication, (believe mj and prescription).
She paid bond yesterday, was booked. Her and her attorney (Beth Lacosse - LaCosse Law) haven't been able to have long sit down yet.
I do not expect the circus she had last time.


Well-Known Member
auction info?
I've been trying to stay out of that, other than donating seeds to her.
She said they are talking about doing it on The Seed Depot site.
I mentioned a lot of the people that would like to donate to belle do not want to send money to London or they'd have seeds to begin with.
Not sure on details of anything. I'd like to know though.
She has a lot of seeds of mine already and Rare Dankness has donated several packs already.


New Member
So Far the auction is lookin at two places. the seed depot(donating 50% 0f normal cost) will handle anyone who wants to bid and recieve through a third person. At GC3 We can rent the one portion for a physical auction......down side is no medicating. Maybe some of the more regular members can help out. Thats where we are so far


Well-Known Member
Just a thought..... maybe if the thread were moved to a nationwide thread instead of a Michigan one it would draw more attention and be better on Seed Depot. Otherwise the G3C would be a lot of fun. I'd be way more likely to bid at a live auction, but I would think Seed Depot would be more likely to draw higher bidders. Then again I may have no idea what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
I got an idea. I'm gonna lie and tell Belle she needs to get her Rare Dankness test thread going here and on the seed depot or they won't have auction.
Everyday she has said she will start the seeds tomorrow.
I am going to use this opportunity to get these Blue Dream test seeds in cubes.
One of Rare D - MI's dabs may peel eyes off TV. Judge Judy's bitch ass isn't going to help her one bit.
When seeds are going, I will tell her I am lying fuck.


Well-Known Member
A lot going on for mr gladstoned right now shit. The only time I have ever had my blood taken the damn faculty tricked me into taking a sleeping pill. Those meanies came in at like 6 in the morning and said dr orders blood. They wanted it yesterday but I said no. Anyway the meanies came in at 6am knowing damn well I was jacked right up on that damn sleeping pill they gave me.

So they come in and request blood. I am so outta it I say "make sure you do not take much" I went back to bed. Funny cause if and everytime someone pulls out a needle I reach lever 9.5 on the anxiety chart and blood is not taken. Fucking blood takers.


Well-Known Member
I done lots of piss tests, quite a few breathalyzers, but no blood tests yet.
I got her to start the test beans. When I told her she had to post it all online she told me to leave her the fuck alone. lmao.
Said she'd do it later, and something about me getting the fuck away from her. lmao.
Looks like I am doing dab alone. lol.

Rare Dankness Blue Dream X Nevil's Haze is going!